
tough guys huh?

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Secondly, why get all hung up on this and distract from the actual topic of this thread? How little America values the life of non-Americans.

Uh, the same thing could be said of almost any country, religion, race....Darfur bring up any stories? 9/11? Saddam? Suicide bombers killing people in London?

Who said I don't think the troops were stupid? FIND ONE POST WHERE I HAVE DEFENDED THEM...Go ahead look. I have been very consistant on punishing people who do bad thinsg no matter who they are.

However, Darius and you seem to jump all over the US by default. I tend to give our troops the benefit of the doubt.

Go ahead find where I have defended them and said they have done nothing wrong....Go ahead....I'll wait.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Darius............please feel free to KNOW what I am doing before you run your hole. I wrote a huge long post explaining a lot of things but then I erased it. I'll just say that I am ACCOUNTABLE for EVERY SINGLE ROUND that I put down range and I do everything I can including putting myself at considerable risk to make sure that innocent Iraqis do not die. There have been FBI investigations into shootings by contractors here and I can assure you that if you are fucked up they will put you in jail. The US Govt is doing everything it can to help the Iraqi people. You know what we get for it.........I'm on a mission that helps Iraqis with things like roads, water, power, help setting up elections, etc. We get shit heads trying to kill us................So........you are a citizen now........why don't you earn that shit and bring your ass here and do the job. Then you can run your hole. Until then. STFU. ;)

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You know what I could go on and on. My statement was very clear. Killing for money. You could call it any thing you like.

But I really would love to see what the “we never do any thing wrong crowd” has to say about this article?

Not if someone would have the balls to call a mercenary a coward to there face.

I think innocent people getting murdered is more important issue don’t you?
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I want to see if it will get ignored again?

What the hell do you mean ignore?

He posted at :Jul 25, 2005, 11:30 AM
I replied at: Jul 25, 2005, 11:38 AM

Oh god forbid I took 8 min....:S
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Clay if you are willing to kill people for money I consider you scum. Not sure if you are or not, But if you are well now you know how I feel about you.

that from a man who became a citizen of the US, who now has to be responsible for paying taxes , taxes pay for our troops, our troops and contractors are shooting people to avoid being shot, so if you have a problem with how things are working out, get your ass over there, for free and help them put the country back together or shut the fuck up.

You can not attack a person you do not know. Clay is not killing for money, clay is building the country, sadly there is a war that stands in his way. So fuck you IF your being a prick. How dare you refer to him as scum without knowing anything.

I am ashamed that I welcomed you to this country.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Darius............please feel free to KNOW what I am doing before you run your hole. I wrote a huge long post explaining a lot of things but then I erased it. I'll just say that I am ACCOUNTABLE for EVERY SINGLE ROUND that I put down range and I do everything I can including putting myself at considerable risk to make sure that innocent Iraqis do not die. There have been FBI investigations into shootings by contractors here and I can assure you that if you are fucked up they will put you in jail. The US Govt is doing everything it can to help the Iraqi people. You know what we get for it.........I'm on a mission that helps Iraqis with things like roads, water, power, help setting up elections, etc. We get shit heads trying to kill us................So........you are a citizen now........why don't you earn that shit and bring your ass here and do the job. Then you can run your hole. Until then. STFU. ;)

Be careful who you shoot at.
It looks like you might have failed your eye test. You missed a big point or maybe you choose too.

Know one thing. I wouldn’t have wasted a molecule of air on you from either one of my holes. Ron is the one who brought you up.

Maybe you missed the part where I said if you kill for money. If you do I still stand by what I said.

So until you learn to read ;)STFU


why don't you earn that shit and bring your ass here and do the job.

I have a feeling you made a choice and are getting paid quite well and your since of duty was not your only incentive. So please don’t play that game with me.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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get your ass over there, for free and help them put the country back together or shut the fuck up.

She has a point there. You DO speak Farsi don't you? I could use you every day. Hell.........I even travel to places that border Iran on a semi regular basis. You'd be right at home and could help us immensly.

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Secondly, why get all hung up on this and distract from the actual topic of this thread? How little America values the life of non-Americans.

Uh, the same thing could be said of almost any country, religion, race.... [SNIP]

Start other threads then. THIS thread is about AMERICAN troops, shooting innocents in the street and driving away. It is also about how little people care about this occuring.

You point your finger now, quite literally, at everyone else.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I have posted before a question to Juanesky but he was unable to answer, i hope you can.

Do you know what has been the harshest sentence for a crime or mistake commited by an american citizen in Iraq?

Unless someone proves me wrong, american citizens are not being held accountable enough or even at all for their crimes against innocent Iraquis.

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I have posted before a question to Juanesky but he was unable to answer, i hope you can.

Do you know what has been the harshest sentence for a crime or mistake commited by an american citizen in Iraq?

Unless someone proves me wrong, american citizens are not being held accountable enough or even at all for their crimes against innocent Iraquis.

It seems to be pattern here, that important things be repeated. Else they be burried.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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who now has to be responsible for paying taxes

Have been paying taxes since i started working. That was more then 7 years ago.

get your ass over there, for free and help them put the country back together or shut the fuck up.

Wow big words.
No one is there for free. Are troops get paid and the contractors get paid alot better. No one is doing Gods work so please save the BS for some one as smart as your self.

I am ashamed that I welcomed you to this country.***

You should be ashamed of your closed mindedness and you inability to read and comprehend.
Did you miss the part where I said IF HE IS KILLING PEOPLE FOR MONEY.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Ron - do you know what the current ROE is in Iraq?

It varies depending on where you are.

Correct. Part of the problem.

It is the very valuation of life which defines us as invaders or liberators; a liberator risks his life to save anothers, an invader watches out only for himself.

The reports of this kind of stuff is a perfect example of an "invaders" mentality. It seems very common.

Certainly does not excel acceptance of US efforts.
The biggest problem I have with this report is the "they kept rolling" part. Shows a massive lack of responsibility

Carpe Diem

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get your ass over there, for free and help them put the country back together or shut the fuck up.

She has a point there. You DO speak Farsi don't you? I could use you every day. Hell.........I even travel to places that border Iran on a semi regular basis. You'd be right at home and could help us immensly.

When i applied to the FBI after 9-11 they didn't want me. Who knows maybe this time.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Wow big words.
No one is there for free. Are troops get paid and the contractors get paid alot better. No one is doing Gods work so please save the BS for some one as smart as your self.

but your above them and so much better, so go ahead , help the world instead of bitching about it


You should be ashamed of your closed mindedness and you inability to read and comprehend.
Did you miss the part where I said IF HE IS KILLING PEOPLE FOR MONEY

hello , they arent hired to kill, there hired to repair the country but if they didnt have weapons theyd be killed. Your naive to think that in life ahhh nevermind, dont insult people you dont know, Clay is one of the nicest people you would ever meet, and I am so sick of people bitching about things that they choose to not fix. Get off your ass and do something about it or STFU
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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How dare you refer to him as scum without knowing anything.

I suggest you read the whole posts before answering, you don´t want people to think that you read as well as your president. :P


I am ashamed that I welcomed you to this country.

Do you work at the airport?

Edited to ask if you would call Darius dumbass face to face.

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Start other threads then

Do me a favor...Don't pretend to think I follow your orders.


THIS thread is about AMERICAN troops, shooting innocents in the street and driving away. It is also about how little people care about this occuring.

And how some seem to not care when others do it TO US troops.


You point your finger now, quite literally, at everyone else

Ya know I asked you to find ONE statement about me defending the Troops that did this...But you can't so you start this shit.

You made a statement, now back it up or apologize for speaking out of your ass.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Hi . . . welcome to the forums, where we have rules. You can't call someone a prick or a dumbass. And you did it explicitly. At least be a little discrete about it.

And guess what? This is America. We're free to say how we feel about something . . . in fact, it's our responsibility as citizens.

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I have posted before a question to Juanesky but he was unable to answer, i hope you can.

Do you know what has been the harshest sentence for a crime or mistake commited by an american citizen in Iraq?

Unless someone proves me wrong, american citizens are not being held accountable enough or even at all for their crimes against innocent Iraquis.

What would be sufficient for your uber liberal mind?

Boiling in oil?
Burning at the stake?
The Rack?
Scaphism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism)?
Being forced to listen to Abba nonstop for 4 weeks?
British Food?
Someone from the Tinfoil hat brigade calling you a bad name?

Other than that, you're just whining.

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hello dumbass , they arent hired to kill, there hired to repair the country but if they didnt have weapons theyd be killed. Your naive to think that in life ahhh nevermind, dont insult people you dont know, Clay is one of the nicest people you would ever meet, and I am so sick of people bitching about things that they choose to not fix. Get off your ass and do something about it or STFU

before you go shooting off your mouht too much, he didn't say anything bad about clay. He was asked if he thought clay was scum. He replied that only if Clay killed for money he would think that.

I don't think Clay is scum at all. If he would post that he thought it was great to be paid to shoot up some people in Iraq, I would think he is scum as well....

The way I read it, that is exactly what Darius said.....

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