
The 14 Characteristics of Fascism

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if i take a brief look in the profiles of _many_posters in dz.com it really looks like the _the_ place for people with more posts than jumps

Filling out your profile isn't about jump numbers, at least not in the SC. Filling out your profile is all about having the guts to put your name, your personal credibility on the line with regards to what you post. Jump numbers (in this particular forum) mean nothing.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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There's at least one USPA National Director who likes to post anonymously because they think the content of their posts is the only thing they should be judged on.

The difference between "free_man" and the USPA National Director you speak of, is that pretty much everybody knows who the ND is. Free_man, for some odd reason (or maybe it isn't) is unwilling to share his true identity with us.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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and now, back to the original thread....

I am quite sure that freeman posted tis to make a parallel with the actual governement in the US, but this is NOT true...


Rampant Sexism
The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated

the new secretary of state is a woman...

now for the rest... :P:P
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated


the new secretary of state is a woman...

So that would then fit perfectly.

The statement says almost exclusively male-dominated. One woman would indeed make it almost exclusively male-dominated.

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I wonder if this takes the award for the most and quickest hijacked thread? Anyhow, I thank you for posting this, as, unfortunately, I think it draws far too many parallels to the current state of things in the US.

Back to your reguarly hijacked thread


You be the king and I'll overthrow your government. --KRS-ONE

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>I wonder if this takes the award for the most and quickest hijacked thread?

Not even close! Threads have been hijacked by the second post, and there have been some ramblers that change directions a dozen times before they die a well-deserved death.

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Not even close! Threads have been hijacked by the second post, and there have been some ramblers that change directions a dozen times before they die a well-deserved death.

Need I reference the second post of this thread?


Characteristics of a TROLL.

1) not puting any personally Info in their profile.
2) Posting only articles that support their crazy agenda.
3) Posting for the sole purpose of inciting trouble.

Probobly hasn't changed topic 12 times but was hijacked pretty quickly!
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Not even close! Threads have been hijacked by the second post, and there have been some ramblers that change directions a dozen times before they die a well-deserved death.

Need I reference the second post of this thread?


Characteristics of a TROLL.

1) not puting any personally Info in their profile.
2) Posting only articles that support their crazy agenda.
3) Posting for the sole purpose of inciting trouble.

Probobly hasn't changed topic 12 times but was hijacked pretty quickly!

Yeah, I have to say I take the record for fastest hijack!!!!

THe only way to beat me I guess would be is if the author hijacks him/herself during the first post...

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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