
were home! :(

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ah man. jersey sucks. I want to live at CSS! seriously though, the weather was amazing for the most part. I got a bit of a tan.. worked on my packing. (free pack jobs for all my friends the entire vacation!) Saw some amazing sights. The parties were soo much fun~ from what i remember. lol. got to meet some more dz.com friends. so that was pretty damn cool. I flew in a um.. what the hell is it called again? ULTRA LIGHT! thats it! it looks like a hang glide but has an engine and a seat on it. Went for a ride along. Bare foot, wearing shorts and a tee. The feel of the wind in my face and rushing thru my toes. oh man it was amazing. We buzzed a few fields, took about a 10 minute flight. Some skydivers landed off and they were about 200 feet away under canopy. Now that was cool.
The people there were sooo much fun! Jerry is a riot. for those of you who havent ment jerry, hes just too funny w/ his pimpin tent and colorful jumpsuit. i dont even know where to begin to tell you guys about it. Maybe Jim and Jim and Brandon et all can give more details.
oh! Lyle pressie gave a really good seminar on canopy control. It put some things into perspective for me. Plus he gave me some other tips too this week. Fun guy. Learned some new packing techniques. Really worked well.
Oh! jimbo (jim) got me a case of carona! it was sooo nice of him! im wandering around, totally trashed, and he tells me to go check my tent, theres something waiting in there for me.... Well, i wasnt seen or heard from again for the rest of the evening. lol Canada rocks :) hehe.
It was so nice to be able to walk around, not caring what i was wearing, how scruffy my feet were (barefoot most of the time), getting totally trashed at night and partaking in some crazy ass bonfire parying. Somehow i ended up with this guy on my shouders dancing around... I cant believe i managed to do that. lol
oh well, now its time to get back to the real world, darn this sucks.
im sure ill remember more about the trip.

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Damn it Froggie, you’ve made me sooooooo jealous!! After the “relative work” I’ve been forced to endure, it’s so awesome to hear that! You got to fly in an ultralight? Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! I’ve wanted to build and fly one of those forever! I’m really happy for you, and I mean that! Skydiving, ultralights, hangliding, whatever, flying is something that most people think (dream) about, but never get to experience. It’s sad that people can ignore it cause it seems so unrealistic. I’m very thankful that I ain’t one of those. Glad you had an awesome time, Kel!

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Hey Froggie.......
Did they get any loads up at all on Friday? I was down there Saturday for about 4 hours, and made a couple of jumps, but didn't run into you or Grogs (but I was looking !) Some crowd, huh ? Everybody had a good time......I even stood one up !
The PLF Barrister

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Hi Kingie. What an amazing weekend. I tried to look for a guy out there rolling around in the field, but with all the demo gear, there were lots of people there rolling around. After seeing 2 or 3 guys land in the trees and another fall right through them though, your landings couldn't have been THAT bad. I did find out it's a bad idea to try and surf out a landing downhill when there are no winds myself. ;)
And I agree with Froggie, that Ultralight is coool. It's even more fun to jump out of. That dead air is nice. :)Edited by Grogs on 4/16/01 05:51 AM.

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Glad to hear you had such a good weekend Kel! Now THAT'S the kind of stuff I want to hear! It's so hard to get back into 'regular' life after something like that huh???
(p.s. I agree...no fair on the ultralight! I've seen those fly around my hometown a lot and tried to get them to take me up but never got a chance to! That'd be a blast!)
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
-Joan Borysenko

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hey! thats weird. I bet that we saw eachother a dozen times and just didnt know it. I was the only one there not jumping! (practically). Um. this is wierd. I know that we had to have run into eachother down there. I could have sworn that I was wearing my Wingi's angel tee on saturday.. not to sure though cause all the days sort of blended together. wonder why? :)

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