
Giving Blood and jumping

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From everything I've read and heard from doctors if you have donated blood recently please refrain from jumping for at least 48 hours. Due to the blood loss your body will not be carrying O2 at its peak proformance. Spending time in a low O2 environmemt is not highly advised during this time. If you noramally feel Hypoxic at altitude please allow more time to pass before jumping. I think it takes like 3 weeks for the blood to fully replace it's self in your body so take it easy with the jumps for the first week or two after jumping. If any medical personal can direct me to more concreate figures that would be greatly appreciated.
Flying on your belly is great..... if thats all you can do! ;)

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I've given blood on many jumps, and made the next load too.. No ill effects.. Oh, wait a sec....you're talking about a different kind of giving blood....nevermind..
Honestly, the FAA recommends that pilots not give blood within 24 before flying.. I think that 24 hours would be sufficient for skydivers, too..

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Out of curiousity, did they actually have Red Cross set up at Quincy like I heard they would? Makes you wonder why they'd do that if it could be dangerous...plus with all the drinking too....wow. We got there the last weekend, and if they were there, they weren't when we were. Of course, not many were at that time!
Hemp/skydiving jewelry pics!

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Michele corrects herself and sez: You shouldn't do anything strenuous for 48 hours - and skydiving is strenuous.......
I give blood on a regular basis - and am on call for the emergency center at my local hospital (I am O CMV-).....I have never been cautioned in any way. The only instructions that are given are: No heavy lifting or strenuous activity for 48 hours. Other than that, there are the typical aftercare instructions to drink more water, and more juice. If you feel faint, begin to get hot, tunnel vision and/or hearing distortions, ringing or loss, put your head down and breathe deeply, and grab something sugar filled (Coke, cookies, doughnut).
I have only once had a bad reaction to donating, and that was during an emergency donation call - I had given blood two weeks before, and there was a serious accident involving a burned baby. I came in and gave blood, stood up, and passed out. Felt fine after two cartons of oj, and lots of water and oj in the next two days.
I think that if your fluid level is up, and you give it the 48 hours, you should be o.k., unless you are anemic, or have had trouble in the past. In which case, listen to your body, and make your own decision.
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Next time you donate ask if it would be ok if you go Scuba diving later that day. Their answer will probally be no. The decrease in hemoglobin makes it iffy to do that type of activity. Altitude does similar things to the human body.
Flying on your belly is great..... if thats all you can do! ;)

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Michele - they don't caution you from that because most people don't skydive.
You should wait. You're missing a lot of red blood cells, you won't have as much O2 getting through you. I think 2 days is a good number. My roommate (who incidently, works at a hospital, not a doctor (doesn't play one on tv either)) and he won't give blood unless he's not planning on jumping for a week. Course, he smokes too so that affects your efrfective altitude.
Then, I saw these two guys swoopin across the pond, and I was like 'weeeeeee!!!!'

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Very true, Wildblue. And thanks for the caution.
I will wait - and I just re-read my post. I realize that it could be understood that I had said there were no cautions. Sorry. Not meant in that way. I will go edit it right now.
I gave yesterday morning, so I should be fine if I get to go this weekend. If not, then I will for sure be fine when I go after this weekend.
Ciels-and thanks for clarifying!
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Hey, somebody -
Could you check the sarcasm meter? Is it spiking? lol
As to model, not really. As to American, all the way. And if I could be half the person I am, I would jump w/ a 79 Stiletto.......hahahaha
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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>They're asking people all over the country to donate blood . . .
In San Diego they just asked people to stop - they have all the blood they can store.
> yet flights are still shut down. Hmmmm...
There has been at least one military flight carrying blood from CA to NY.
-bill von

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I don't know, I think 24 hrs might be cutting it a little close. Even normally, I start to feel lethargic when our slow-ass Twin Otter spends a long time getting up to altitude.

Well, this would be a case where personal judgement comes into play.. In the past when I have given blood, I had no problem flying or jumping within 24 hours.. Maybe I have a higher tolerance when it comes to oxygyn deprivation due to altitude.. Hanging out at 15,000ft doing multiple go arounds has never affected me......but then again, I spend a lot of my time at altitudes over 7,000ft..

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They're asking people all over the country to donate blood, yet flights are still shut down.

What exactly is your point? If you're referring to the fact that they can't get the supplies from other parts of the country to NYC area - you're wrong.. Certain medivac flights are being allowed.. A friend of mine took blood and first aid supplies from California to NYC today in his cargo plane.. Flights such as this are still taking place - they just have to get individual approval from the FAA on a per case basis.. Passenger and standard cargo transport is not being allowed..

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Last spring I had read something about that you aren't suppose to donate blood if you skydive in Britian and I often donate so I got concerned and asked around about it. I had also asked on rec. There were quite a lot of responses, some medical reports from doctors on it. Unfortunately I have a new computer now and don't have any of the e-mails any more. I will do a search on deja and see if I can find anything there. I do remember that in some studies some people could be much more affected than others. Women seemed to be more prone to side effects. I know there was talk of waiting about 3 weeks to be on the safe side, though there were many personal accounts of people donating with no problem that they had noticed. If I find any of the articles I will come back and post them.
D :P

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In the UK, if you mention that you skydive, the blood donation clinics etc won't take blood from you - for your own safety.
I'm pretty sure the BPA recommend not giving blood if you are a skydiver, it might even be a rule (not absolutly sure though...).

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I'm an instructor for the Red Cross and while the blood drive and money donations is not my department, anything to do with the Red Cross is special to me.
Waiting 2 days minimum after donating blood is a good idea. Ask different people and you'll get different answers though. Even doctor's wouldn't have a set number of days to wait before jumping.
And while donating blood is good, the Red Cross also needs money. If everyone on this forum could spare $20 (the price of 1 jump ticket) that would help alot of people out. In addition to blood they need to purchase supplies, etc.
....and then I saw his foot and knew I had to make him mine:)

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Here is one post I found that sounded sensible:
Post donation:
The volume of your blood is returned to normal within 24hrs, but not the
constituant parts of the blood, ie Hb. This is what is required to
transport O2. The $64,000 is how long does this take to return to
normal, or when can I jump. There is no exact answer to this. It depends
on a multitude of things. For example: The bigger you are, the fitter
you are, the quicker you will recover. Chaps recover quicker than Girls.
Also depends on what height you are going to, height of DZ above
sealevel, a number of things. Because they variability and the risks
involved no-one will officially say "you can jump x days after donating"
so they say don't donate. BUT.
I think that 10-14 days should cover most normal people easily, as being
able to jump you need to be semi fit. But if you feel bad on the 14th
day obviously don't jump, wait a little longer, also if you get to 'tude
and feel shit, go down with the plane. another thing to consider is
plasmaphoresis. leave 2 days post plasmaphoresis then you should be fine
to jump.
Obviously if you aren't normal shape and size(esp small women) you might
want to leave it longer, or not donate at all.
I found many different articles and they varied greatly in their advice from being fine in 24 hours to waiting 4 months to not donating at all if you skydive. My opinion is know your own body and how it's reacted to other things in the past. Use common sense. Know the signs to be aware of. After reading a lot last spring I had decided not to give during the summer when I would be more apt to be skydiving. I figured I could give a few times during the colder months. This, of course, is a special circumstance and I'll definitely give and I'll probably just wait at least 3-4 days and then pay extra attention to how I feel on the way to altitude. Good luck!
D :P

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