
Alarmin Statistics

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Number of physicians in the US: 700,000.
Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year: 120,000.
Accidental deaths per physician.... 0.171
(U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services)
Number of gun owners in the US: 80,000,000.
Number of accidental gun deaths per year
(all age groups) 1,500.
Accidental deaths per gun owner: 0.0000188
(* Benton County News Tribune on 17th of November, 1999).
Statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.
"Remember, Not everyone has a gun, but everyone has at least one Doctor."
Please alert your friends to this alarming threat.
We must ban doctors before this gets out of hand.
Remember guns don't kill people, doctors do!

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Yeah, I can believe the accidental deaths stats. There is so much negligence from medical personnel these days. I even know some doctors who don't give a rat's ass about their patients' health and well-being. It's sickening to think that you could go to be treated for something so minor and die due to someone's screwup. I do give credit to some doctors, nurses, etc..., but not many.

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But think of how much more time doctors would have to spend giving quality care to the sick if they weren't dealing with so many gunshot-wound traumas. ;)
Karl, I like you, but I have to disagree on this issue. I responded to your post in the other (Zero tolerance hysteria) thread.
"If it can't kill you, it isn't worth doing."

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Karl, I like you, but I have to disagree on this issue.

:$Awwww... I like you too, Justin :$. :D
It's OK if we disagree. This is America! That's what we do here. Now if we could all just get along... :)I guess we disagree on MD also :D. I'm leaving as soon as I can to someplace warm (hopefully in TX). You can stay. It's OK with me.

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Actually, accidental gun deaths are the lowest now since 1903 when records started to be kept. The number of gun owners in America is also the highest it has EVER been (well since 1903, once again...) :) EERR-RAH!
AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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That goes both ways, Grasshopper. Much of the data that the anti-gun rights people display talking about "children" shooting incidents include a lot of *other* data. Like including all the data for not 1-18yr olds but including all the way to the age of 25 which increases the numbers greatly for a few reasons. 1. The number of people participating in gang violence are between the ages of 18 to 23. 2. Leagally at the age of 21 a person can purchase firearms. 3. The list could go on, but I have to goto work. :( (well I have to get those lift tickets some how...)
AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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Doctors suck. Thats what they get for going to 8 years of college and dedicating their lifes work to helping people. They should all be banished from the earth. If I need a heart transplant then I guess thats what the Almighty put spoons on this earth for.
Safe landings,
Alex D-23912

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Thats what they get for going to 8 years of college and dedicating their lifes work to helping people.

Well here's a whole new topic. I find most doctors to be arrogant asses who are dedicated to the dollar, praying on innocent people that have no other options.
Some fun eh!

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The first post is an example of abusing statistics to satisfy a political agenda. You can't compare number of deaths by doctors to number of deaths by gun owners. It's just the wrong question to ask.
Consider this: Just about anyone who is dying of anything will be visited by a doctor at some point during the time period when their health is declining just before death.
Therefore, if you really wanted to be stupid, you could just use those numbers to blame doctors for virtually all deaths.
Hey, maybe these people were lying in bed before they died. That would mean that beds kill more people than guns!!
Speed Racer
"De plaene!! De plaene!!"

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Doctors suck. Thats what they get for going to 8 years of college and dedicating their lifes work to helping people. They should all be banished from the earth. If I need a heart transplant then I guess thats what the Almighty put spoons on this earth for.

Very nice, Alex. Agreed.
Why the hostility toward a noble profession?

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The first post is an example of abusing statistics to satisfy a desire for laughter.
Easy now... drop the mouse and step back from the computer and nobody gets hurt.

Why don't we just get back to abusing statistics to try and convince ourselves that skydiving is safe? Sheesh!
"Oh, you went to a movie this weekend? That's nice. Me? Not much."

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