
USA is the World's SOB!

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Just a few points:

- I remember Atlanta in 96 and and a few people I know had the same impression as me – that it was the most biased home crowd they had seen at an Olympics. They were only cheering for the US and did not acknowledge great performances by other athletes – even booing them if they beat an American.

- Some of those I discussed this with were in Atlanta at the time and one of the tings they noticed was that the US media ignored events without American medal winners.

- The antics and arrogance of some US athletes (e.g. the 4*100 M track relay in Sydney and the “dream teams” behaviour and special treatment) do not endear the US team to spectators from other Nations.

- It is quite common (and natural) that people think that the place (country/state) they come from is the best place on Earth. However, it seems to me that many Americans have strong “tunnel vision” when it comes to other countries and cultures – i.e. are less interested and accepting.

- This attitude does perpetuate a perception of American arrogance and disrespect to other athletes/countries, hence why Americans are not very well liked by many.

- Phelps is a good example. His statements pre-games have not come across very well internationally. Hence the “glee” when the relay team he was on did loose to the South Africans.

- Before complaining that America is the SOB of the world, Americans might want to ask themselves why that is. And if your answer is that the reason is “envy” (i.e. America is so much better then everything else) – then you are part of the reason why so many are “rooting” against the Americans – arrogance.
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There is a saying I heard recently from a friend whose passport is so stamped it's thick as a book: "I've seen a lot of places and traveled all over the world, but one thing holds true: There's America, and then there's everywhere else."

If his passport is so stamped it is thick as a book, most likely (I could be wrong though) he has not spend much time in any of those places.
I have heard that saying many, many times from people from diferent countries. It may hold true for you, but it is false for me, however, the saying there is Spain, and there is anywhere else, is a fact (for me at least, although probably not for you)

Anyway, i never really understood that saying quite well, is it saying that the country being spoken about is good or just different?

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" And if your answer is that the reason is “envy” (i.e. America is so much better then everything else) – then you are part of the reason why so many are “rooting” against the Americans – arrogance."

Naaa, you got it all wrong, it's not because we are arrogant, it's because we have the best jump planes, and the lowest jump rates on average in the world and it just naturally pisses people off.:P

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Well, it began way -before- the Iraqi invasion. They even celebrated against us in Australia's Olympics 4 years ago.

Why The World Cheers When The U.S.A. loses!


yeah - Jealousy Sucks.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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His total time in the usa in the past two years was probably 4 months. (nice tax breaks doing that btw)

Every place has it's strong points, but I think he meant differences in the sense of overall standard of living and wealth for the population at large.

In other words, he doesn't think america is necessarily better in term of culture, climate, etc. (as in our mores or culture is better that theirs), but rather we just have a lot more money and it shows and yes i think there is a jealousy over that, just like there is a jealousy person to person in society.

The poor man usually enjoys seeing a 'rich prick' take a fall. And the 'rich prick' will usually defend his wealth tooth and nail.

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Actually, with a few subtle alterations here, and a bit of creative editing there... voila!


Naaa, you got it all wrong, it's not because we are arrogant, it's because we ... just naturally pisses people off.:P


Here's a better one. . . .
Naaa, you got it all wrong . . .piss . . .off.:P
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Phelps is a good example. His statements pre-games have not come across very well internationally. Hence the “glee” when the relay team he was on did loose to the South Africans.

I can attest to that. I was really looking forward to the Phelps/Thorpe contests but when Phelps started his 8-medal stories I could not help but think how arrogant that was. When we (SA) took the gold I was obviously very proud and excited (and surprised!) but it was also with glee that I took note of the Amrican team's poor performance. I also could not help thinking 'It serves you right' when Phelps only got bronze in the freestyle last night.

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The South Africans winning that was fucking awesome! As for the Americans, I didn't care where they came in that race so long as South Africa won. Though I have to admit I did chuckle when the US came third, much for the same reasons that Eroll stated above.:D
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Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I can attest to that. I was really looking forward to the Phelps/Thorpe contests but when Phelps started his 8-medal stories I could not help but think how arrogant that was. When we (SA) took the gold I was obviously very proud and excited (and surprised!) but it was also with glee that I took note of the Amrican team's poor performance. I also could not help thinking 'It serves you right' when Phelps only got bronze in the freestyle last night.

First let me give a HUGE congratulations to your SA Gold Medalist! That swim was awesome!

On the issue of Phelps, however....it wasn't him that said he was going for 8 Golds and a record. That was media speculation and hype. They wanted us to believe Phelps was on that mission of his own words and accord. Nada. It was -their- need to create a story (and ratings).


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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First let me give a HUGE congratulations to your SA Gold Medalist! That swim was awesome!

On the issue of Phelps, however....it wasn't him that said he was going for 8 Golds and a record. That was media speculation and hype. They wanted us to believe Phelps was on that mission of his own words and accord. Nada. It was -their- need to create a story (and ratings).


Thank you for the nice sentiments, Lori.

As for Phelps, I'm over him! He is a brilliant young swimmer with a bright future ahead of him and I will follow his career with interest.

A bit of irony regarding this whole issue:- To my knowledge three of the four South Africans in that relay team are on sholarships...... IN THE US of A!;)

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There is a saying I heard recently from a friend whose passport is so stamped it's thick as a book: "I've seen a lot of places and traveled all over the world, but one thing holds true: There's America, and then there's everywhere else."

If his passport is so stamped it is thick as a book, most likely (I could be wrong though) he has not spend much time in any of those places.

Maybe that's because it quickly became apparent that being in those places sucked compared to being in America.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Actually, with a few subtle alterations here, and a bit of creative editing there... voila!


Naaa, you got it all wrong, it's not because we are arrogant, it's because we ... just naturally pisses people off.:P


Did you go to the Michael Moore School of Editing? :P

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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The South Africans winning that was fucking awesome! As for the Americans, I didn't care where they came in that race so long as South Africa won. Though I have to admit I did chuckle when the US came third, much for the same reasons that Eroll stated above.:D

So when people like you chuckle at Americans losing, because you claim we're arrogant, does that second wrong make it right? I mean, we're talking about the perception that the rest of the world rejoices when America takes a hit, and then you go and essentially say "Yeah, we do," and act like it's noble or something? Just what justifies acting so spitefully? The fact that you think we're spiteful of the rest of the world?

If America is condenscending toward other countries, maybe it's because we witness the atrocities that go on in those cultures: things like sentencing young girls to gang rape because of some perceived slight to the male member of another family; female genital mutilation; throwing acid in the face of a woman who spurns a man's advances; how about the Congolese massacre of 160 men, women and children using machetes and automatic weapons? (Can you imagine what it must be like to be murdered with a machete?! I sure as hell can't.)

Maybe we have pride in the fact that we have a 228 year history of defending individual liberty and guaranteed safety from oppressive government. Maybe we find it hard to understand loving a homeland that is ruled by warlords who steal humanitarian aid and horde it for themselves and their murderous minions. Maybe we're proud that our country is not besieged by paramilitary forces who kidnap and murder in order to terrorize, and to fund coups.

Maybe we are proud of the fact that AIDS does not infect 25-50% of our adult population; or that our population does not superstitiously believe that having sex with a virgin will rid us of the AIDS virus (as I have read goes on in some African nations).

I have to admit that it is hard to be humble when you're as damned good as we are. What country just had the first private manned vehicle go into space?

But if you're going to fault us for displaying a little well earned arrogance, don't go claiming you're holier than though if you're going to admit to gloating when we fail. It makes you as bad as you claim we are.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I forgot to add the fact that as "arrogant" as we are supposed to be, we remain incredibly hospitable to people from nations all over the world to come and live and work here, and make their fortunes and become better, more educated, more happy people.

The typical American may not focus much on the victories of athletes from Botswana in the Olympics (do the Botswanans cheer the Americans?) but that does not mean that the typical American will spit at a Botswanan if he is riding the bus through a typical American town. Many of us are warm and welcoming to people from all cultures and countries. We throw our doors open wide and welcome everyone, and still we take shit from people who hate us because of their own blindness to our goodness.

Erroll mentioned that three of the South Africans Olympians are on U.S. scholarships. So, a free education in the U.S., and we're still arrogant elitists, right?

Maybe we should be flattered by the fact that everyone holds us to a higher standard than the rest of the world. I suppose that in France, they cheer just as much for the Olympians from other countries as they do for their own? Suuuure.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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can attest to that. I was really looking forward to the Phelps/Thorpe contests but when Phelps started his 8-medal stories I could not help but think how arrogant that was. When we (SA) took the gold I was obviously very proud and excited (and surprised!) but it was also with glee that I took note of the Amrican team's poor performance. I also could not help thinking 'It serves you right' when Phelps only got bronze in the freestyle last night.

I can understand you being happy for SA...

But why be glad that a young man (With mad skill) that has worked hard as hell (Harder than most people EVER will for ANYTHING) for trying to reach big?

And why be happy he fails?

That seems cheap and petty.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I mean geeze some of the first people to jump on the Bash the US bandwagon are from countries that have FAR worse things that have happend.

SA...Hows Nelson doing these days?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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can attest to that. I was really looking forward to the Phelps/Thorpe contests but when Phelps started his 8-medal stories I could not help but think how arrogant that was. When we (SA) took the gold I was obviously very proud and excited (and surprised!) but it was also with glee that I took note of the Amrican team's poor performance. I also could not help thinking 'It serves you right' when Phelps only got bronze in the freestyle last night.

I can understand you being happy for SA...

But why be glad that a young man (With mad skill) that has worked hard as hell (Harder than most people EVER will for ANYTHING) for trying to reach big?

And why be happy he fails?

That seems cheap and petty.

Ron, I am the first to admit that it is cheap and petty. My initial reaction was a knee-jerk to what I perceived as arrogance. Read my second post again....

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