
Gay men/ rare STD/ and spreading HIV!

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You still haven't told me how many men you've slept with that have refused your offer of a condom, or told me how many gay establishments you've been in that have had Zero posted information regarding HIV infection. Answer my questions then I'll answer yours. Fair?

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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I should go back and read the thread carefully, but I sure don't remember any gay person in this thread saying anything of the sort.

Mabey you should as they have challanged people to back up that very type of statement. Go and read the first four pages.

>Well, something certainly is.

I hope you don't represent the gay community. I came in to this thread with an attitude that I could care less if someone is gay. Why would I? That attitude is changing fast.

And that is a personal attack!
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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I should go back and read the thread carefully, but I sure don't remember any gay person in this thread saying anything of the sort.

Actually Bill said it....So you are correct.

Keith said that women and gay men have the same risk....One that has been debated.


Well, something certainly is.

Nice insult! And I love how Bill does nothing about it...
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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No gay person has said that

They have challanged that very type of statement. Asked for facts, proof, ect. You need to read through this thread again
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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This is not true according to many gay people. They have said in this thread that they are not at higher risk.

It so stupid it's insulting

You know what's insulting? When people make things up as they go and get bent over imagined facts.

Find one, just one (1) statement made in this thread by a gay person saying they're not at higher risk of HIV. Then point to where you got the idea many gay people said it.

The fact is the gay community has fought very hard against the AIDS epidemic and LONG before the heterosexual community ever gave a flying fuck. For over a decade that fight was successful; the rate of infection was dropping significantly. HIV/AIDS has been around for over 20 years. Those of us active in the gay community back then remember the horrors of watching Many friends die long slow horrible deaths. We take HIV transmission VERY seriously.

The problem the gay community is now facing is young 'adults' who never went through what we did. When we were that age HIV/AIDS was unknown and there were NO defenses for it. 20 years ago HIV/AIDS was a death sentence. Today there are medications that allow infected individuals to live much longer lives. Today's youth aren't watching their friends die long slow deaths. They see people taking pills as though they had the flu.

The problem with the current fight against HIV/AIDS in the gay community is getting the youth of today to understand that HIV/AIDS is still just as dangerous as it was 20 years ago. The gay community is facing the same problem the Heart and Lung association is fighting teen-age smoking. You tell them it will kill them, but if the effects aren't immediate they don't see a problem. It isn't until they become ill that the message sinks in. How do you get That message to sink in? How do we get our youth to understand they ARE NOT invincible?

Here's another analogy. Suppose your house is infested with termites. The house has several pockets of infestation, but one area seems particularly bad. You know you have to eliminate the entire termite population to irradicate the infestation. Do you target that one large problem area, or do you treat the entire house?

It's the same thing many of us are saying here. Is there a big problem with HIV/AIDS transmission in the gay community? You bet there is. Will targeting just the gay community rid the entire population of HIV/AIDS? NO! That's the Point we've been trying ot make.

What insults me is when people jump up on their soapbox and scream their righteous indignation over something they have no idea what they're talking about.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Keith, I agree with what you say, but I'd like to add one hetero guy's perspective:

"Whaddya say we all STFU and get on with our lives?! Let the biotech people research for a cure, charities will fund it. And let the Religious whackjobs strain their vocal cords and beat their bibles, "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." ($0.02 to Bill Shakespeare)

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Well folks, how times change. Up until this thread I have never harbored any bad feelings toward Gay people. Why would I. I really don't know any very well, but most of those I have met have been good people. I have been drinking/ partying with gay people, and although I have never got to know them, I can't say I havn't enjoyed myself around them. (Except one in particular)
Now since this thread I have spent a fair amount of time trying to learn about the gay culture. I spent time on a couple of Pro-Gay websites looking for knowledge.
I expressed some concern for how the Gay people in this thread are were portrying themselves to people like myself that have limited exposure to Gays and guess what.

I get called Stupid by one of the first Gays to respond to my post.

I do know much more about gays than I did a week ago. I have read studies on various aspects of the gay culture, and/or studies comparing gay's to hetro's
I have learned quite a bit from this thread as it forced me to do a little reading on the subject. I did not post on this thread until it was 8 pages long.

I just wish I would have never came across this thread and had my feelings altered. It makes me feel bad.
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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Why not sit back and keep quiet? Because complacency kills.

Um, I said:

Let the biotech people research for a cure, charities will fund it.

As for shagging someone without protection, you play, you pay. Stupidity kills, and fate cares not whether you're straight or gay, meth-head or not.

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What insults me is when people jump up on their soapbox and scream their righteous indignation over something they have no idea what they're talking about.

I agree. And there is alot of that on both sides. I read 8 pages worth of it before I made a post
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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I doin't see how people can see me saying, "lets educate to gays about this disease" as "Gay bashing".

Some people kill me.

hey, when you find the line where I say *that*, you get back to me. I'm just replying to your line about targetted education. In the world I live in, there are a boatload of non gay, not black people having unplanned children and getting other incurable STDs.

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I get called Stupid by one of the first Gays to respond to my post.

Touchy touchy! Now admittedly you are the one who writes "any" then tells us we should telepathically know you meant "many", but still, words ARE important.

So go back and read my words. I said "something", not "someone". What "thing" did I mean?

Think hard...

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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hey, when you find the line where I say *that*, you get back to me.

Sorry not targeted at you.

But it seems unless you are gay you had better not try to learn or ask questions...god forbid you have an opinion.:S

Seems if you don't agree with them about everything you are out to get them.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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No offense, but 8 pages of this thread can't possibly educate you on how the gay community is working to end the AIDS epidemic. I commend you for wanting to educate yourself, but this thread is Not Indicative of the attitudes of the gay or straight population on this issue, nor is it a good place to learn any meaningful information.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Seems if you don't agree with them about everything you are out to get them.

Well, keep in mind the notion of jailing gays came up early in the conversation, and quaranteening was proposed in the 80s. That sort of stuff tends to put any group on the aggressive defensive.

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I never told you shit about what you should have known. You are putting words in my mouth. All I said it that it was a typo. telepathically my ass.

I will say it again since my post was deleted. I have met many gay people but I do not really know any except for two guys that I have meet at a dz. I really don't know shit about either one of them.

I am done with you. You are not worth my time and are just turning me prejudice against Gay's. Something that I don't to have to live with
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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o offense, but 8 pages of this thread can't possibly educate you on how the gay community is working to end the AIDS epidemic.

Do you even read the posts? Like I said this, thread had caused me to spend time on two different gay websites to try and educate myself.

Again a case of you hearing what you want to hear.
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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So, suppose, he is offended by what you have to say. Should that be a reason for him to become prejudice against all straight people? I hope not. If I based my opion of an entire culture on the actions of one member of that culture, I'd hate everyone. :S

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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You just refuse to get it and continue to see what you want to see. I have already said I don't want be prejudice and would try not to. It is not a good felling to have and never have been in my life before.

but if every straight guy offended him(or most of them) I would say he has a right to be prejudice.
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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Well, keep in mind the notion of jailing gays came up early in the conversation

Did "I" say it?


and quaranteening was proposed in the 80s.

For gays or for people with HIV? Big difference.


That sort of stuff tends to put any group on the aggressive defensive.

And them attacking when people ask questions or differ in opinion only hurts their cause more.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Like I said this, thread had caused me to spend time on two different gay websites to try and educate myself.

I can't wait to hear what websites you're browsing to educate yourself about gay people. That sounds like a truly BAD idea.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Lets see here. You claimed to be insulted be people jumping on their soapbox and talking about stuff they have no idea about.

To which I agreed and said I had read 8 pages of it from both sides(people not knowing what they were taling about)

You then went on to critizise me for making a judgement after reading 8 pages of this thread. This is after I agreed that there were a lot of people not knowing what they were talking about . Are you just mad that I read the thread.

Mabey you need a comprehension class?
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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