
Yearly income

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All 12 of you who put that you make 50,000 or more SUCK ASS! LOL! Just kidding! I'm sssooo jealous...guess you actually have to go to college and stuff, huh? Hehe
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

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anuall income really isn't a factor in how much you can jump. it's all about what other expenses you have. say you make 50k+ a year but have a car payment, house payment, child support, etc...ya can't jump as much as somebody making 10k a year with no other bills.....it's all about what else ya got going on and to take from "everyone's fav. movie"(lol)..."it's about how much you can cutaway"..........

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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Don't be jealous Pammi. Just remember, the more you make, the more you spend, so anyone who makes over $50,000 probably isn't much better off than you are unless they are wise investors. We are a middle income family with both of our paychecks, but we just manage to scrape by, week by week.
It's funny how skydiving has changed my outlook on "stuff". Suddenly, my old, out of style stuff in my house doesn't look so bad when I think, hmmm... those new throw pillows would cost me 3 jump tickets. Put them back on the shelf! :D

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All 12 of you who put that you make 50,000 or more SUCK ASS! LOL! Just kidding! I'm sssooo jealous...guess
you actually have to go to college and stuff, huh? Hehe

Not exactly, I have a GED, never went to college or anything and pull in @ 52 K per year, with a raise still comming this year (end of this month, wooohooo!!). I love this country, and I think it goes to show, that hard work will pay off, eventually. I could really bore you guys with my sob story of how it used to be when my family first came back to the USA from overseas, homeless and living off of charity, but I will skip it. But I will say that there is no "magic formula" to making a decent living, just maintain a good work ethic and it will happen. If I can break that 50K barrier, anyone can.
Greg A-37958

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Hi Ditch,
You a T-la Billionaire as well? Apparently me & bill gates are.... (Yep, I've got $100 in my wallet!).
Anyway, Currently it isn't income that is the issue, it's income Vs EXPENDITURE!!!!!! Right now, I have a partner, 3 kids AND a Bank Manager to support! (BTW... Why is Bank spelled with a "B" instead of a "W"? - Yep... Not best pleased with my financial (in)advisors just now).
Still... Summer AND money are just around the corner, hopefully Both will arrive in synch.
Mike D10270.

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**But I will say that there is no "magic formula" to making a decent living, just maintain a good work ethic and it will happen. If I can break that 50K barrier, anyone can.**
I agree! I'm have a G.E.D and started working when I was 12..by the time I was in 10th grade, I was assistant manager of a Pizza Hut...whooopie do, but taught me hard work and saving is what counted.
I'm in computer supply sales (data centers), 100% commission and so is the wife. So for us the household income is jammin (both 6 figure salesfolks)
Balancing a 60 hour work week, a year and a half old son (one in the oven), skydiving, flyfishing, SCUBA and kayaking ....aint easy! But what fun!!!
Its not the destination that counts, it's how you get there!

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Dont worry folks, when I was in my 20's, there wasnt alot of cash around for me either. It takes time to accumulate wealth, if thats what your after.
I'm simular to the Egg-miester. Dual "jammin" incomes.
But there is not much time for stuff like hours of TV, weeknight relaxing or full nights sleep.

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Yes, it's not JUST the income that counts, it the outgo, too. I earn good bucks, but after the mortgage, food, clothes for a family with 2 growing kids, gas, etc, there isn't much left over for J/Ts... but let's face it - skydiving is an expensive sport to get into! I agree with those of you who mentioned work ethic. I was managing a gas station when I was 18, before I went to college. Hard work pays off.

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Geez, listen to these people! :)Busted my ass getting this education, and now I'm just crawling by. I should have just taken some computer training & it would have been easier, cheaper, and I'd be making more money. Oh well, at least I've finally started to wise up. I'll be taking network training this summer & fall, maybe I can finally get a salary that will allow me to raise a family or something.
A college education doesn't seem to be as valuable as it once was, even though tuition prices have skyrocketed.
Speed Racer
Brew Skies

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Sales is where its at! Out of the 40 or so we have. The average age is 30, half did not go to college or have prior knowledge of this industry........anyone who earns less then 100K is out the door.
Absolute performance based postions and income!
Gotta love it

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Doesn't have anything to do with going to college. It does have to do with having the skills necessary to get a higher paying job. I know lot's of people who make way less than me (and no, I'm not going to say how much that is) that have Master's degrees and I don't have any college degree. I'm 100% self taught. So get a computer and a book and teach yourself some good computer skills. That's really all it takes.

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Busted my ass getting this education, and now I'm just crawling by. I should have just taken some computer training & it would have been easier, cheaper, and I'd be making more money. Oh well, at least I've finally started to wise up. I'll be taking network training this summer & fall, maybe I can finally get a salary that will allow me to raise a family or something.

dont count on it. at least not till this economy turns around. the tech sector sucks a** right now. I should know... now making 1/2 what I made a year ago due to job cuts, etc. (wont bore with the details)

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