
Need help with whuffo conversion

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Okay. I'm in the early, tentative stages of a relationship with what seems like a great guy, except -- HE'S A WHUFFO.
In my experience, dating whuffos causes:
1) the guy to feel emasculated because his woman has more balls than he ever will, thus making him hostile
2) the guy to feel abandoned, because his woman is off jumping out of planes and getting drunk with other guys every weekend, thus making him hostile
I have a few ideas, including dragging him to the DZ and strapping him in the co-pilot's seat for an observer ride, or buying him a tandem for his birthday.
Anybody got ideas/experience with this?

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I have an idea.
Intentional cutaway. Far better than dealing with a messy main you can't lose that just ends up dragging you down anyway!
Or - in reality...If he really does seem to be great, you'd better check he understands what skydiving means to you...a lot of whuffos just can't comprehend what an obsession skydiving is.
If you buy him a tandem he may still end up feeling emasculated (cos he's got to be strapped to a big man himself, while his bird flies free all on her own!)....The only way, I guess, is to see how it develops.
I'm sure it CAN be done (skydiver/whuffo love)...but can you really be arsed? ;)
Hope it works out anyways...

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If he gets hostile, lean in close and whisper . . . cut-away!! Geesh, you said it was early in the relationship, if these little things make him hostile, what will the really important stuff do to him?
Does he show any interest at all in skydiving? Going with you to the DZ to watch? Hang out at the DZ? Meeting your friends at the DZ? If not, what the heck are you doing with this guy? Not that it's got to be all about skydiving, but you two have to have something in common to have hooked up, right?
I think you have the right idea about buying him a ride up. Get him in the plane, let him see what it's all about, who knows, the next thing you know he may be out the "DOOR!"
Good luck!!

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Geesh, you said it was early in the relationship, if these little things make him hostile, what will the really important stuff do to him?

Oh no no, this guy has been nothing but great! I'm talking about what I've experienced with other guys since I started jumping. :)

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So does this guy have any interest whatsoever in jumping? Or is he one of those "you're crazy" sort of whuffo's? I think that will foretell, along with his general outlook on life, whether he will be easy to convert or not.
I myself don't think I could be with someone who didn't enjoy skydiving also simply because I spend so much time at the DZ and you KNOW it'll eventually be an issue once you're together very long. It's like this poor gal I got my new rig off of...she was very into skydiving, then she got married to a whuffo and I got a rig she'd just bought with only 35 or so jumps on it. Her loss, my gain...but her friend at the DZ is making predictions on how long it will be before she's sneaking off on him...not to mess around...to jump!
Of course, I'm lucky enough to have Merrick who loves skydiving as much as myself...don't know what I might've done if I'd met him right now and he didn't want anything to do with skydiving. What a conflict!
Good luck!
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

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The conversion trick at my DZ goes like this:
1) Get them to do a ride along with Tandems on the plan. They see people jump out and it stays in their head. Also, they see how chicken @#$%^ the tandems are before they go. This helps later. Don't ask how the ride along was when they get down.
2) A week or so later make some comment about there being a ton of tandems that day, then ask how his/her ride along went. This usually sparks the idea of doing a tandem.
- At this point download the sunset shot of the couple kissing in freefall from this site and leave it where he/she can see it.
3) Once they have decided to do the tandem, if they like it, say it's not nearly as cool as doing it without someone on your back, if they didn't like it pull the metal handle.
With my wife all it took was watching me dirt dive with some girls. She decided I needed to be monitored.

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So does this guy have any interest whatsoever in jumping? Or is he one of those "you're crazy" sort of whuffo's?

No, actually, he says he's sort of intrigued by the idea, and that recent radio commercials for the dropzone where he lives are "getting in his head." So I think, with some prodding, he'll get up there. I just need to do it gently. ;)
Keys, I like that suggestion. An observer ride it is, then! Hope for good Dallas weather on Memorial Day, y'all!

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Good luck with that situation... a "friend" of mine was getting into skydiving (she had 50+ jumps) and quit it because of her man.. it was sad.

Fuck that. Relationships come and go, but skydiving is part of who I am. >:(
Eh, this relationship will probably go to crap anyway, as most do, but I'm going to give it a shot because it's so hard to find someone datable in the first place -- I can't imagine how impossible it would be if I put "must be skydiver" in the filtering process.

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it's so hard to find someone datable in the first place -- I can't imagine how impossible it would be if I put "must be skydiver" in the filtering process.

Man, some of the women on this website are especially hardline about this skydiving crap... Due to the gender ratios in skydiving, if we male skydivers were this strict about it, most of us wouldn't get anyone...
Look, skydiving isn't everything. And this is from a guy who has changed the whole way he's defined himself because of skydiving! (OK, I admit, I don't have a girlfriend right now!) But if you have a good woman/man in your life, for God's sake, hold onto him/her!! ANY relationship takes effort!! Let's have a sense of perspective here!!
Speed Racer
Brew Skies

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It's unsafe to your jumping career to hook up permanently with a whuffo. Good friend of mine got tired of dating flaky skydivers and tried seeing a whuffo. He was cool with the whole skydiving thing... until they starting getting serious and talking about weddings and babies. She felt that having a baby would mean 6 months or so of not jumping, then shortly after having the kid she'd be back in the air. He felt that having a baby would mean she would sell her gear as soon as the rabbit died and turn into a "mommy" (minivan and all). Needless to say, she cutaway very soon after this conversation - and is now dating a very cool skydiver who was totally worth the wait.
And sorry speedy I gotta disagree with ya.... skydiving IS everything! Ain't NO WAY I'll ever date a whuffo, even if that means I get no sex ever again. ;)
pull and flare,

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Bottom line. If skydiving is just not his cup of tea and he can come to the DZ and not feel threatened then cool. But if he doesn't understand why you jump then he doesn't understand you and the whole thing is doomed anyway. Get him up on AFF or Tandem just so he has some idea of where it is coming from or there will be a whole side to your life that he is out of and that is a real problem.
Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO

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And sorry speedy I gotta disagree with ya.... skydiving IS everything! Ain't NO WAY I'll ever date a whuffo, even if that means I get no sex ever again


Like I said, only women have the luxury of believing this...

Not true Speedy, you have that option. There's just a good chance you'd fall into the 'no sex ever again' category. :(
As for the relationship, try and stick it out, but I'd have to say the prognosis is poor. It takes a very secure man to know that his gf is spending all weekend hanging out with a bunch of wild crazy people who are all confident and brave enough to jump out of airplanes, and, perhaps even worse, if he comes out to the DZ a lot of the skygodZ will be looking down their nose at him, and even among the people who are nice to him, they won't have all that much to say because every other word that comes out of a skydiver's mouth is about jumping.

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But if you have a good woman/man in your life, for God's sake, hold onto him/her!! ANY relationship takes effort!! Let's have a sense of perspective here!!

Agreed, completely. I look at skydiving as a SYMPTOM of who I am -- as in, I'm a risk-taker, I look at life a certain way, and these traits manifest themselves in my jumping out of airplanes.
Therefore, I need someone who is sympathetic and nuturing toward those attitudes, but NOT NECESSARILY (already) a skydiver. (Though I don't know if I could date someone who thought the idea was completely nutso-crazy. He'd likely be way too uptight for me just in general.)
I look at it as pure luck that I got into skydiving. If I hadn't heard a certain commercial on the radio, if I hadn't had a friend who wanted to go tandem with me, if I hadn't had the financial means to do AFF...we're all damn lucky the stars aligned and made us skydivers. I'm not going to blow off an intelligent, funny guy just because he hasn't been as lucky as me.
So an observer ride it is. ;)

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