
Free states and slave states before the civil war

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That wasn't the point :o

Tell us, what was the point?


What is the probability that a correlation like that is a coincidence? Do a chi-squared or use Bayes Theorem to work it out.

Then draw your own conclusion.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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All us red state peeps are a bunch of uneducated backwater hicks!
Yep, uh huh......you sure got a pretty mouth......

Take a deep breath. It will be okay, we (the red staters) took 8 years of Bill Clinton. What color is Ark.? (now)

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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That image won't help, the elitest liberals who believe stereotypes about the "country republicans" are unable to actually believe that the entire country, except for some urban areas and the ultra-liberal north east are conservative folks that are driven by their personal convictions.

Well, that wraps it up, I guess I have to get ready for my klan rally down at the court house, I hear we've got us a new president and we're gonna have a bar-b-Q to celebrate...then we're gonna race our tractors...

(for those that may not understand sarcasm, that was a pointed piece of falsehood about the klan rally, etc, since I was making a point about stereotypes that some elitest liberals try to believe in).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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>You don't really think Bush supporters are yearning for the days of
>slavery, do you?

Naah, that's so 19th century. We've moved on. Now it's discrimination against gays. By the 22nd century, someone will say "you're not really claiming republicans are yearning for the days of hetereosexual-only marriages, are you?"

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For someone who's seems to be all about equality for all and all beliefs, you really are spreading some serious hatred towards a lot of folk's religious beliefs. Nice double standard.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Naah, that's so 19th century. We've moved on. Now it's discrimination against gays. By the 22nd century, someone will say "you're not really claiming republicans are yearning for the days of hetereosexual-only marriages, are you?"

I'm sorry, what was Lincoln's party? I think he had something to do with getting rid of that little slavery thing.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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> you really are spreading some serious hatred towards a lot of folk's
> religious beliefs. Nice double standard.

?? I don't hate anyone's religious beliefs. I dislike groups of people who try to deny my friends rights, no matter what their religion. I'm very equal opportunity in that regard.

What religion did you think I was against, BTW?

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I'm sorry, what was Lincoln's party? I think he had something to do with getting rid of that little slavery thing.

Actually the GOP was created in part as an anti-slavery platform. There were other key issues, but that's one of the major ones.

Funny how that's been forgotten.

Lets not forget that the majority of politicians in the south from the time of the Civil War till recently was Democrates. Nevermind the Jim Crow laws were passed by democrate controled states.

You know, its funny how political agenda and the lack of knowledge of history combines to create completely untrue and hateful stereotypes. For all the discussion of Bush needing to bridge the gap to heal political wounds across the country from this elections from the outspoken liberals on DZ.com, there is a lot of uneducated hatred being spouted out every hour.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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What religion did you think I was against, BTW?

Honestly, I don't know or care, it doesn't matter to me. You're confusing what I'm saying with my religious beliefs.


I dislike groups of people who try to deny my friends rights, no matter what their religion.

It comes down to some of those that have religious beliefs that homosexuality is immoral believe that immorality is tearing apart the fabric of our country, thus it is their right to believe that homosexuality is wrong and should not be condoned. They're not trying to deny any of the rights given by the Bill of Rights, just trying to protect their contry from an immoral path. Its their right to believe that.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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> you really are spreading some serious hatred towards a lot of folk's
> religious beliefs. Nice double standard.

?? I don't hate anyone's religious beliefs. I dislike groups of people who try to deny my friends rights, no matter what their religion. I'm very equal opportunity in that regard.

Bill, what rights are you referring to and how do you define a right?

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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i've just got one question? can nyc have our own president? you guys can have bush, but why do we have to have him? we're over the 911 thing more than people in kansas or wherever.

can we succed fromthe union, like nyc, miami, california, san antonio, seatle, and a few other cities elect clinton to be our pres.

just a thought.

people see me as a challenge to their balance

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yeah, you can succeed all the way to haiti. the intelligent people in this country are securing your freedom for you and your friends in miami, california, san antonio, seatle, and a few other cities. wake up.
"Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch
NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329

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