
Skydiving video game?? Anyone tried it??

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LOL, I got it on credit ($9.99) when I returned a game the other day... just for novelty value as I was pretty sure the only thing "Extreme" about it was the title (can't wait for their next release, Extreme Shuffleboard anyone?)...
but it got me thinking... with the interactive arcade games like Dance Dance Revolution, the stand-on-board Sega skateboard & snowboard arcade games, the sit-on-motorcycle games, etc, why not an arcade game on creepers? (picture Japanese businessmen playing in suits :-)

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I've never seen that one.
Same subject, different game - don't waste your money on the computer game "Skydive!" It's got some cool skydiving pictures in a screensaver, but that's about the only worthwhile part of the program...
pull and flare,
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