
Check out Pic #2 - SARIN GAS

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Assuming for a moment that this isn't a hoax... Bush claims that the "insurgents" are coming in from elsewhere. Do you suppose they leave all their goodies at home?

Would seem pretty counterproductive to me. Why bring in exactly what we're looking for. That would completely legitimize our cause. I think the insurgent leadership is more intelligent than you give them credit for. If I was SH, I would have moved out everything to to with WMD to another country or buried it. I wouldn't want it there to be found after I'd declared that there were none.


Wanna buy a bridge?

Do you need to add insults to your post in order to strengthen the case you're trying to make?

Go back to March 2003 and count the times that "We've found WMDs" or similar claims have been made on this forum, only to be debunked within a few days.

Anyone that believes this time is it without solid proof of what it actually is, where it came from, and who put it there, is gullible in the extreme.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I edited some of the text but if you can follow the link to the whole story where they appear to have found similar stuff 18 months ago in Basra. Looks like it was training material.


March 30, 2003

The chemical appeared not to be a sample of Sarin but some sort of simulator used to test if Sarin was in the atmosphere. Nevertheless it was marked “dangerous to humans if exposed for ten minutes without a respirator”.

The discovery was made in an Iraqi ordnance facility south of Basra in territory now controlled by coalition forces.

“Until further tests are carried out on the vials of chemicals we have found here we do not know exactly what the material is,” Captain Kevin Cooney of the Joint NBC Regiment said.

“To my eye it looks like training equipment to teach people how to identify if there is something like Sarin in the air and what to do in the event of a nuclear attack.

Perhaps the most worrying thing were two packets of thin, glass vials, each containing some coloured crystals, apparently with instructions on how to use them for detection of nerve agents, including “Sarin, Soman and V-Gases”.

The directions indicated how the vials could be broken and the vapour in some way pumped into a small hand pump which was then filled with the atmosphere that was to be tested.

A certain colour change in the chemical appeared to the indicator of the presence of Sarin, one of the most sinister and dangerous nerve agents, believed by western intelligence agencies to be in Saddam’s arsenal.

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Actually, information has recently shown up on MSN news about a Zarqawi WMD lab in Kirma. It produced the ricin that was found in London in 2003. It also produced cyanide.

The lab was attacked early in the war, but apparently too late.

Some people said that there was never any WMD and that there should have been no involvement with Iraq. The same people are now saying that there definitely were WMD and are irate that Bush did not attack Iraq earlier.

I am wondering how to hold two diametrically opposing opinions at the same time with such fervor.

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I am wondering how to hold two diametrically opposing opinions at the same time with such fervor.

If anyone can do it, you can.;)

That is because of my magnificent brain and its total freedom from the travails of logic. :) :D

heh :D



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Those are test kits for those specific agents and are NOT the actual agents themselves.

How do you know this?

1. we have used them in training before.

2. I actually had an NBC guy look at the pictures and he confirmed that they appear to be test kits. In fact the one on the left is a US version(The english should of given it away);)
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Anyone that believes this time is it without solid proof of what it actually is, where it came from, and who put it there, is gullible in the extreme.

I didn't say that it was or that it wasn't. However, given the evidence and Iraq's past reputation, I'd say one who discounted the possiblility that it is would be gullible in the extreme.

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1. we have used them in training before.

2. I actually had an NBC guy look at the pictures and he confirmed that they appear to be test kits. In fact the one on the left is a US version(The english should of given it away)

Ok, just curious... B|
However, many times these days, just b/c it's got English on it doesn't necessarily mean that it came from an English speaking country.

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Anyone that believes this time is it without solid proof of what it actually is, where it came from, and who put it there, is gullible in the extreme.

I didn't say that it was or that it wasn't. However, given the evidence and Iraq's past reputation, I'd say one who discounted the possiblility that it is would be gullible in the extreme.

In which case, bearing in mind all the false alarms thus far you should heed this message and not leap to conclusions.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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the first thing that struck me was the envelope with russian/german on it... Must have been from the former Eastern germany... And then a bit lower you see the expiry date : Oct 1...
So at the worse it is outdated by 5 years.

I still wouldn't want to try if it works (if it was a toxic)

But in my opinion NOONE would just store an assortment of combat toxics in a light plastic envelope !

These must have been for simulation/training.
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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The items are a type of Dräger-Tube
Dräger is a German company. I find nothing unusual about the German labels.

People who carry them are not necessarily protecting themselves from their own weapons. I would expect the armed forces of many nationalities have similar kits.

No 'mericans were harmed during the making of this post.

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Anyone that believes this time is it without solid proof of what it actually is, where it came from, and who put it there, is gullible in the extreme.

I smell a personal attack here! Bill, BILL!!! where are ya?:P

What adjective would you use then? We have had dozens of reports of WMD finds over the last 18 months, all of which turn out to be bogus, and now another apparent photo comes along with no verification of what it really is, and some people start jumping up and down in excitement again.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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relax perfesser! It's a joke son...:P

I was (and am) against this conflict in Iraq too (even tho I support President Bush in all other areas). I have a vested interest in this "war". My nephews (a marine Lt. and army Sgt.) are bound for Iraq in Jan/Feb respectivley.

I am an incountry veteran of Vietnam, class of 72, so, yes, I do know something about wars. I pray to God to keep these guys (and all the others there) safe.

You (and everyone else against our involvement in Iraq) have no beef with me.

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