
Wingnut's Angels T-shirts have shipped

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Shit, girl, PLFXpert, you crack me up!!!:D:D:D:D:D
Well, I must be the one of the most fortunate guys on this ng, I was born in Virginia (no, really, I was), AND I have balls of steal (well, not balls really, but you get the idea:D)!!
and wingie, I think I beat you out by about 4 years, but glad to know there are more of us "MEN" out there!!!!! Jump with you anytime. Might have to see about connecting ours via chain, but hell, can you imagine if we get separated, then deploy!!!!!OUCH!!!!:o:$
on second thought, let's just stay connected on this, and leave the chains for THE SISTAH!!!!
Still laughing at PLFXpert's entry:D:D:D:D
NZPF A-2584

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Yes, leave the chains to me! There are many creative things to do with chains! So, Blaine, are you going to chain yours to mine?? I am going for a ring, that should make it easier!
And in Pammi's defense, she is not going Friday to get "that" pierced...she is going to get something else. Just wanted ya'll to know!
BTW, for anyone out there contemplating any kind of piercing but isn't sure: It feels awesome! There isn't much pain, much less than a tattoo! Plus, that little bit of pain is very pleasurable...something so sexy about the needle going through! ;) I will feed my adrenaline/endorphin addiction in any way possible...so that includes tats and steel!! (oh that means I have balls of steel too, doesn't it?? surgical stainless at that!)
Much hugs and kisses to you all!!
"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.Campbell

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why would you want to conect them with chains? your starting to scare me.........and yup you got me beat by some time but hey i wasn't legal to get anything like that done any sooner........(or stupid enough, man it hurt, but it's cool)

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He he he...so Freaksis, it sounds as if I guessed almost accurately. You're getting the girls' pierced, your ta-ta's, melons, baby-suckers, the twins, sand-dollars, boobies, chimmy-changas, and my personal favorite, Titys! Good for you. All the more reason to play with them.
I keep playing with mine but they still won't grow. But it feels good all the same:D.
As far as piercing vs. tattos, I have 2 tat's going on 3 and eventually 4 (I have 2 more in mind that I want.) I LOVE them and they weren't painful at all. I have a hibiscous surf flower w/ ocean waves on my mid-lower back and I have a lil' crescent moon and stars inside my left hipbone, kinda low (I like to call it dreamland...he he he, at least it was for the tattoo artist.)
But as for ever getting my Virginia pierced, she's pretty enough without the jewlrey. My girl likes it au-natural for the big red eye:)Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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LOL! Freaksis is right...I'm actually just doing my tongue Friday :) I would like to also do my 'Virginia', but that would entail having another man in a very personal place that doesn't make Merrick comfortable. I want to respect his feelings on it, especially since it'd be mostly for him anyway (I think it'd be a cool 'naughty secret';))
I actually already have three tats and have two more in mind for the future, but one of them will be very expensive because of the detail and size involved, so it'll have to wait for a little while ...I'm spending all the extra $$ on jumps and saving for Quincy!
Pammi ;)

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"I keep playing with mine but they still won't grow. But it feels good all the same."
Carrie -- ANY body part (male or female) grows much faster if a member of the opposite sex is the one doing the "hoe-ing".....
The PLF Prime Minister

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"...but glad to know there are more of us "MEN" out there!!!!!"

Well, if that's what it takes to be a MAN then just call me the Barbie wielding, pig tail havin', Sunday Easter dress wearin' little girl next door!!! Cuz' there really is no way in hell I'd mutilate my best, most favorite part about being a MAN. Just an opinion.... but you guys are one step away from self-castration!!! What's wrong with you?!? ROFL
"Peace & Blue Skies!"

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He he he......right on, Merrick. Keep ole' one eye seeing straight:)Pammi, tongue piercings are pretty cool. I wouldn't know about on girls but on a guy, they are delectible:)I personally will stick to my tat's. I'm not big on piercings for myself but I love them on other people. If anything I'd consider an eyebrow ring but I doubt that will happen.
Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/
PS. I'm in news reporting class so if it didn't log in, this is PLFXpert. I'm leaving for the weekend after class so later skaters.

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Can't you just see both of us getting pierced there and getting stuck together! ROFL! That'd be something! "Hey kids...remember when I taught you how to call 911? Can you call them and tell them to come quick! Never mind why!" LOL!

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AAAAAHHH!! <> I think I agree with Merrick on this subject. The friggin' Spanish Inquisition couldn't have devised something like that!!.
If I wanted metal in my body I'd become a cyborg.
The nipple piercing thing freaks me out, too. What if you got a line-over?? <> <>
Damn, this started out as a thread about T-shirts!!
Speed Racer
"Blue Skies, Red eyes, Sore thighs!"

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yup this started out as a thread about t-shirts but it has become so much more! to all of you that couldn't imagine doing something like putting a piece of 10 gauge metal where the sun don't shine, it's not that bad. i've had hard opening that hurt worse and lasted alot longer (the bruises on my thighs) plus it's just neat! lol.......i wish stainless steel was magnetic, i'd love to set off the metal detectors at the airport.

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Most piercings are designed for sexual enhancement. The dick piercings supposedly rock a woman's world. I have my tongue pierced and that is sexual in nature too...I talked to my piercer about clit piercings, and he said every woman he has met that had it done said that it made sex MUCH better. I think that is fucking awesome!!! For the record, I have my navel pierced too, and used to have my nipple done. I am going to have it re-done again soon!!
the FREAK!sis
"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.Campbell

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help!!!!!!! has anyone seen my balls???? they are made of steel.
yey, i saw this and the t-shirt thread and i was hoping for pictures of the shirts on my angels!!!!!! what's up with that gals???? i thought ya got a digital camera sis?, and what about you my little green froggie?, can't get stacy to help ya out on this one??? and carrie, well we haven't herd from carrie very much lately, maybe she's locked up by one of wingnuts many enimies.............

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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maybe she's locked up by one of wingnuts many enimies.............

Wingnut has enemies??? Nah..... but I do want to see those pix! Afterall, me and Wingy were brave (or is it dumb) enough to pose for our DZ gals a while back!

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