
Ah Crap!!! Foot-n-Mouth in New England?!?!?!

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I heard on the radio this morning that they think that Foot and Mouth has made it to New England and that they have quaranteened some people. I know that oversees, DZs were shut down because they were afraid of off-field landings into farms and further spreading the disease. Anybody heard about this or for you guys overseas...what happened with DZ closings and are you jumping yet???
"I'll jump anything!"

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They're closing more DZ in Holland every day.
Last week about 50% where closed, and today a lot more DZ got closed...
There are only 1 or 2 still open, and those have regulations. One 'out' landing and the DZ get's closed....
So because of that, only ppl with square reserves, at least 200 jumps and B licence get to jump (if they can get to a DZ that is) And the DZ that are open, are also worried they might get closed down pretty soon
This sucks bigtime, cause from the looks of it, the whole situation will only get worse, and it will probably be at least two or three more weeks (perhaps months?)untill the Foot/Mouth thing is gone and everyone gets to jump again.

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This sucks bigtime, cause from the looks of it, the whole situation will only get worse, and it will probably be at
least two or three more weeks (perhaps months?)untill the Foot/Mouth thing is gone

I have heard estimates of seven months or more, after all infected herds have been slaughtered, and the virus has had oppertunity to die off, they will then reintroduce animals in test quantities to see if the virus is gone. If the animals survive, they can then begin to restock the heards. This will take time, seven months may be a worst case scenerio, but I think, unfortunatly, more than a few weeks. This is a real tragedy, not just because dz's are closing (which is sad, it is after all a business), but all industries associated with livestock and the end consumers will suffer terribly untill this thing blows over. Nobody wins with this thing, and my heart goes out to all the dz owners, store owners, as well as all of the consumers that will be adversly affected. I just hope this can be contained and not become a world wide epidemic.
Soylent Green is people!! (scary)

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The only thing I heard is that announcement on the radio. I havent seen anything on the web or other news sites...I am keeping my fingers crossed. I did find an article on how lax the Boston airport is on people coming back to the states from Europe on this disease. If anyone hears anything please let me know...
"I'll jump anything!"

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Afew points to note here:
The hypothesis that foot&mouth has made it to USA has now been shown to be false. The animals were tested & they were negative. For now. There has been no confirmed case of foot&mouth in the USA since 1929.
There is a vaccine for the O-strain of foot &mouth. Problems with using it:
1) It takes 3 to 6 weeks for vaccination to be effective after injection
2) Once an animal develops antibodies from a vaccine, it becomes impossible to distinguish the animal from one which was actually infected with the disease, at least by normal antibody assays. (Of course, they could develop an assay looking for the viral DNA itself, like they did with HIV)
3) Many Europeans are concerned that in growing up & handling virus from which you can make vaccines, you increase the chance of the virus getting out & around. Now they're starting to change their minds. Of course, with modern technology you could now grow up recombinant viral proteins & thereby make a vaccine without having to mess with a live, natural virus.
So far there have been just over 600 animals confirmed to have F&M, vast majority in UK, but many thousands more animals have been destroyed.
Speed Racer
"Blue Skies, Red eyes, Sore thighs!"

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I have now heard on 2 different stations in the Boston area that PEOPLE have been quaranteened to Boston General Hospital. The only other article that I can find on the web is the pig in N. Carolina that tested negative. As far as I know, people can carry it, but it wont affect them that badly. People can transmit the disease to animals, right???
"I'll jump anything!"

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People can transmit the disease to animals, right???

Sure, it happens all the time in Australia!
Sorry, but you guys seemed to need a little cheering up. Here in the UK we've got both the cattle problems AND on-going shit weather (spring my ass).
[drop till you party!]

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The biggest issue here in Holland (and entire europe) right now is not about animals becoming resistent or anything.
It's a damn ECONOMICAL issue...
When they inject the entire Dutch stock of animals, they'll have live animals without anny illnesses.....BUT...
Almost 80% of all our meat gets exported, and there isn't a single country that will take meat injected with the vaccin.
Even though its harmless, and not the vaccin nor the disease itself affects people or other animals.
So if they inject all the cows/sheep...nobody wants them, and they'll just cost money for more food, and will never make money cause they just can't be sold, and a lot probably have to be killed (Holland has 16 Milion people and close to 12 milion cows...that's a lot of expensive cattle if it can't be sold...)
If they don't inject all the cattle, and just kill them right away, it will save 'the country' a lot of money.
If they inject the cows, and let them live, a lot of farmers will (in the end) will have to get rid of their cows cause they can't sell them, loose a lot of money, and perhaps even their farm (cause buying an entirly new load of cattle is too expensive for most 'smaller' farmers)
But if they kill all the cattle right away, a lot of farmers will instantly be broke and loose their farm...
So the farmers are f*cked with both solutions....
But because nobody is making a decision, more animals are getting sick and just last night they anounced closing an entire 'provincy' in Holland (something like a 'state' in the USA, but smaller:) so a lot of people can't leave their hometown....sick huh?
Concidering Holland is only 300 KM long/200 KM wide, and Mouth/Claw illness can travel up to 300 KM BY AIR...YES, BY AIR!
It's all a lost cause if you ask me...
I hope they decide what to do soon, cause this whole thing sux bigtime....(not even mentioning not being able to jump...cause 'how selfish of me' that's all what's on my mind right now..)

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Hey SkySlut,
I work at a television station in Boston and just found this on the wires.
AP-Foot and Mouth Joke
Two Boston D-Js suspended for foot and mouth joke
(Boston-AP) -- Two Boston disc jockeys whose station is broadcast in four states have been suspended for joking that there's an outbreak of hoof and mouth disease. Alex Kingston is the general manager of the Boston-based W-F-N-X Radio. He says the dee-jays known as Jaxson and the Pharmacist were suspended as soon as he heard about their prank. He says the early April fools joke went to far. The F-N-X Network broadcasts on stations in Boston, Providence,Rhode Island, Peterboro, New Hampshire and Sanford, Maine. The Vermont Agriculture Department got calls about the radio reports, and the network has since been running disclaimers about the jokes.
Blue Ones!

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Pommi = Native Englander(poor and unfortunate because they are 'Prisones Of the Mother land', Pommi)
Pommi Land = England
Kiwi = a funny looking bird; a type of fruit; or someone from New Zealand, where there are LOTS of sheep. That's the little island chain off Australia (not to be confused with Tasmania).
Kiwi's and sheep jokes go hand in hand. Pommi's and sheep jokes are OK... if you're an Aussie or a Kiwi (pommies and any jokes for that matter!) But Australians and sheep jokes just don't make sense...
Australians and beer jokes, footy jokes, and the rest - just no wild or domesticated animals...
Oh, I can feel a flame comming on here...

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okay this is way off topic but i know i've seen the movie this quote is from i just can't remember what it is and
it's bugging me. help!!!!!!1

Hey Wingnut, its from an old Sci Fi movie. It was set in the future, and food was scarce due to global overpopulation. The government at the time, had told the population that the food they were eating, Soylent Green, was made of sea weed and the hero of the story, finds that Soylent Green is actually made form deceased people, and the government was keeping it a secret. Beware of any "new" food scources, you heard it here first!

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and the hero of the story, finds that Soylent Green is actually made form deceased people, and the government was keeping it a secret.

Anybody remember a Saturday Night Live episode where Phil Hartman, dressed as Charlton Heston, keeps running through sketches insisting anguishedly, "It's people!! Soylent Green is PEEEEOOOOPLE!!"
I rented that sorry movie on the strength of that sketch alone. The movie was weird and sucky but the SNL bit still makes me laugh. :)

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