
geeks who skydive

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Can we please have a quick show of hands - how many of you guys work in IT? I have come to realize that I am not the only geek posting here, in fact a lot of skydivers seem to work in computer-related jobs.
Is it because we like the disposable income it brings, can work under pressure, don't get intimidated by *stuff* easily etc? Your thoughts please.
For all you non-geeks - start your own thread and don't make fun of us nerds just because we are *special*.
PS can anybody please tell me how to fit my pen pocket protector and Palm to my harness?

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ummm yeah i kinda work in computers...
i work as a admin in chat and kick little kids that swear and flood and read all the msg in some forums to look if there is phone numbers comercial web sites and curses, and i actually get payed for doing it from my house and in hours i want to work...
Free Skies,
Omri :S

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I don't know if we qualify as geeks but my friends and I all work together in a medical lab. We have two genetisist and on researcher. We work with computers and DNA I think that is as bad a combination of Nerd and Geek ass it gets.
Blue Skys and Safe Landings

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Dan, if you can build your own box, then you already know more than 75% of the so-called *professionals* in IT. If you are looking for work, you should get a couple of industry certs (A+, MPC etc.) and start contracting - there's good $$$$ to be made. I've got loads of useful *stuff* if you are looking for a new career, mail me at [email protected] if you need help/advice.

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Mark F... here.....
Um.... over 30 years in the system and network admin area. OpenVMS and U**X. Lotsa capacity planning and risk management...:-) Currently NOT working, and I have NO wish to in the near future...:-) (the near future extends to about May)
Mark F...

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Hey Skreamer,
Shit, I must be a real geek. Telecoms contractor who bought his own laptop and built his own Linux based webserver. Aaargghhh! My mum always told me that I was special, but now I know why they've been laughing at me all these years... I AM A G E E K!

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You lost your geek status when the JM said go and you did.

Dude, no way, one day I want to be a SKYGEEK! Like a skygod, only with less attitude and more acne!
hahahahhafuckinhahahahhaha i just got back from the pub and i'm pissed hahahahhahahaha
PS Lisa, you're one of us now - bring your asthma pump and retainer on over to our huddle!
Froggy, you too - but only cause us geeks are too scared to stop you from joining our gang.

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You guys we can all try to deny it but the truth is that we are all geeks. I tried to cover it for years by SCUBA Diving, being an athlete, fighting full contact, rock climbing, and now skydiving, but when you get all comfortable with yourself you admit you are a geek. Besides remember that it is that geekiness that allows us to get cash for our passions. Also geeks run the world. I mean what is the "cool" kid from high school doing: selling used cars with like 4 dirty kids and a fat and ugly wife.
Blue Skys and Safe Landings

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Man you guys are right, the cool guys are pumping gas. And dare I say it Whuffo! Ok you got me I'm a closet geek. There I said it, man I feel better.....Yeeee!!!!!!!!!! Haaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! oops well pilgrim I guess I'm a red neck geek.
Don't ever quit
The Cloud

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You guys we can all try to deny it but the truth is that we are all geeks.

Man, is this refreshing to hear. I always worry I'm the only one at the DZ who has an inner geek. I think our geekish pasts might account for many typical skydiver behaviours, such as the too cool for words acting skygods. You just know they had their lunch money stolen as kids. :)

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Its official dan, youre a geek :) and im the bad ass girl with the spiked hair, smoking cigarettes in the bathroom.

I went to a geek high school, so I missed out on most of the stereotypes. Are you the nice bad ass girl who's cool to crack jokes with, or the kind who'd steal my bad fantasy novels? :)
And I must admit that if you searched my old bedroom at my parents house, you would probably find the occasional multi-sided die. Not that I skydive to make me seem cool... oh no... :)

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