
Hunting ban

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I dont see the Rabbies angle as an excuse for ripping foxes apart. (first we dont appear to have a Rabbies problem in the UK)...

But, if a Rabbid fox was caught by a pack of hounds, then presumeably, the dogs could contract it and they live in much closer contact to humans, enhancing not reducing the problem.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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We are lucky. Being an island we have managed to eradicate rabies, and we work hard at keeping it out. That's why we have the strict quarantine laws & pet passports.

That was actually one of the big arguments against the Channel Tunnel - How to make sure no rabies-infected animal could use it!

In the meantime, what this law bans is using packs of hounds to hunt foxes. That suits me. I had one "run-in" with a hunt some years ago! Let's just say that any future hunt that comes near me & mine is going to be met with a suitable hammer for their hounds & horses!>:( I intensely dislike the arrogant bastards who think they can go where they wish and do as they wish while hunting a fox! Obviously I fully support the new law.

Oh Lord, I should have known better, especially as I knew better.The rabies questions in Europe was one of my examination questions for hunter's license, I simply forgot, sorry.

You know, we have similar kinds of "fox" hunting. That, of course, it not hunting a fox. It is a fake, the hunting dogs take the smell and run like hell behind a fake rabbit, fox, they do not mind, they run. Fox hunting by horse and with dogs is forbidden since a long time.

What is funny: Do your fox hunters just follow the dogs over every private property, crossing just everybody's backyard which is in their way? I'm horse riding since more than 20 yrs, including military, and our traditional autumn "huntings" (see above, just horses and dogs running like fools.... and horse riders drinking like fools at every corner :P) are going across the fields. But before, all our ways were determined, and our master strictly followed those roads.

We were not allowed to cross private properties. AND we are not arrogant bastards! Perhaps, the one or the other is....

OK, let's start a new thread: Ban the hammers in the UK, or much better: Ban horses!

But, but: What will happen to Camilla right now?


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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You know, we have similar kinds of "fox" hunting. That, of course, it not hunting a fox. It is a fake, the hunting dogs take the smell and run like hell behind a fake rabbit, fox, they do not mind, they run.

We call it "Drag-Hunting" and it's still legal.


Fox hunting by horse and with dogs is forbidden since a long time.

So British Law finally catches up with Germany.


What is funny: Do your fox hunters just follow the dogs over every private property, crossing just everybody's backyard which is in their way?

Yes. The Fox ran. The Dogs chased the Fox. The riders chased the dogs. If the hunted Fox came onto your smallholding then....


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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>Some people are going to lose their jobs and tied houses in
>area's of high unemployment

Not if you start dog hunts!

>The hunt dog has been reared to hunt so cannot be turned into a
> pet.

My grandfather herded sheep in Ireland. When their herding dogs were too old to herd they'd keep them around and feed them until they died; they felt they owed it to the animals that had served them for so long. But again, whether hunters do that or not is their choice. The idea that people who can afford to fox hunt can't afford to feed some dogs is silly - especially if a 1910-circa irish sheepherder can afford it.

Again, do whatever you want - but for heaven's sake, take responsibility for you own decisions. No one's forcing you to kill any dogs.

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The hunt will only go on to private land with the owners permission, when the hunt crosses private land (with permission) the owners are compensated for any damage done .
The hounds while chasing a fox will unfortunatly cross private property, The hunt master will endever to call the hounds back
before this happens, but as you can imagine calling to bay 30 or more hounds in the heat of the chase is not eaisy.
Again any damage caused by the hounds is compensated for.

Before anyone thinks, Hell a pack of uncontrollabe hounds running wild across the country side. this is not the case
these dogs have no intrest at all in people or domestic animals, they will only go for the sent of the fox.
When an IF they catch up with the fox they do not kill it in a mad frenzy they surround it or stay at the entrance of the burrow
where it has gone to ground, an they stay there untill the hunt master arrives, who will on alot of occasions despatch the fox
before giving it to the hounds.

What I find ironic is that never a word was said by anti blood sport groups when we where paid to go out
an commit the wholesale slaughter of Badgers by gassing them in their dens

Nobody says a word about the Pheasant shoots, or the annual cull of Stags, where the governmet charges
French,Belgium an German hunters for the pleasure of shooting our Deer ( I say our Deer but as some one pointed out
I am an ex pat, so they are not now my deer )

Nobody says a word about Rabbeting with Ferrets or Stoats

So why should fox hunting with hounds be any different, It's different because these aniti blood sport people
are Townies who do not understand the needs of the countryside


Ban the hammers in the UK, or much better: Ban horses!

Banning football I can understand, but why would you want to ban horses:S

Gone fishing

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>Some people are going to lose their jobs and tied houses in
>area's of high unemployment

Not if you start dog hunts!

>The hunt dog has been reared to hunt so cannot be turned into a
> pet.

My grandfather herded sheep in Ireland. When their herding dogs were too old to herd they'd keep them around and feed them until they died; they felt they owed it to the animals that had served them for so long. But again, whether hunters do that or not is their choice. The idea that people who can afford to fox hunt can't afford to feed some dogs is silly - especially if a 1910-circa irish sheepherder can afford it.

Again, do whatever you want - but for heaven's sake, take responsibility for you own decisions. No one's forcing you to kill any dogs.

Billvon, I seem to get the idea that you do not understand the British hunt, or you are being obtuse

The hunting foxhound is about as far removed to a sheepdog as a rat is to an elephant
A normal farm will have 2-4 dogs. A hunt may have upto 50 depending on the size of the hunt
whilst not hunting these dogs are in a private kennel owned by the hunt. The hunt employs full time
kennel maids to lookafter the dogs, also hunt Volunteers help with exercising them on private land
the subscription dues of the hunt pay for the upkeep of the dogs

For the dogs sake I really do hope that a different form of hunt can be formed, ie: using only scent
but then how do you reward the dog at the end of the hunt. I somehow do not think a pat on the back an
a couple of fido biscuits will suffice.

Gone fishing

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Ban the hammers in the UK, or much better: Ban horses!

Banning football I can understand, but why would you want to ban horses:S

Throwing The Hammer is dangerous, isn't it? :)

You do not like football? What do you prefer instead? Cricket?

Hunting foxes with dogs seems to have a martial touch for many people. I see it a little different. What I completely would refuse is gassing foxes. About 20 yrs ago, it was a big issue here, as all rabies incidents were blamed on foxes.

BTW: What does "IF" mean?

Deer hunting in GB is great, but it's expensive. Poland is cheaper and the trophies are mucho larger :P


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Cricket, God forbid It sends me to sleep quicker than a lullaby

Water skiiing was my thing till I had a bad accident way back involving a railway sleeper in the medway channel

"IF" in this context means the hunts avarage at actually catching a fox is not very good
Foxes are cunning animals and very often give the hounds the slip
A good example is a fox will run for an urban enviroment where the hunt can not continue with the chase

Thats my definition of IF

The Badgers where gassed because at the time the goverment thought that they were responsible
for bovine tuburculosis. I think that it has now changed.

As I have stated I am an Ex pat so as an ex pat and a ex British hunter (of sorts) I would love to
see all types of snares outlawed, these instruments are not sporting and cause great pain an suffering to
any animal unlucky enough to be trapped by them.

Legal deer hunting is/was out of reach for the normal person, not having enough money for the
licence or being able to have the rifle needed for the hunt .

Incidently the British have a strange law about deers that are road victims
the driver of the vechicle that hits the deer cannot keep the deer
but the driver of the following vechicle can, strange eh!

When I lived in England I lived on a farm in the SW. At the end of the season I very often
took out a couple of stags with a crossbow using a homemade lathe turned ashwood 20cm bolt
with a cross on the dull point.
I would lie in a furrow with the mist rising an wait for the deer to come out of the woods
The freezer full of venison was worth the disconfort.

Gone fishing

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So why not turn hunting your fox hounds into a sport? Sounds like the only logical solution to me ;)

We could'nt do that. That would be cruel.
But we could use them for hunting polititians an animal rights people:ph34r:

Do you think killing the animals for fun is not cruel in general?

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rubs and scrapes are signs left by rutting bucks for does and other bucks.

Rubs are when bucks scratch their antlers agaisnt trees to leave sign (or to remove velvet, depending on time of season).

Scrapes are when bucks scratch their hooves against the grounds, basically announcing "Hey, I'm here, and I'm horny" to the neighborhood.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Do you think killing the animals for fun is not cruel in general?

No, hunting is a sport, Some animals need to be culled, for many reasons. ie: too many for the enviroment,
To strengthen the gene pool or they are just a pest to society.
As any hunter will tell you it is of the upmost importance that the animal has a quick an clean death
If the hunter is any good the hunted is dead before it knows whats hit it.

Gone fishing

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I just realised my mistake when you said,

OK, let's start a new thread: Ban the hammers in the UK, or much better: Ban horses!

I took "ban the hammers" to mean the London football club Totenham hotspurs

now I realise you ment to say "ban hammers"

By the way your English is excelent,

Gone fishing

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Do you think killing the animals for fun is not cruel in general?

No. It is not. Just have a close look on our today's nature - OK, it varies from country to country - and you will find out that hunters have to take over the roll as a predator.
The balance in nature is no more given. So, hunters are required. I will keep it short like that. Hunting is not killing just to kill. That's nonsense.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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No, hunting is a sport,

Sport that requires killing.

Some animals need to be culled, for many reasons. ie: too many for the enviroment,

So lets say, I buy some land to build a ranch. And then I say: "there are too many wolves around, they are really hazardous for my ranch" So killing some of them is perfectly justified.

To strengthen the gene pool

I am a geneticist. Can you elaborate this fir me?

As any hunter will tell you it is of the upmost importance that the animal has a quick an clean death
If the hunter is any good the hunted is dead before it knows whats hit it.

So if I kill a person, will it be a good argument that the death was clean and quick?

I had a teacher who taught me how to hunt. He believed that it is about fare competition between you and the animal with animal having a chance to win by escaping of killing you. Modern hunting is far from that. I started to hunt using my own rifle when I was 14. Together with my dad I have participated in bear and wolf hunting. It was a lot of fun, challenging experience, but at some point I realized we do not kill because we need food or because the animals threatening our life. We kill for FUN. The modern hunting is not about competition, it is about killing for fun.

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ance in nature is no more given. So, hunters are required. I will keep it short like that. Hunting is not killing just to kill. That's nonsense.

Typical argument, I hear this a lot. I imagine how every hunter on the planet gets up in the morning and prepares for a hunting trip seriously believing that he's about to go on mission to save the mother nature from terrible disasters caused by lack of balance in animal populations. Is that the case?

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The modern hunting is not about competition, it is about killing for fun.

I'd like you to tell that to many of my friends who do, in fact, hunt for food.


I did hunt for food on several occasions. It was a long winter near polar circle, we were isolated from the main base because the roads were covered by several feet of snow and we were running out of supplies. I imagine your friends are in similar situations.

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I imagine your friends are in similar situations.

Hardly (though I assume you knew that) - but what's the harm in hunting for their own meat as opposed to buying it at the grocery store? Someone is going to kill something, do feel better having the slaughter house t do it for you?

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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The balance in nature is no more given. So, hunters are required. I will keep it short like that. Hunting is not killing just to kill. That's nonsense.


I completely agree...and when I was younger I used to be against hunting of any kind....I was seriously naive...We are part of nature, and to remove us (humans) from the equation could be detrimental...

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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I imagine your friends are in similar situations.

Hardly (though I assume you knew that) - but what's the harm in hunting for their own meat as opposed to buying it at the grocery store? Someone is going to kill something, do feel better having the meat processing plant do it for you?


Meat processing plant does it better, quicker meaning that the animals do not suffer.

I have seen and participated (:() in to many challenging chasings of wounded animals to believe in quick death.

Plus ... you dot not normally eat foxes, wolves and many other animals people hunt.

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First I was talking about England with a population of over 55 million people
and a land mass smaller than Texas.
the free spaces where there are wild animals have to be managed
The wild deer are in smallish heards or on private estates.
Stags are moved round the country every couple of years to prevent inbreeding
as a geneticist this you should understand

Your last comment on killing people I have decided to ignore

Gone fishing

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First I was talking about England with a population of over 55 million people
and a land mass smaller than Texas.
the free spaces where there are wild animals have to be managed
The wild deer are in smallish heards or on private estates.
Stags are moved round the country every couple of years to prevent inbreeding
as a geneticist this you should understand

Your last comment on killing people I have decided to ignore

I still do not get the gene pool argument.
Lets try to dissect the problem using a simple model. Lets say we have 5 families of foxes derived from five different pairs of parents in county A and 5 families of foxes derived from five different pairs of parents in county B. Counties A and B are completely isolated (migration is impossible).

Are you saying that by eliminating some of these animals in county A you will help to avoid inbreeding problem?

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Meat processing plant does it better, quicker meaning that the animals do not suffer

You are under a common misconception, Animals suffer on the way to slaughter houses
and suffer even more at the slaughter house . The term humain death is a joke
Pigs Sheep and Beef are more or less all slaughterd in the same manor
First over loaded into trucks driven to the slaughter house, put in pens
then led to the crush where they are killed, On most occasions they can see the animal in front dying
an if they cant they can hear and smell the blood and fear.

I suggest you visit a slaughter house in full swing, You'd probably end up a vegeterian by the end of the day

Oh an chickens fare even worse

So all the time people are happy to eat meat, dont talk to me about hunting being cruel.

Gone fishing

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