
Does anyone boycott Nestle?

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Specifically in light of their aggressive and underhand marketing of powdered baby milk subsitute in developing and 3rd world countries?

I do, i'm just wondering what others thought about this, and if anyone else does.

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Care to be a little more specific as to what exactly they are doing?
When my wife and I took the Brestfeeding class (hey, I wasn't the only guy there) all the literature, slides, movies, etc... were provided by Formula makers. And all of the Formula companies stated that you can;t beat breast milk- but for whatever reason, if breastmilk wasn;t an option, then formula was the next best thing.

The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.

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IIRC the student union is boycotting them - so no students throughout the country even have the oportunity to buy Nestle products as they're not available in any of the shops.

That hardly means we don't have the opportunity to buy nestle. I couldn't do my food shopping at a Uni shop if I tried. (They do great baguettes though:P)
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You know, having just been through this process in the last year with regard to babies, I'm coming to the opinion that there are sure a lot of "breastfeeding" advocates who operate on the same lines as the "natural childbirth" advocates. I'd prefer to call them another term instead of "advocates.'

The nautral childbirth "advocates" were emphatic in pointing out how much better babies do when there is no anesthesia for childbirth. My wife started buying into it a bit, too. I was desperately trying to point out that nobody can take 20 newborns and say, "Epidural on that one. General for him. Natural for those two." I made my wife promise (for my sake and hers) to request an epidural at 4 cm. She did, and tells me it was the best thing she ever did for herself.

So, now my son gets breastfed and gets formula. Hey, I don't lactate. He was also starting on solid food at 4 months. Strikingly, he was off the charts in his growth, despite the fact that he received formula as about 50 percent of his diet for months.

Those bastards formula makers helped make a strong, big healthy kid. Sons of bitches did the opposite of kill my son. Those assholes - a nice strong healthy kid? How dare they provide a substitute for when milk is not available?

I can understand how people would be upset at the fact that these people use unsafe water to reconstitute this formula. Probably the same unsafe water they use to reconstitute the gruel used to feed starving people. Probably the same unsafe water used to wash mom's boob before baby puts mouth on it (hmm - you really can't boil the boob to disinfect it, can you).

I find stuff like this to be hogwash...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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The problem is not the formula itself but the fact that mothers in third world countries, who really can't afford to buy the formula, are watering down the samples given to them by nestle to the point where their children are becoming malnourished. The end result is a sick baby and a mother who can no longer breastfeed her child because her milk has dried up.

Same ol shit, just a different day.

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The problem is not the formula itself but the fact that mothers in third world countries, who really can't afford to buy the formula, are watering down the samples given to them by nestle to the point where their children are becoming malnourished. The end result is a sick baby and a mother who can no longer breastfeed her child because her milk has dried up.

Same ol shit, just a different day.

That is a very serious accusation. Do you have facts to back that up?

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Where does it even say that the formula companies have to provide formula to a third world country? It is FREE or a heavy discounted price. Thats like when I was working at a soup kitchen and some jerk complained because it was Chicken again. I wanted to snatch the food right out of his hands. All those boycotting the formula companies, what are you doing for these mothers and these children. How dare people sit on there high horse and pass judgement on a company who is doing something they dont have to do.

And as far as people who advocate and practually try to force breastfeeding and natural childbirth on others are insane. I esp love it when a man does. Unless you have spent 18 hours pushing a a watermelon out of the smallest visable hole in your body then you have no idea, or had someone suck on your nipples so bad that they actually bleed. That goes for woman advocates to. There is a reason that formula exsist, beside sterile enviroments the invention of formula (nestle invented it btw) is the leading cause in the decline of infant deaths.

Back in the day, people didnt even name their children until they reached about 1 or 2.

Shame on you nestle, for being a company that has single handley given mothers a safer and sometimes safer alternitive to keep there child nourished.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Yes, it's very nice that they are providing free 'Samples' of their product to these mothers. But trust me, they fully expect them to PURCHASE the product in the future.


All those boycotting the formula companies, what are you doing for these mothers and these children. How dare people sit on there high horse and pass judgement on a company who is doing something they dont have to do.

No, the question should be "what are you doing for these mothers and children?"

Personally, I'm not doing anything, boycott didn't work...but education might.

Here are links from the other side of the debate, they in no way represent my current philosophy in life, which is basically I could give a damn, but in order to educate yourself you need both sides of the story.



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yeah, I never really saw much of a point in this boycott. seems to me that Nestles is neither forcing nor tricking anyone into using its baby formula, or saying it is better than breastfeeding. Breast milk is better, unless Mom has HIV or something.
Speed Racer

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I dont do anything, see I highly believe in take care of your own before you take care of others. We have starving babies in our country, feed them first, but hey ya want to know what I do I am a single mom, I go to college, I volunteer at the zoo, I am involved in my church, and I butt in on a debate when people speak of which they know little about or I disagree. I dont need to do anything else, but then again I am not throwing stones at those who do try to help.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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This debate is very interesting.

According to UNICEF, infant deaths are way up due to formula feeding especially in 3rd world countries. Infants are dying from disease and DIARRHEA due to the lack of anti-bodies (contained in breastmilk) that could prevent disease and help immunize them.

Comparing this issue with your 'jerk' complaining about chicken soup doesn't work. It's more like saying "Hey, at least you poor people are getting food. You aren't starving to death." Even though they're dying of disease and dehydration directly correllated to that food.

But then again, our benevolent drug companies could just send over more vaccines...

Cuz we all know chemicals and formulas are much better for us than nature.

On another note, I'm appalled to hear a man say he practically forced his wife to agree to an epidural during childbirth. I wouldn't condemn a woman for having one - but how could a man undermine his wife's abilities or desire to have a natural birth if she wanted one? Whatever happened to labor SUPPORT?

(yes, I'm pregnant. yes, I'm reading and learning alot.) :P

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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The milk of a mother who eats almost nothing on a daily basis is NOT better then any water downed formula. Maybe we should send over more birth control. Why is it mostly our responsibility to take care of others when these problems exsist in our own back yard?

Maybe Im selfish, maybe Im spoiled, but I have less sympthey considering alot of people in 3rd world countries have multible children when they cant even keep themselves fed and clothed. We have that same problem here, but call them welfare moms.

Yes the stories are the same, one person is complaining about chicken again, and one person is complaining because of the water quality in the country that recieves aid from a formula company who has no reason other then compassion to provide what they do. People and countries need to suck it up and take responibility for themselves, and when they do recieve gifts or services should be grateful. I wonder if all these boycotters are sitting at home drinking their wine, or are they jumping their new rig? Only to read some article and come online and bitch because others dont do enough. My family and I have always done what we can for others but never at the risk of sacrificing our own lives and future but once again I do not throw stones at the people who do help.

Congrats on being prego, it hurts, but it is over and then the real pain begins, ie terrible twos through thirty, the joys you recieve through motherhood will outlast all the pain and tears.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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The milk of a mother who eats almost nothing on a daily basis is NOT better then any water downed formula.

maybe we should be sending food to nourish the mother which will in turn better nourish the baby - rather than formula which causes more potential harm than good in 3rd world environments.

I'm not advocating or boycotting. I just don't understand how anyone could advocate profit over health in any situation.

Thanks for the congrats! I'm LOVING being pregnant and can't wait to meet him.

edited: I do not believe ANY company does anything without the expectation of boosted sales/profits. As someone else pointed out - once the mother's milk dries up due to sample formula use - she is FORCED to rely on formula from then on. And of course, it will not always be free.

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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same reason we cant feed all our own or house all our own. We do provide food and medicine. We are the leaders in aid to other countries. To me its like me not letting my kids eat this week because I saw someone on the street with a sign that is homeless. Take care of our own help out when we can. We can not make the world better. It is not our job to either but we do try.

Words of wisdom with mothering. After a feeding of formula or breastmilk. It so isnt a good idea to put your infant over your head and look up at him and doing the "goo goo gaa gaa your soooo cute you handsome boy "thing. Its just plain gross, the possible outcome that is.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I just don't understand how anyone could advocate profit over health in any situation.

Maybe a few people here didn't read the link that I posted. So I'll quote it directly here, below. I think this will respond to your negative claims about Nestle.


Breastfeeding is best for babies. Chemist Henri Nestlé stated this in his Treatise on Nutrition soon after founding our company in 1867, and it is still true today.

We are committed to ensuring that the best interests of mothers and babies are served by our employees around the world. The Nestlé Infant Formula in developing countries:

DOES encourage and support exclusive breastfeeding as the best choice for babies during the first months of life

DOES warn mothers of the consequences of incorrect or inappropriate use of infant formula

DOES believe that there is a legitimate market for infant formula 3 when a safe alternative to breast milk is needed

DOES believe that parents have the right to choose how their babies are to be fed on the basis of adequate and objective information

DOES comply with both the letter and the spirit of the World Health Organization's International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes

DOES support efforts by governments to implement the International Code through legislation, regulation, or other appropriate measures

DOES NOT advertise infant formula to the public

DOES NOT permit staff whose responsibilities include the marketing of infant formula to make direct contact with mothers, except in response to consumer complaints

DOES NOT give incentives to its staff based on infant formula sales

DOES NOT use pictures of babies on its infant formula packs

DOES NOT distribute free infant formula samples to mothers

DOES NOT give financial or material incentives to health professionals for the purpose of promoting infant formula

DOES NOT allow educational material relating to the use of infant formula to be displayed publicly in hospitals and clinics

DOES NOT donate free infant formula for use by healthy new born babies except in exceptional social cases (e.g. where the government policy allows manufacturers to respond to a specific medical request, for example if the mother dies in child birth)

WILL take disciplinary measures against any Nestlé personnel who deliberately violates this policy.

Nestlé invites government officials, health professionals, and consumers, to draw to its attention any Nestlé infant formula marketing practices in developing countries which they consider are not in conformity with the above commitment.

*** end quote ***

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