
The Gay Thing

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The knucklehead New Jersey Governor likes a little homosexual sodomy.


One of the organizers at Herc Boogie was a parody of a San Francisco gay man. (nobody does gay better than SF)

So, what the fuck, over?

I think the deal is that he lied to his wife. No diff than if he lied to her about another woman.

Ack. How wierd and obtuse.


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I think maybe it has a lot more to do with him trying to hire his boyfriend for a 100k a year job that he basically made up.( Sweet elected offical ) And now said boyfriend is suing him for sexual harassment. So i'd guess it goes a little deeper than him living a double life as a gay man.

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Mmmmm. Since Deuce started the thread in the first place, how can it be the wrong thread for him to post in?

If you meant the wrong forum, explain?

Anyway, yeah. If he lied to his wife that was where he went wrong.
Owned by Remi #?

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Why is this the wrong forum, Ivan? Honest curiosity here.

No dude, it was originaly posted on THE BONFIRE, and then a moderator moved it here, where it belongs.

Did that satisfy your "curiosity"? :P
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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The knucklehead New Jersey Governor likes a little homosexual sodomy.


One of the organizers at Herc Boogie was a parody of a San Francisco gay man. (nobody does gay better than SF)

So, what the fuck, over?

I think the deal is that he lied to his wife. No diff than if he lied to her about another woman.

Ack. How wierd and obtuse.


"I did not have sex with that homo!"

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I think the deal is that he lied to his wife. No diff than if he lied to her about another woman.

This is where I may disagree with you Deuce. If he had a relationship with another woman, he may be 100% hetero and there is a chance he can repair the relationship with his wife. Having a relationship with a man means he has at the very least gay tendencies. If he prefers men, he cannot repair the marriage.

BTW, Happy Birthday on Saturday!!!:)


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WTF are you doing on here anyhow, junior?? Aren't you supposed to be off somewhere getting your ass ogled??

Wow, fits in perfectly with this thread! B|

(Now now then, just kidding...ass-ogling only by his chicka...:P)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Well, apparently there are four dz.commers, other than my baby, who will be oogling, but not touching, no, no, my ass. I've only seen two of the siglines though.

Aren't there two "O"s in oogling?

Ask your man next time he oogles you just to throw him off, ok princess? :P
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Well, apparently there are four dz.commers, other than my baby, who will be oogling, but not touching, no, no, my ass. I've only seen two of the siglines though.

Aren't there two "O"s in oogling?

Ask your man next time he oogles you just to throw him off, ok princess? :P

I know the root word of ogling is 'ogle'...or 'to ogle', junior.

And why would I want to throw off my man's groove when he is ogling? That's a good thing! B|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I think the deal is that he lied to his wife. No diff than if he lied to her about another woman.

This is where I may disagree with you Deuce. If he had a relationship with another woman, he may be 100% hetero and there is a chance he can repair the relationship with his wife. Having a relationship with a man means he has at the very least gay tendencies. If he prefers men, he cannot repair the marriage. :)

Did you read the guy's statement? It's in Friday's paper. He's been through TWO MARRIAGES (counting this one, which is probably permanently fucked).

How self-absorbed does one have to be to fuck with the lives of two women, plus children, pretending to be straight and lying to them about who he is? Did he do it because for his public persona to survive he had to maintain the facade of being straight?

I think this guy has been a selfish prick fucktard all his life, and that's why he essentially blew through two women living the lie that he was not gay, just because he had his obvious political aspirations, which never would have panned out if he'd been out of the closet. Yes, society currently makes it kinda hard (not impossible, though) to get to high public office if you're gay, and that may not be fair, but neither is using straight women to marry and have kids just to put up a front and further your own interests.

I'm glad this jerkoff had to resign. I think he's full of himself to have lived his life this way and taken advantage of those he "loved." Does anyone believe that if his staffer had not attempted to extort him for $5M that he would ever have come out with the truth?? I certainly don't. (That's the story: that his staff and he went to the FBI when the guy said he'd drop the issue of "sexual harassment" claims if they paid him off!)

Fuck this scumbag. Fuck 'im in the ear.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I think this guy has been a selfish prick fucktard all his life, and that's why he essentially blew through two women living the lie.


Are you sure it wasn't 2 men, I mean, hes gay and all....

Fuck this scumbag. Fuck 'im in the ear.

I'm sensing some kind of homo-eustation tube fantasy here. Anyone?


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The knucklehead New Jersey Governor likes a little homosexual sodomy.


One of the organizers at Herc Boogie was a parody of a San Francisco gay man. (nobody does gay better than SF)

So, what the fuck, over?

I think the deal is that he lied to his wife. No diff than if he lied to her about another woman.

Ack. How wierd and obtuse.


I agree. Who gives a shit? Not weird and obtuse, however. Just the way people are ...not much different than monkeys in a cage. Shake the cage, and tribal rituals rule their behavior. Sad as it is, centuries have shown it a fairly good substitute for coherent thought. :S


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How self-absorbed does one have to be to fuck with the lives of two women, plus children, pretending to be straight and lying to them about who he is? Did he do it because for his public persona to survive he had to maintain the facade of being straight?

I have a sneaking suspicioni it could have something to do with being raised Roman Catholic and having a father who was a Marine Drill Sergeant.

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I have a sneaking suspicioni it could have something to do with being raised Roman Catholic and having a father who was a Marine Drill Sergeant.

Hey PK,

I was raised Roman Catholic and my father was an MP in the Army. I don't fit into the mold you describe. Are you actually 'labeling' people? I thought only Republicans did that, certainly not liberals.:o


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Well, you're not gay, are you?

I'm just saying, those two aspects of his life could have a lot to do with self-denial of homosexuality. There's a reason that a fair number of gays join the clergy. They think there's something wrong with themselves and try to deny their natural inclinations. You have to admit that Catholicism has a long history of self guilt and denial. Maybe not in your particular case, but people don't go around flogging themselves (both literally and figuratively) for nothing.

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Well, you're not gay, are you?

I'm just saying, those two aspects of his life could have a lot to do with self-denial of homosexuality. There's a reason that a fair number of gays join the clergy. They think there's something wrong with themselves and try to deny their natural inclinations. You have to admit that Catholicism has a long history of self guilt and denial. Maybe not in your particular case, but people don't go around flogging themselves (both literally and figuratively) for nothing.

Nope, not gay.

Maybe, he's just plain gay. Your whole paragraph is lumping people into a nice neat box. Everybody is an individual. There is no way your argument can hold water.

Be careful, the libs just may take away your membership card.;)


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Maybe, he's just plain gay. Your whole paragraph is lumping people into a nice neat box. Everybody is an individual. There is no way your argument can hold water.

I think you're being a little over-sensitive here (maybe you need a lib card :P). I'm speculating about contributing factors to this individual. I'm not trying to claim that all catholics are one way or another. Or all children of drill sergeants are one way or another. But when someone is gay, and denies it to themselves, there's a reason. The respect of your father and the status of your eternal soul seem like a couple of compelling factors to me.

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Muenkel- he clearly responded to this question.

"How self-absorbed does one have to be to fuck with the lives of two women, plus children, pretending to be straight and lying to them about who he is? Did he do it because for his public persona to survive he had to maintain the facade of being straight?"

If the man was gay - and due to religious and military pressures to not be gay, he started hiding that fact at an early age. At what point in his life of trying to be what his religion and family tells him is right, does he come out?

Kev wasn't saying religion and military make you gay.

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