
i think im getting jaded!

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alright heres a question. how long did it take for you to become totally frustrated with whuffos?
i ask b/c although the ones im talking about take interest in hearing my jump stories. i alway try to TEACH them but some simple stuff just erks me. they all look at the pic in the magazine. and when they see the picture that is rounded off they all think that these are edge of space jumps. of course ,now i let em believe it. but i am tried of explaining that its just the lense etc.etc.
i have no problem informing them about the mishaps(when they read em) training, stlyes of skydiving. thing ive done and wanna do( it helps me when poeple ask questions.) but there are some simple things that start tearing at the edge of "pissed off" about these friends. how do you do it?
--dont get me wrong. its not like i cant handle it. and it really doenst bother me after that moment is over. i can still sleep at night. y'know what i mean. hahaha just wanna hear your horror stories about the dumb and the ignorant(isnt that a soap opera?)

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Yeh, took me about 100 jumps to get totally sick of DUMBASS WHUFFO QUESTIONS.
'How high do you go up when the parachute opens?' - Yeh, we now have parachutes that take us back UP to the plane....sometimes a canopy ride can last DAYS....
'Can you breathe in freefall?' No - sometimes people pass out due to oxygen deprivation, which is the main reason for AADs....
And my personal fave, from tandem semi-whuffos:
'Why are you asking me to sign this indemnity?' BECAUSE YOU MIGHT DIE, FUCKNUTS! And we don't need your stooopid bitch-ass family filing for compensation!
Nowadays I just ignore them...like any skygod would ;)...

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The most common one I've heard - million times it seems - is when people see one of my scars and ask what happened. Not wanting to get into details, I usually just say, "From skydiving." To which they invariably reply, "Oh. Did your parachute not open?"
Y'know, and I'll probably get it for this, but I never heard the term 'whuffo' before I joined this shindig. "Cherry" or "Leg", yeah, but 'whuffo' was a new one on me even after about 9,10 DZs. I know that's not a lot, but you'd think I'd heard it. 'Course I was out for a few years. Is this a relatively new term? Quack
PS excuse my ignorance, please

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Whuffo- Civilian term for non-jumper
Cherry, Leg (usually prefaced with slimy, greasy, and or nasty, stinkin) Military term for non-jumper.
You must hang around military folks a bit.
"I want to fly like a silly angel, Lean for the sky, straight into the sun"-Fuel

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I am frustrated with a guy I work with. I said something once about how I fall faster than a lot of people. He insisted that gravity is constant, therefore we all fall at the same rate. I tried to explain....air resistance...terminal velocity...I even did a demo with two pieces of paper, crumpling one and not the other....(they didn't fall at the same rate, obviously) and he STILL insists that we all fall the same.
I have actually had this conversation with the same guy twice.
I give up. Whatever...come jump with me and you'll see.....
That is my idiot whuffo story.
Blus skies to you informed people,

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Sadly, there are plenty of DUMBASS FUCKWIT whuffos who have the same opinion as the ones you mentioned. They are confusing the terminal velocity of a human falling through air with terminal velocity in a vacuum.
Just look at them pityingly and agree. Save your brain cells to get annihilated on post-jump booze and drugs at the weekends. Shame to waste them on earth-bound mongs.

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All whuffos ask the same questions, it seems...some are more annoying than others. My UPS guy always delivers stuff from Rigs N Things and the Sunshine Factory and Para-Gear (oh that reminds me I need some more closing pins!) but he isn't annoying for some reason. Maybe because he's cute. LOL
The rest of them drive me fuckin' bananas.

I'm not crazy because I take the right pills everyday.

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, but 'whuffo' was a new one on me even after about 9,10 DZs. I know that's not a lot, but you'd think I'd heard it. 'Course I was out for a few years. Is this a relatively new term? Quack

I made my first jump in 1975 and Wuffo was alive and well back then. I don't know when it started but its been around a long, long time.
Some fun eh!

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A guy came out to the dz to do a tandom. He brought about a dozen people to watch. One of these guys told me we were all crazy and that parachutes were made for saving one life and not for recreation. I turned around and said "yeah and a car was designed for transportation and not for racing." I found out later that he races cars.

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I am frustrated with a guy I work with. I said something once about how I fall faster than a lot of people. He insisted that gravity is constant, therefore we all fall at the same rate. I tried to explain....air resistance...terminal velocity...I even did a demo with two pieces of paper, crumpling one and not the other....(they didn't fall at the same rate, obviously) and he STILL insists that we all fall the same.

Whenever I get that one I just ask them to think about why we need a parachute. They think about it for a minute and then realize that that 'everything falls at the same rate' crap only works in a vacuum.

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Jeez, Man! you scared me with that title. I mean, what kind of title for a trhead is "i think im getting jaded!", thought you were giving up skydiving! don't scare me like that :D
Now, people, I'm only gonna say this once so pay attention:
Logic, reasoning and math don't work with whuffos
They already know everything so there is nothing you can teach them.
Besides since you skydive you are a nutjob so anything you say will be nonsense (like that crazy talk about objects having different fall rates, they know better, they managed to get a D in sophomore physics).
Reality check, have you checked your dictionaries lately, they might be a good source of what the mindest is in this whole thing.
From the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary

Main Entry: 1para·chute
Pronunciation: 'par-&-"shüt
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from para- (as in parasol) + chute fall -- more at CHUTE
Date: 1785
1 : a device for slowing the descent of a person or object through the air that consists of a usually hemispherical fabric canopy beneath which the person or object is suspended
3 : a device or structure suggestive of a parachute in form, use, or operation


Main Entry: sky·div·ing
Pronunciation: -"dI-vi[ng]
Function: noun
Date: 1957
: the sport of jumping from an airplane at a moderate altitude (as 6000 feet) and executing various body maneuvers before pulling the rip cord of a parachute
- sky diver noun

Yeah, right! maybe in 1970 it was, but I don't think so. Square (ellipticals, paradacyls, etc) canopies, accuracy and style, CRW (even RW for that matter), jumps at normal altitude (ie, more than 6000 ft), etc, etc. are not even part of the activity.
Especially, never, ever attempt to explain why some of us use helmets.
Arm yourselves with courage and patience and remember, whuffos are people too. :P
Still shedding whuffo-ness
Check out the Hardcore Whuffo pages

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They are confusing the terminal velocity of a human falling through air with terminal velocity in a vacuum.

And just to clarify, terminal velocity in a vacuum would be the speed of light (maybe ;)).
Blue Skies!

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no way not jaded with skydiving.......not me. haha.
but i guess i can see by the title how it would be mistaken for that.
i just went to deland this weekend. if anyone was getting jaded deland will bring em back. that was a great time down there....in fact im gonna start a post since nobody else has...

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