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Hi there
Go to www.deja.com, go to rec. then find rec.skydiving
You can browse rec.skydiving and search really easily using deja (now owned by google). There is lots of interesting and funny stuff to read there (also a good place to research opinions on gear etc), however since it is not moderated, it can occasionally get abusive. If you can ignore the chaff, there is some REALLY funny stuff there.
Hope this helps.

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It's a newsgroup, which is completely different from a web site. Well, it's all 0s and 1s in the end, but the concepts are different. A newsgroup is a lot like an e-mail list, except is isn't delivered to your inbox - the messages are sent to news servers, and if your account includes access to news servers (aka Usenet) then you can go to them and browse through the messages there.
Deja.com also had a really extensive system for accessing newsgroups through web pages (which is slower than an actual news server and news program like Netscape Messenger or Outlook), but when Google bought them out the service got gutted. They're slowly bringing it back. If you're interested, go to http://www.google.com and poke around.
Blues, squares,

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however since it is not moderated, it can occasionally get abusive. If you can ignore the chaff, there is some REALLY funny stuff there.

no, it is always abusive... I used to go there, then totally gave up. When you have a small group that is there specifically to cause problems and be smartasses, its never fun(unless you are one of the above smartasses).

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Usenet has always had a high signal to noise ratio.
About the only thing it's good for these days is downloading massive amounts of porn and pirating software or movies.
Not that I'm familiar with either, mind you, it's just what I've heard and all, you know....

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Agreed. The wreck-dot is pretty awful and I don't recommend it for anything but an occasional check nowadays. I used to keep it logged on through Deja back in their "good old days", but now, since you can't post straight from the new Google site I don't bother. When I feel I MUST respond to something on there, I do it through newsone.net which, for some reason, does not do a good job of updating the archive in a timely manner.
It it a shame that that newsgroup is so full of mindless banter, as there are some people that monitor it who really do want serious answers to serious questions. A typical thread there might get one serious answer out of 20, which really pisses me off. But, then again, that is the sole purpose of what seems to be the majority of the "regulars."
There is a sub-strata there which refer to themselves as "ALFs". ALF meaning Annoying Little Fuck. They award themselves numbers once they achieve a certain level of obnoxiousness. I for one am not impressed. Thank God I found this forum area. While there IS a small degree of bullshitting going on in the Skydiver Talk Back section, the gear& Rigging and Safety and Training sections are a safe place for you to ask your serious questions of me (and the other very experienced jumpers/Instructors and riggers). It is that fact that keeps me logged on all day at work, and has me checking at least once a night at home. There are actually quite a few of us who try to keep our finger on the pulse of both sites; Alan Binnebose, the moderator of the gear and rigging forum here is another regular poster on the wreck. Actually, Alan told me that they awarded him an ALF number for his tenacity in defending his stance on some pertinent issues which have popped up on that site.
If any of you people new to the sport want to check it out, then I say go for it. You had better, though, be prepared to defend yourself against a bunch of morons that post just to see their names on the archive every two minutes. You can see what I mean in just one review of the last five pages of the archive. Go their to get a good laugh, then come back here to get some decent information and meet better-mannered posters.
Chuck Blue

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I agree with all of the above observations about rec.skydiving. I started out on these forums, and actually heard about wrec. on these pages. Once I finally figured out how to access the usenet, I wasn't impressed at all. And, going from the mostly supportive, fun and nice posters we have here, to the type of posters they have there, I was in shock! Who needs the abuse? It's like Jerry Springer on the web!
Three cheers to Sangiro for creating a site that's fair, fun and informative for all! :)Blue Skies-

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About the only thing it's good for these days is downloading massive amounts of porn and pirating software or movies.
Not that I'm familiar with either, mind you, it's just what I've heard and all, you know....

yeah me either... i'll trade ya some of your stuff that you havent heard about for some of the stuff that I havent heard about.... LOL

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Zennie said--
Wreck has a really high noise-to-signal ratio. 'Bout the only thing I use it for anymore is to try to get info when an incident occurs.
DB: You mean a LOW signal to noise ratio. (much noise)
Dave Brownell
X recording engineer

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here is a direct link to googles so called newsgroups, rec.skydiving group. Deja was sold to google and noone has been able to post from deja or google for some time now. Easiest thinig to do to post is through outlook. have fun reading
D.Chisolm C-28534
[email protected]

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Three cheers to Sangiro for creating a site that's fair, fun and informative for all!

Right on! I was just thinking that this is the BEST thing around. Where else can you log-on and get fast, informative answers within a day without all of the $h!T from rec??
Three cheers (and beers) for sangiro!!!

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I have to say something here.
*standing up* My name is Donna and I admit I am an avid wreck.skydiving reader and ALF#007. :)Seriously.....I found rec last winter. At the time I only had done 3 tandems. I started AFF just about a year ago. The amount of help I got from rec was incredible. I have had tons of questions as I have learned to skydive ....from help in getting through AFF..... to jumping alone..... to what gear to buy... you name it. I have always had a lot of support, encouragement and good and helpful advice from others on rec. There is more to rec than what you see. Lots of advice is sent through private e-mail. I do like some of it better when it is posted as then it gives others a chance to tell whether they think it's really a good idea or not or a chance to expand on it. Yes, there is a lot of bullshit on there. Yes, some people can be very abrasive. It is not hard to learn how to put people you don't care for in a killfile or how to click 'mark thread as read'. It doesn't take long to figure out who to listen to for good advice and whose posts you can skip altogether. Though some people might surprise you. They may act silly on there but in reality they are very intelligent and can be very helpful when necessary. Don't go there if you are thin skinned or don't have a sense of humor. Two of the most supportive and helpful people to me have been ALFs. There is more there than meets the eye. If you want to go somewhere where everyone will just sweet talk you and agree with you then stay away. If you want some honest opinions mixed in with bullshit, laughter, opinion wars, word games and to make some great friends then come on over and check it out.
aka TY ALF#007
BTW... If you think Alan doesn't enjoy his ALF# you are wrong. He even tries to steal everyone elses!

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Donna makes some good points, I lurk rec.skydiving - mostly I just run searches when I have a specific query or problem. I then email people directly and generally get very good, very detailed replies. And some of that stuff like the on again/off again dust-up at the Ranch is just too funny!:D
Personally I don't think slagging off the entire rec.skydiving here is called for or needed - don't whistle down the wind... Just like these forums, if you don't like a thread don't read or post to it. (but Donna is right, it is not for the fragile ego)

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