
Celebrate with me!!!!!!!!!

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Hi everyone,
I have my last ever exam at University this afternoon...after four years, millions of essays and exams I will finally be cut loose from education...have to get a job before things are rosy though.
I want to express my appreciation of St. Andrews University for having a Parachute Club and enabling me to do my first jump...it is the only thing I appreciate about it mind you...:P
Anyway I want to invite you all to have a beer for me at the weekend...hopefully the weather will be as gorgeous as it is right now and I can laugh at the whole experience while I 'm tumbling through the sky...:)I'm off to do my final bit of revision now...
Speak to all later,

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we'll drink in your honor tommowow at texel...

yes, that's a weally weally gweat idea fewwynut!!!:D
This weekend is going to be freakin' AWESOME!!!
I'm going to skydive, I'm going to drink loads, I'm going to be REALLY immature, annoying and obnoxious!!!! (and if I get into a fight I am going to run REALLY REALLY fast!)
yee-haa - die naweek gaan ons suip laat dit kak!!!
Ps Ben about me and my tax *returns* - SSSHHHHHH!!!;)

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You guys are freaks *laugh*
Congrats Joolee!!!!! Go have you a wonderful fun weekend full of Creamer, er, Skreamer-type behaviour before you head out to that 'real-world' of working off those loans :) You deserve it!!
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

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I apologize sincerely for whatever distress I may have caused Skreamer and any other Seth Efrikans for insinuating that they, and not American Southerners, talk funny. Now just don't get distressed - you might do something crazy like jumping out of an airplane. ;)
Blues, squares,

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Behaviour the same as normal for you then

I'm back and I'm bad - this DZ.com boogie is going to ROCK - better warn them to start firing up those Dutch ovens : mooooose, skreamer, wingnut and 'he with the boring as f@ck nick' are heading over - T minus 27 hours until impact!!!
we're going to get WAAAAAAAASTED!!!

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So then Creamer my son! What NON-boring as F@ck nickname would you suggest I use???? Shall we have a poll on what my new nickname should be? I would, but as I am NOT pooter literut, I can't werk the pill mashine.
The parachutist formerly known as BenW. :o

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Whut 'bout dem der texans? Dey aways -a- tryin t tawk right! uh-huh (spit-ting

Ignoring the bait...la di tum...la la la
Anyway, all our chickens were stolen by some freaks in Georgia. They seemed disproportionately excited.

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Whut 'bout dem der texans? Dey aways -a- tryin t tawk right! uh-huh (spit-ting)

Now don't y'all go talkin' trash 'bout us Texans ya little prairie poop! Ah don' wanna hafta go an' open up a can 'o whoop-ass on yore sorry little beee-hind!

ner one -o- ya'll saw my chikins?

Dey ain't chickin's. Dey're skeeters. Dey jus grow 'em a little large down here.
Oughta see our rattlers! Why jus' the other day ah wuz wrasslin' this naaaasty one come snuck up on me whahl ah wuz feedin' mah pet tarantula hiz daily bunny rabbit. Hadta whack him upside the noggin with mah machete. Took 2-3 three good 'uns fore he went down.
Frahd rattler! MMmm. Mmmmmm......
Blue Skies!

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this thread is starting to sound like rec.s................

Dude, I was thinking the same thing. WHAT HAVE I BEGUN?
No seriously - the difference between here and wreckdot is that these forums have a designated area for messing around and a designated area for serious inquiries, and the two don't usually get jumbled up with each other.
Blues, squares,

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