
male ho

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I know that not every instructor is the same,but do most unmarried male instructors sleep with alot of their students. I'm interested in my instructor but I see all the hot chics that come down to the DZ and could see most male inst. being whores. Again I know each person is different but really what do you people think?

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thanks, I had sex with my instructor and then he told me we would have to wait until I was off student status to have sex again that instructors were not suppose to sleep with students,but i'm sure i'm not the only newbie that has fallen prey to a sexy skydiving machine, but now at least I know he was full of shit thanks again.(guess i'll have to find a good looking skydiver at my dz)LOL

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Speaking of hoes, everybody come see me play this saturday in Urbana Illinois! Live music courtesy of "The Hose" at the Lincoln Avenue Residence hall! That's right, we're giving a FREE concert! All you'd have to pay is exorbitant prices for gas to get here and back because you all live across the world in various places... damn.

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so, umm, why do the instructors get labelled as the sluts? has it not become crystal clear that the group we have going here in dz.com is possibly the horniest group of people on earth? HA HA HA! well, or just a bunch of big talkers. heh heh.
but hey, extreme poeple often have extreme aspects to their lifestyle. sex is well, possibly one of the afore mentioned extreme aspects. ha ha. it is just a given. now, not that i am getting all defensive and paranoid just because my boyfriend is a jumpmaster, but there are many respectable men and women instructing skydiving today...well, okay, maybe many is a strong word, some? well, okay wait, a few? hmmm. one or two? uh oh, if you'll excuse me, i need to call my boyfriend. HA!
oooh 12 more minutes to go home time. saweet!

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Well, damn, I never slept with any of my instrustors. That is ok since I'm sleeping with a 19 year old skydiver and he is half the age of most of the jm's, he is also sweet enough to pack for me sometimes as he hates to see me strain to close my rig. Works for me, and yes, this has got to be the most sex craved buch of people I know...that is why I like all of ya.
BTW Clay, YOU are not an instructor unless something has happened recently.

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What about us poor males who get used by Skychicks????
When I moved to Edmonton, I knew no-one, was feeling lost, and after a miserable winter, I managed to drag myself to a local DZ... WELL... I did not realize in what kind of trouble I wasleading myself to...
It hadnt been a couple of days there that a local Skychick noticed me,, and her words to herself were, and I quote " Fresh meat".... I was all alone, with no one to look after me, and she made a quick lunch out of this poor roaming jumper after getting me drunk.... Maybe Instructors are sluts, but some of these Skychicks are killers!!!! (PS, Its been 5 years and she hasnt let me go!)
And Pammi:

Note to self....do NOT let Merrick be a jumpmaster :) hehe
Oh wait...new note to self...he must SHARE if he is a jumpmaster!

You guys are sick!!! SICK!!! lol
I-A, Coach 1, Coach 2 pending...
Muff 914

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It hadnt been a couple of days there that a local Skychick noticed me,, and her words to herself were, and I quote " Fresh meat".... I was all alone, with no one to look after me, and she made a quick lunch out of this poor roaming jumper after getting me drunk....

No way is that what happened! I'd like to hear Karen's version of that story....

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Hmm. We must be a little different. This doesn't seem to happen very often (or maybe never) at my DZ. Almost all of our instructors are married and faithful to their wives. The tandem masters seem to get quite a few offers, but as far as I know they never take them up on it. I think it probably has a lot to do with the type of DZ. We do most of our business on the weekends and almost all the instructors have some sort of M-F job. At some of the larger 7-day a week dropzones, a lot of the Instructors tend to be single guys that live on the DZ, so I would think that type of thing happens more often.

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well it's not that all instuctors are like that. albatross can vouch for me on this about a certain drunken chick at perris this past weekend, the students just seem more vulnerable............. i myself would prefer licesed skychicks students any day...... the skychicks know what is going on and can jump durring daylight and night.......

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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ha ha ha yes they do....
DZ politics is like being in the military lots of men, few women, the women do lots of hopping around usually ending up sooner or later with an idol (instructor or other experineced person).
here is a nasty saying.
"you didn't break up with her, it's just not your turn anymore"
be a good girl and look for someone that you honestly like, because in the future the skygods won't seem some godlike :)then you will undoubtedly go look for the hot shit freeflyers :D

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"Now a sit-fly with a back flip into a head down is where it's at!"
Uhhh...just dont try this while flying with others. Off axis turns cause some really great accidents! Ask Dove I believe it was.....
"Jesus Blessed me with his future...and I protect it with fire!"-R.A.T.M.

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