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it is obvious that i am no longer wanted here so i will go befor i leave i would however like to say a few things.
you have accused me of being racist yet it was not meant that way after stating that it was not meant in a racist way i was then told by quite a few ppl to take it like a man. To be honest i dont care what other ppl think of me. we are all entitled to our own views and entitled to share it. I cared that ppl where changing my views,
i am in no way never have or will be a racist i dont think any race is better or worse becuase i dont see diffent races i see ppl, everone looks diffent dif colour yes but also dif hight weight size of nose hair colour clothes. Also australia is often for some reason portrade as a racist country that is bullshit we are some of the most open and antiracist countrys in the world how could we be a large number of australians are 4th or less generation imigrants
on the aboriginal things yer they where treated like shit but that was in a diffenent society hell one of the most succesful civilisations are the romans there entire system relied on enslaved people hell they even had huge events and sent them to kill eachother in rings. modern day aussies dont treat them like shit.
terms are differnt around the world an eg fanny in us means bum in aus means vagina
also in australia there is no term for a white person that acts like a person with dark skin so ofcourse it didnt even occur to me that my comment might sound racist plus in austrlia yopu are more likly to be called a poof then anything racially based.
some of you may say f@cken leave us along we have just suffered a tragedy. i feel for you but i am also scared for my life. i live in brisbane. in october chogm is meeting (commenwealth heads of government) i.e not only lots of world leaders surrounded by cameras but also alot of those leaders are the smae ones that have promised military support to the us to go after these murdering bastards. then add in the fact asutralia is very close to the us culturally and also militarily plus the use of planes as weapons have been proven as a weapon. flights from brisbane airport go over brisbane city to go to places like sydney so the aircontrolers wouldnt even know because the plane would bairly leave its flight plan. also the could do this in weeks rather then the months or years of the attack on the us because not only do they know how to do it but also they only need one plane
its to bad i really liked this place
oh well if any of you are in aus id gladly jump with alot of you send us a line on [email protected]

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stop thinking so much and stick around!

You said something that was not meant as in insult, some people took it as an insult... life is full of misunderstandings... I think you're a big enough man to go past that, and I hope the people that were offended are too...
Muff 914

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stick around awhile.
You've had just as many people stand up for you as you've had get mad at you. Some people just forget that there's people from all over the world on this board, and terms are taken different ways in different parts of the world.
Then, I saw these two guys swoopin across the pond, and I was like 'weeeeeee!!!!'

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I'd hate to see you go. Until now, I didn't want to jump in on this.
I lived in oz for 5 years - and I can say, your comments were not meant as how some people took them. There are many sayings in many countries that people would just not understand until they have been a part of the culture. It is unfortunate that using local term on an international forum has resulted in this. If you had continued to use terms that you knew offended people it probably would be best to leave. But this is not the case.
I sure do hope you change your mind and stay.

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?? bruises??! I thought they were just shadows--and besides, how many of you young whippersnappers would have respect for a crippled old grandma unless she bruised, er,ahhhh, left a light mark or two to show where she'd been? :D
I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says...

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C’mon, Skyhawk, you’ve been here long before I have. Long before I went to my new nick. You’re one of the originals and you goddamn deserve to be here. I know you are reading this, probably anon. You don’t know me but I’ve been on this forum along time and don’t want to lose any of the people who made this forum what it is. Y’all come back now, hear?
"Well I may be crazy, but YOU'RE boring!"

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