
Of all the stinkin' luck!

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Dipshit, you know the guy, I've bitched about him here before, has decided to fight some more about visitations and custody issues *sigh* So guess what that means?! We may have to say "bye-bye" to Quincy this year because of the insane amount of money we had to put down for an attorney for his retaining fee! I fucking hate that man! Sorry for the language :/ I've just been looking forward to this for a year now, it was our first anniversary trip/honeymoon (since we didn't have one last year) for heaven's sake! BASTARD!
Thanks again for the venting!
Some newpics.

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Hey Pammi,
I know where yer coming from. My X has attempted to ruin my life ever since the big "D" (and I don't mean Dallas)... As if the previous 14 years was not enough :D.
Hold your ground with that S.O.B. and vent away! We're here for ya Pammi!
Maybe we could start a "My X is still a __________" club;).

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That's a bitch, Pammi, and kinda scary--does he try to use skydiving against you on this? I don't know how many times I've heard whuffos say something about skydiving being out of the question for people with kids...un-informed dinks; I can just imagine a lawyer getting all up in a lather over that!

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Pammi, you know how I feel about this. You can call me anytime you need to talk/vent etc. I am SO sorry we don't get to go to Quincy together! I don't know if I want to go if you and Merrick won't be there!! :( Hang in there, girl! You know I love you!!! MAJOR HUGS!!!!!!! There are a lot of times I feel like you are the sister I never had! Maybe we should get really buff and take Tae-Kwon-Do and go kick his ass! We could get Carrie to come up here and really become Wingnut's Angels!!
Thank God I don't have an X! X-husband anyway!
Keep smiling, Pam!
The road to hell is paved with good intentions-but sometimes,good intentions are all we humans have.

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