
Do you wash your jumpsuit?

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I'm in the midst of picking out my jumpsuit colors, and a friend told me that if I put white on my suit, I'd have to remember that "real skydivers" don't wash their jumpsuits. I can't believe that people choose to walk around in a suit that is dirty and stinky! I mean, with these hot Florida summers down here, those suits must be pretty ripe! So, is it true?

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I just washed mine in February...I just couldnt stand the stink of it...It was clean, but it just smelled pretty bad. Of course, as soon as I clean it...I land in a nice big mud puddle...ughhh. Figures...I hate spring in New England!
I thought that if my jumpsuit didnt stink, I wasnt working hard enough. Its not like there isnt enough bad odor in the plane...I didnt feel the need to contribute anymore than I already do.
"I'll jump anything!"

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Hmm...I washed all evidence of my buttslide off my new jumpsuit as soon as I got home myself. Then again, I also didn't get any white on my jumpsuit specifically for that reason... I know it won't be the last 'ungraceful' landing I'll have! I hadn't heard that whole 'you don't wash the jumpsuit' thing. Wonder why?
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
-Joan Borysenko

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I would assume that you wouldnt wash your jumpsuit to show that you havent biffed it in...I know my roommate got a white Voodoo and he prides himself in the fact that he doesnt have any stains on it...although he does have thousands of skydives.
I was against washing my suit...just to see how stinky I could get it.
"I'll jump anything!"

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Yep, I definitely wash my suits several times a year nowadays. I have one white one for summer (and whenever else I feel like it), two black, and a blue. Black in the summer makes for some very rank odor after just a short time, but is great for making you sweat and thus lose that extra weight you might be carrying around. True, ten years ago I wouldn't consider washing a suit unless I got "evidence" on it. To hell with the people who didn't like my fragrant aroma! I only washed it when I couldn't stand the smell of MYSELF. LOL! My white suit, on the other hand, I wash about every two or three weeks just to keep it nice and clean/white. I even bleach it with color-safe bleach so as to get it REALLY white, while not ruining my orange and blue grippers. It has been a very long time since I biffed in that suit, but I de-stain it IMMEDIATELY after getting evidence on it. I have managed to get five years out of it, unbelievably. It's a first-generation Michigan Comp Bootie Suit. Of course this does not mean that my suits do not normally stink after about an hour of use. Us hairy Scottish-blooded guys can really stink one up! Actually, I think skydiver chicks dig the smell.

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Us hairy Scottish-blooded guys can really stink one up! Actually, I think skydiver chicks dig the smell.

Uh, Chuck, let me just clue you in on that one- no we don't! :D I for one prefer my hairy Scottish-blooded guys to be Springtime fresh like Downy. Or, better yet, like CK1!

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I have only washed mine once, shortly after I got it. But Im sure, this summer I will prolly wash it a few times, when the pitts bother me (or others to the point of speaking up). I guess a good rule of thumb, "if you can smell it in freefall, wash it!!":D
Blue ones!!
Greg A-37958

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Wow, I wash mine every week (if I jumped them, of course). I wash them in cold water on the delicate cycle with no detergent. I let them hang dry, which takes about 2 days. I might have a few grass stains, but I think trying to get these out would do too much harm to the suits.

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luckilly, my wife (who has a bit over 2,700 jumps herself) doesn't mind me getting a bit stinky on the DZ. I believe it drives her crazy! Such a good woman!
But yeah, the guy that said "if you can smell yourself in freefall...." was right on target. When my jumpsuit stays shaped without me in it, then it definitely needs washing.

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Hehe, I think mine needs a little washing after last weekend. I was priding myself on the fact I hadn't biffed a landing in nearly 50 jumps, and I rolled not 1, but 2 in this past weekend. The first one I swooped through the peas, drug a toe, and promptly face planted, and the second one I just sort of rolled in a demo canopy I flared a bit too high. I need to get at least some of the grass and mud off so I can 'hide the evidence' as mentioned earlier. :P

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i have yet to wash my jumpsuit. i bought it used and washed it then but ot since. i have only worn it about 4 times though, and here in germany it doesn't get to warm....i also fear if i washed it it wouldn't zip up anymore, but what can i say i got it cheep and i fall like a rock with my "slicky" on.

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You can wash them?!?!?! ;)
For me it depends on the weather - if it's hot and I've been jumping all weekend the suit goes into the wash before I jump again. If it's winter or I've only done a jump or two since the last wash then it waits. Course now that I have a washer/dryer at home I may start doing it more often - laundromats are expensive!
I gave up on removing the "evidence" a long time ago... I'd be washing it after every jump!
pull and flare,

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I wash mine every time I use one of them...Tony Suits recommends using Cheer or anything with a low or non phosphate base to it so the colors don't run...I have three and have never had a problem...as for the stains (what stains??) I use Shout and have never had a problem with that either...one of the suits is almost solid white, is over three years old and still looks brand new...good luck...

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What a relief to know I would be able to wash my jumpsuit, and be a "real skydiver" too. Although, I don't know any fake skydivers anyway...

To me, Skymama, (and others will disagree w/ me but...) I think anyone who skydives and truly loves the sport, the people, and the atmosphere is a *real skydiver*. What is a *fake skydiver* anyways:)You are definitely, a REAL SKYMAMA!
Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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A couple of weeks ago, I was travelling on business, and made a couple of jumps over one weekend. I wanted to jump the following weekend as well, so I left my jumpsuit with the laundry service at the hotel.
It came back cleaner than I have ever seen the thing! All its war wounds were gone! I think they may have dry cleaned it, not knowing what the hell it was.
It looked pretty funny in the plastic wrap on a hanger, but deeeaaammmm, was it clean!

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Tony Suits recommends using Cheer or anything with a low or non phosphate base to it so the colors don't run...I have three and have never had a problem...as for the stains (what stains??) I use Shout and have never had a problem with that either...

Hey freefallfeak, just don't use "Bounce"!! :D
Speed Racer
"Blue Skies, Red eyes, Sore thighs!"

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It looked pretty funny in the plastic wrap on a hanger, but deeeaaammmm, was it clean!

He he he he, that's the funniest thing I ever heard; drycleaning your jumpsuit. Next thing you know you'll have your parachute in there too, getting all prettied up:D.
Too cute!
Andrea~~I can't wait to meet you! Unfortunately, I have a wedding to go to this weekend. Yuck! As big of a softie that I am, I just can't stand weddings. I want mine, quick, easy, stress-free, and on the beach with all of our friends skydiving into it:)He he, you wouldn' want to see me this weekend anyways. I have a severe case of laringitus and have had no voice for 3 days now. My boyfriend is calling me Goose b/c he says all he hears when I talk is "Honk, Honk, Honk." HA HA HA!
Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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you wouldn't want to see me this weekend anyways. I have a severe case of laringitus and have had no voice for 3 days now.

I'll miss meeting you, Carrie, but I hope you have a speedy recovery. I had the same thing last week and it was caused by a sinus infection which stopped me from jumping. I can't wait to go this weekend!
Get well soon-

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