
Anti-americanism explained

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Hey, I'll leave the debating to all of you who feel you are informed and know all the facts. I'm not going to restate what I've already said. You and others continue to debate this issue in hopes of changing someones outlook in order to effect future decissions. I have stated what I KNOW and what I have seen with my own eyes and I offered it up for everyone to make their own mind up. We all know the old saying..."You can lead a horse to water...."

Again, I'm not trying to belittle anyone, I'm telling it like it is. If that doesn't fit your interpetation of reality then drive on with what you know. My only question is "what color is the sky in your world?"
A good example of that is your statement that the US is only a supemecy because other countries allow it. While part of me wants to laugh at that statement and debate the issue with you, I know better than to go down that road.

I respect that the average citizen wants to get involved and has ideas and thoughts that are contridictory to what any administration might have, that's what makes the US different from other countries on the planet. Basics of the jungle will always rule this planet, the Alpha male will always dominate the pack and frankly gov'ts don't care what the citizens of other countries think about it, they only care about what other countries Gov'ts think about them.

I find myself at an unfair advantage here because I am not the average Joe on the street. I have insight into things most don't and never will. I am only trying bring some levity to an otherwise turbulent subject that is full of gross inconsistencies from both stand points.
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Hey, I'll leave the debating to all of you who feel you are informed and know all the facts. I'm not going to restate what I've already said. You and others continue to debate this issue in hopes of changing someones outlook in order to effect future decissions. I have stated what I KNOW and what I have seen with my own eyes and I offered it up for everyone to make their own mind up. We all know the old saying..."You can lead a horse to water...."

If you "offered it up", I missed it. Can you give a link to the post where you offered it up?

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This from exactly one year ago - before the war!

Funny in retrospect.



Thanks, Kallend. I read that previously, but appreciate being redirected.

While I do understand (and have considered quite before you brought "appropriate skepticism" into the debate) your position, and do agree with you on a level, I also offer the numerous times Iraq has lied, hidden, obfuscated, or obliterated the truth as part of the situation in toto. I do not believe everything handed to me as "fact". I do what I can to research and verify, ask and understand, and then formulate my position thereon. I also do not believe that the MiB are lurking in the hinterlands near Idaho, zooming around on silent helicopters and eviscerating cows randomly. In other words, Kallend, I do what I can to "trust but verify", and also add that I highly doubt that any government in the world, at any time, has been totally truthful with it's constituency...and I doubt there ever will be. The argument that the US government is lying to it's citizenry is isolationistic inasmuch as all governments do; and unless that is appreciated and acknowledged and factored into the equasion, singling out the US is spurious at best.

Further, I do not expect the average citizen to get the "show me the money" evidence, nor would I expect that all our allies - who are not necessarily "allied" any longer - get it, either. There are many reasons for not tipping our HumInt hand, nor all the satillite (I never could spell that word) etc and so on, a primary one being that as information is released, the information gatherer is put at risk.

For those who demand that we show everybody everything, I suggest that we consider this is NOT flashing to gain altitude, but rather far more serious and deadly a feat, and that sources are kept close to the belt, and should be so; I have not screamed at anyone to show me anything; rather, I have asked my questions, gathered information, thought about situations, and formulated my own opinion as to what I think. While I cannot say the same for all folks, I do believe a majority of people have done so.

If your sole issue with me is my position, please provide further information - not rhetoric, but information - which I can then take into consideration. I am not as young as you seem to think; I am not as naive as you seem to think; and I am not as ill-informed as you seem to think.

Should you have a piece of the puzzle for me to consider, please provide it. I always appreciate information additional to that which I had already considered, and have been known to change my mind (after all, I am a woman!).


Did I ask to be "shown the money"? I just asked that some trusted source independent of the administration should be shown the money. I think you're putting words in my text now.

And I can't for the life of me imagine why the administration won't share the intelligence (if they really have it) with the UN inspectors. If Blix stands up at the UN and says he has caught the Iraqis red-handed, that's the end of the hors d'oevres and straight on to the entree. Not even France could obstruct then.

Unfortunately the stuff that Secretary Powell showed last week was not very convincing, not remotely as convincing as the presentation made by Adlai Stevenson during the Cuban Missile Crisis. In fact, some of it was so unconvincing that some people are suggesting the CIA set him up to look bad.

You say you are not as young as I thought you were; maybe you remember Richard Nixon's secret plan to end the Vietnam war - a plan that couldn't be revealed for national security reasons. A plan that, after the election, turned out not to exist. Fool me once, shame on you, etc.

The UN inspectors are doing the job set them under the UN enabling resolution. Until they report back that Iraq is out of compliance, we should let them do the job. The administration wants it both ways - action endorsed by the UN, but freedom to ignore the UN defined process for triggering that action.

And continuing to piss on France doesn't help at all.


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Unfortunately the stuff that Secretary Powell showed last week was not very convincing, not remotely as convincing as the presentation made by Adlai Stevenson during the Cuban Missile Crisis. In fact, some of it was so unconvincing that some people are suggesting the CIA set him up to look bad.

It appears he thinks so as well.

Secretary of State Colin Powell became alarmed at the level of intelligence distortion. When he read the first draft of his speech to the UN -- prepared for Powell by Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff -- he was so upset that he lost his temper, throwing several pages in the air and declaring, "I'm not reading this. This is bullsh--."
-US News & World Report, June 9, 2003

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And the reason you brought up a post by me a year later is ???


It was a post by ME, Michele. You were just quoted.

Quite perceptive, I thought. Unlike the posts by the pro-war faction.

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This from exactly one year ago - before the war!

Funny in retrospect.

Pretty good, says a lot about your political saavy Kallend . . . time always tells the tale. ;)

We do our best in trying times;)

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It was a post by ME, Michele. You were just quoted.

Quite perceptive, I thought. Unlike the posts by the pro-war faction.

Now, keep in mind I just took a codeine, so I am not terribly clear who you are calling perceptive....me or you?

If you think I am perceptive, thank you. However, if you are congratulating yourself on your own perception, I leave that to speak for itself.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
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Pretty good. Here's a funny one you made a year ago. Well, it seems funny now. You were actually a voice of more reason than most. Re-reading Rhino's posts is really funny in retrospect.


Edited to add link to the post you were replying to.


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Whatever, Kallend. I stand by what I said then.

I did, however, re-read this entire thread, and really think that Speer was the most perceptive, and by far the most eloquent poster on this thread.

Funny, somehow, I miss Speer's articulation, explanations, and perspective. As evidenced here, it was contributory and rather thought provoking.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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It really ISN'T about oil for America

Oh yes it is!


Your BBC reference just states what has been known for years. France (and Germany) have been significant trading partners with Iraq.

Yes they have, and what has happened here is a VERY hostile takeover of their business. Who is gunna sell iraq their guns now? the French and anyone else aint allowed!


Do any of you truly believe that Saddam's Iraq will not become a greater threat?

The guy was freaking powerless, all his Arab buddies hated him he was basically no threat to any other country, especially the "greatest country in the world" that ended up invading, fancy that!

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Do some searching and reflect on basic action of the various parties over the last hundred years...yes I believe that is a clue to current motivation (most cultures take many generations to "change their stripes", and an honest study of history will show that).

A lot of people, including those who should know better will keep on denying these facts[:/].
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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The guy was freaking powerless, all his Arab buddies hated him he was basically no threat to any other country, especially the "greatest country in the world" that ended up invading, fancy that!

Thank god he was, yes, he "only" was able to control 24 mill people lives mass murder at will and be a risk for those nations around.........

And is there a part of the greatest country in the world, would you enlighten us with the name of the greates country?

It is confusing, for there are 49 to choose from:

Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Marshall Islands
Solomon Islands
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States

"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Please. Too Easy. Everyone knows Denmark is the greatest country in the world. Lots of people are just in denial.

I'll arrange furryner-trips to DK, so they can learn how awesome we are and how we're right all the time. Except when we're wrong, but if we are it's usually not about anything that matters. :P

Santa Von GrossenArsch
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The anti American comments were coming from the French a long time before the anti French comments started up. Besides it's France that is criticizing the US for unilaterlism at the same time it goes into the Ivory coast to protect its interests. France dumps on the US simply because it cannot compete with the US on any other level - cultureal, political, military.
And besides, the French only like the American Army when the German army is in Paris.
France owes the US far more than we owe them.

I agree! And as a Brit I am therefore automatically allowed to be as rude to Frenchmen as I like - Its part of my cultural heritage!B|:P;)

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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And perhaps you don't understand that other people have died and bled for their countries - and they take insults to their country no less seriously. If we're gonna make fun of France for being a "surrender monkey" then expect people to make fun of the US for being a warmonger.

And just to prove a point... I believe the phrase was 'Cheese eating surrender monkey' if we are being strictly correct!:P;)

After all, when was the last time a Frenchman bled for his country? Thats what the foreign legion are for!:o:ph34r:

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Please. Too Easy. Everyone knows Denmark is the greatest country in the world. Lots of people are just in denial.

This reminds me of an English Lit. question: "Briefly explain the reasons for Hamlet's depression."

The submitted answer was: "Hamlet suddenly found he was the King of Denmark. You would be depressed to be made king of a country that's only famous for pine furniture, pornography and pork products!":S



Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Pretty good. Here's a funny one you made a year ago.

Could you point out the part that was funny? I don't see it.

I thought it funny that you chastised me for advising skepticism of the administration's "intelligence". In the light of events of the last year, of course, my skepticism seems really quite justified, don't you think?

Of course, I can see why you might not think it so funny.;)

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