
110lb girl using a 230 canopy... wtf????

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oversized gear can kill you dead. trust me.

if the dz has no gear that is appropriately sized they should have declined to put you in the plane. shame on them.

part of me wants to say 'talk to em and get em to aquire some smaller gear' but most of me says fuck em, go somewhere else. either they don't know safe or don't care.

there is enough for you to deal with without swimming around in a rig that is too big.

2:1 can get you hurt too. getting pushed back into something you don't want to be pushed back into is first to mind.

but what do i know?
namaste, motherfucker.

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You're scaring the hell out of me.

What I get from your post is that you are:
1. Putting yourself in major, and unecessary, danger.
2. Letting the DZO put you in major danger by allowing you to jump that way-too-large gear.
3. Not getting good gear advice from local instructors on gear choice and freeflying safety.

I hope you going to do what many have already suggested and that is:
1. Buy properly fitting, free-fly friendly gear before your next jump.
2. Go to some other DZ that has better-fitting gear.

I'm surprised that nobody has hammered you on freeflying with so few jumps since that seems to be a hot topic lately.

Oh...and congrats on backwards landing. You'd be surprised how freaked out many jumpers get about the possibility of having to do that.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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what about wearing like 5 pairs of shorts or wrapping ace bandages around my thighs? i've been eating more chocolate but i cant get fat!!! i want to freefly and play in the sky without worrying about losing my rig, ya know?

step 1: Get a gallon jug of crisco.

step 2: Eat it.

step 3: Repeat daily.

I guarentee your rig will start fitting better if you follow these three simple steps. ;)

seriously, perhaps start looking at buying a rig. You can either get a small persons used one, or get a custom container for yourself.

like everyone else said, having a 230 canopy with a 110 lb girl, so assume 130 geared up, is not super dangerous.
having a rig that doesn't fit you well is a little dangerous. freeflying will only make a bad-fitting rig worse, as flopping around in the sky tends to make straps slip, etc. so stick to belly work until you get a better fitting container.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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I've got a question? Suppose the rig fitted beautifully (I say this cos I see a huge problem at the moment).

If the only problem was wing loading could this be helped by wearing weight?

Might be a silly question but just crossed my mind?
With love in Christ

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That isn't a silly question at all. A lot of students have learned safely with similar wing loadings. I have seen small students land pretty softly without really flaring. It does limit the wind conditions she can jump in however.

I avoid putting weights on students whenever possible however because the equipment is already adding a significant percentage of her body weight. In the event of a bad landing or reaching for the ground, her ankles, knees, etc would have to withstand a lot more stress than they are probably accustomed to. I would hate to know I added even more than necessary. If the wind is strong enough to warrant weights it would be smarter to wait for better conditions.

That is my reasoning anyway. Opinions vary.

Edit to add: Once she has her A license she can wear all the lead she cares to carry but I would still advise some caution.
"... this ain't a Nerf world."

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