
Again, no commentary required

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From Sheri Dew , the opening speaker at the GOP:

Also, while I was peddling away, I found myself reading the latest edition of one of the nation’s most popular news magazines. One of the major articles was about gay “marriage.” There were several statements that stood out for me in a dramatic and terrifying way, but one of the most sobering features of the entire article was a picture of two handsome, young men, getting “married.” What distressed me most was the fact that they were both holding an infant “daughter”–twin girls they had adopted. I was, frankly, heartsick. . . .

This escalating situation reminds me of a statement of a World War II journalist by the name of Dorothy Thompson who wrote for the Saturday Evening Post in Europe during the pre-World War II years when Hitler was building up his armies and starting to take ground. In an address she delivered in Toronto in 1941 she said this: “Before this epic is over, every living human being will have chosen. Every living human being will have lined up with Hitler or against him. Every living human being either will have opposed this onslaught or supported it, for if he tries to make no choice that in itself will be a choice. If he takes no side, he is on Hitler’s side. If he does not act, that is an act—for Hitler.”

May I take the liberty of reading this statement again and changing just a few words, applying it to what I fear we face today? “Before this era is over, every living human being will have chosen. Every living human being will have lined up in support of the family or against it. Every living human being will have either opposed the onslaught against the family or supported it, for if he tries to make no choice that in itself will be a choice. If we do not act in behalf of the family, that is itself an act of opposition to the family.”

At first it may seem a bit extreme to imply a comparison between the atrocities of Hitler and what is happening in terms of contemporary threats against the family—but maybe not. I just turned 50 years old, and I have never married.

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What an interesting quote. Especially relating the comments to someone notoriously intolerant.

“Before this era is over, every living human being will have chosen. Every living human being will have lined up in support of discrimination or against it. Every living human being will have either opposed the onslaught against personal freedom or supported it, for if he tries to make no choice that in itself will be a choice. If we do not act in behalf of freedom, that is itself an act of opposition to freedom.”

By the way, Godwin called, she loses.

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I went looking for a bio of her after you posted this just to do some reading.... found this really strange quote about her in Deseret News:


"She came close to getting married once. She was in her mid-30s, and she was dating a man steadily. True to their religion, they decided they would fast and pray separately about whether they should marry. By the end of the weekend her suitor revealed that he didn't want to marry her — instead, he was going to marry her best friend and roommate, whom he had been dating unbeknownst to her."

Owned by Remi #?

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fast and pray separately about whether they should marry.

the lord works in mysterious ways....in this case to keep the psychos from breeding ;)....what a complete nut job..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Al $harpton, she is not. Odd choice for an opening speaker. I'm not paying attention to the convention all that much. I think these things have outlived their usefulness and are a useless drain on taxpayer $. If the parties want to have one - fine. Let the parties pay for it with no subsidy from the nation's Treasury.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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>>fast and pray separately about whether they should marry.

>the lord works in mysterious ways....in this case to keep the psychos from
>breeding ....what a complete nut job..

"So yeah, I was considering marrying this chick, but all that Hitler stuff was a little freaky, and after a while I was getting really hungry . . ."

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I think that most people do not support the extreme elements of the agenda of gay rights activists. Typical of this is the part where it involves what they want young school children to be taught about alternative lifestyles. I have seen the type of books they advocate to be used in very early grades.

Afraid of the most extreme parts of their agenda, many will want to reject anything they advocate. It is a predictable response.

They don't just want to get married, they want to change the definition of marriage.

I've brought this up before, but I think when the electorate is ready to make polygamy legal, then same sex marriage will be readily accepted.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I went looking for a bio of her after you posted this just to do some reading.... found this really strange quote about her in Deseret News:


"She came close to getting married once. She was in her mid-30s, and she was dating a man steadily. True to their religion, they decided they would fast and pray separately about whether they should marry. By the end of the weekend her suitor revealed that he didn't want to marry her — instead, he was going to marry her best friend and roommate, whom he had been dating unbeknownst to her."


I guess he was, like so many many people around the world, "true to his religion." :S

That's why religion makes me sick. It takes people who would probably be GOOD PEOPLE if only they weren't trying to hold themselves to some ridiculous standards, and makes liars and hypocrites out of them.

It's one thing to "play the field" (although I think two-timing women makes a guy an asshole who deserves neither of them), and it's another to do it while maintaining the ostensible claim that you're adhering to the tenets of your religion (monogamy, abstinence until marriage, etc.)

A guy or woman who will have sex before marriage, to me, that's fine. No inherent "evil" or "sin" in doing that. But take the same person, attach to them the claim of piety and religious adherence to their bible, and having that same premarital sex makes them a hypocrite.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I guess he was, like so many many people around the world, "true to his religion."

"Huh?" was the most articulate I can be. But I was thinking the same thoughts you've expressed. There are so many hypocrisies in that story I didn't even know where to begin.

Hypocrisies and total bullshit, really. Do you really believe she suffers tormenting back pain from injuries caused by pushing her pregnant "friend" up hill in a wheelchair at the hospital?
Owned by Remi #?

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> I think that most people do not support the extreme elements of the
>agenda of gay rights activists.

Most people do not support the extreme right-wing religious agenda i.e. the murder of abortion doctors. However, most conservatives aren't much like that. Most gays don't want to force your children to read _anything_, much less a primer on gay lifestyle.

>They don't just want to get married, they want to change the definition of
> marriage.

I know a lot of gay people. For the most part they want nothing more than the rights everyone else has. They have no interest in changing the definition of anything; indeed, many gays have been married in Massachusetts and the definition of marriage has not changed.

>I've brought this up before, but I think when the electorate is ready to
> make polygamy legal, then same sex marriage will be readily accepted.

It doesn't really matter what most people want when it's a civil rights issue. No one voted on whether or not to allow blacks into schools; it happened because we live by a constitution that guarantees equal rights for all, and our courts finally recognized this - even though most of the country was against it. It will happen in time with gay marriage, and people against gay marriage will be looked at in the same way that people against blacks marrying whites are looked at now.

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