
Junior High Kid Transmitting HIV??

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HIV positive jr. high girl may have had unprotected sex with students
By The Associated Press
(3/14/05 - LUBBOCK, TX)

Health investigators in Lubbock on Monday continued to check into reports that a junior high girl infected with HIV had sex with other students.

Information gathered through Monday indicated the sex between the infected student and at least one partner was protected, said Tommy Camden, director of the Lubbock Health Department.
The student knew of the infection, he said.

Camden declined to give the student's age or gender. Lubbock television station KAMC-TV reported that the infected student is a 14-year-old girl.

Camden said it is not known whether the student's subsequent sexual encounters with other partners were protected.

He said the number of people who engaged in sexual relations with the infected student or other partners had not been determined, but he said the circle was small.

The Lubbock Board of Health announced the investigation at its meeting late last week and urged parents to talk to their children about consequences in having sex, Camden said.

The health department is waiving HIV testing and exam fees for students during the investigation.

*Figured this might POSSIBLY provoke discussion so I placed it here instead of anywhere else just to be safe* <--no pun intended

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If she knew and didn't tell she should be hung, drawn and quartered.

In use at least until Tudor times in the UK. The victim is first hung by the neck but taken from the scaffold while still alive. The entrails and genitals are then removed and the torso hacked into four quarters.

Was pretty commonly done to traitors.

It's only fair.

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In my eyes she would be considered 'sick' mentally

Sick? For having sex at a young age? Uninformed, yes. Poor judgement, yes. Prehaps seeking love and attention that she may not be recieving from her family, yes. But sick, no. Teenagers have sex every day and it is alarming how young children are now when the choose to have sex for the first time.

This young girl is no different from them except she gambled, like all sexually active people do, and she got burned. To me the assumption that she is mentally sick is a bit judgemental.

This is obviously a troubled little girl that needs help. It is tragic that her poor decisions and ignorance has perpetuated this horrible disease.

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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If she knew and didn't tell she should be hung, drawn and quartered.
In use at least until Tudor times in the UK. The victim is first hung by the neck but taken from the scaffold while still alive. The entrails and genitals are then removed and the torso hacked into four quarters.

Then distributed around the kingdom as a deterrent, pre media of course, how else are the government supposed to spread their authority?...

Now then, this is going to be messy, are you sure thats what you want to do with someone with HIV? Wouldn't the body parts be considered as biohazard?

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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The way it sounds to me..is that she caught the disease from intercourse...In my eyes she would be considered 'sick' mentally....only at 14 yrs old too...what is the world coming to? It's freaking scary.[:/]

She also may have been infected in utero. Lots of children with HIV were infected this way. Her own infection may not have been due to promiscuity.

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In my eyes she would be considered 'sick' mentally

Sick? For having sex at a young age? Uninformed, yes. Poor judgement, yes. Prehaps seeking love and attention that she may not be recieving from her family, yes. But sick, no. Teenagers have sex every day and it is alarming how young children are now when the choose to have sex for the first time.

This young girl is no different from them except she gambled, like all sexually active people do, and she got burned. To me the assumption that she is mentally sick is a bit judgemental.

This is obviously a troubled little girl that needs help. It is tragic that her poor decisions and ignorance has perpetuated this horrible disease.

Let me rephrase. "Sick Mentally" as having issues. I agree with what you are saying, I just could have worded it better. Who knows what the girl has been raised through, what type of house hold she was brought up in. I think it is sad.

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Woaw, who could have known? i mean, she wasn´t gay, right?. Then she must be a black woman, because everybody knows than most of the HIV positives are either gay or black woman, so no need to target any other group, right?

sorry for the rant, but i couldn´t help myself from relating this thread to the rare disease/gay/HIV thread.

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let me begin by saying that i truly feel sorry for her. that being said, you should see how they would treat rapists if i had anything to say about it. and that (drawn and quartered) would pretty much cover the "spreading aids knowingly" charge. oh, and the drunk driving deterrent - when a fatality is caused by a drunk, the penalty is about $0.32. about the cost of a .38 cal shot to the back of the head. in that case, a lawyer is not needed.
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

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At 14 years old she should be old enough to understand about mortality. Also, i highly doubt that she did not know what HIV was, how it is transmitted and how it develops into something much worse.

She probably didn't have the big picture but I'm pretty sure she knew it was BAD.

Still she had sex with others without informing them of her condition. Perhaps it is too much to ask of a 14 year old to consider the ramifications. I personally do not think so.

I hope she gets help.

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As a tenth grade teacher who works with 15-16 year old teens, I am constantly amazed by the amount of sex these kids are having at a young age.

Every day I see pregnant students going down the hall, and some are in my classes. I see the pictures of babies proudly displayed by their fathers (some have two or more children by different mothers). I am told by my female students that they don't really have to earn a diploma, they've already got a baby and a monthly check.

I've heard tales of parents intentionally leaving the house or going to bed early in order to give their daughters some private time with their boyfriends.

Worst of all, it has been explained to me by guidance counselors who have studied the phenomenon, that it has become a badge of honor for young women to become pregnant at a young age and out of wedlock.

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Woaw, who could have known? i mean, she wasn´t gay, right?. Then she must be a black woman, because everybody knows than most of the HIV positives are either gay or black woman, so no need to target any other group, right?

sorry for the rant, but i couldn´t help myself from relating this thread to the rare disease/gay/HIV thread.

While MOST of the AIDS cases in the US today may be limited to one or two particular groups, that does not exclude other groups from receiving the bug. I can't recall a single time when anyone has claimed otherwise.

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While MOST of the AIDS cases in the US today may be limited to one or two particular groups, that does not exclude other groups from receiving the bug. I can't recall a single time when anyone has claimed otherwise.


But they are not... Someone claimed in another thread that due to economic reasons the government could not target everyone in the ads and the best grouping would be by sexual inclination/gender/race (gay/ black women)
I think this incidents is directly related foremost to human stupidity (her) and secondly to a poor anti-HIV campaign from a religious leading government.
IMO, if there is not enough money to advertise to everybody, the most important group to target are teenagers who are about to discover sex.

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I see the pictures of babies proudly displayed by their fathers (some have two or more children by different mothers).

If I would've gotten a girl pregnant in HS my folks would've castrated me w/o anesthesia.


I've heard tales of parents intentionally leaving the house or going to bed early in order to give their daughters some private time with their boyfriends.

Teens are gonna have sex period. Best thing parents can do is talk to them about safe sex and STDs.


Worst of all, it has been explained to me by guidance counselors who have studied the phenomenon, that it has become a badge of honor for young women to become pregnant at a young age and out of wedlock.

WOW. That's mind boggling.

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If she's 14, she probably didn't know her HIV status, since she'd have to have parental consent to get tested, as she's underage.

Warning: Major Thread Drift:

What in the hell kind of world do we live in where a child needs parental consent to get an AIDS test but doesn't need parental consent to receive an abortion?

There's definitely something wrong with that. :S

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