
Cold Weather Clothes

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Oh, c'mon you guys, give me a break! I spend 11 months out of the year sweating down here (and not in a good way!), so my body's just not used to anything below 70. And, since I lost 60 pounds, I don't have much insulation left on me. I guess that makes you feel REALLY sorry for me now, huh? :D
All kidding aside, thanks for all your input. I wrote down all these brand names, and am trying to figure out where to find these things now.
The brave may not live forever, but the timid may not live at all.

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I might also suggest, from Greatland for about $8, some silk liners for under the batting gloves, they are thin enough that there is no distraction but they keep you much warmer than the gloves alone-morning jumps here in Colorado are getting quite chilly :-)! Good socks for the other limbs too-smaller planes are going to take forever to get to altitude up here...

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Stop yer whinin!! Last weekend as I checked the thermometer on jump run, it was -18*C at altitude. (I think that's about 0*F for you Yankees) It was then I realized I should really invest in a full face. Come to Alberta, and find the true meaning of COLD.
Live to Jump, Pull to Live,

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Nah..not me...maybe after a six-pack...but even then I would be surprised. See I can just keep going and going...much to my dismay at times...I keep telling one of my friends to buy a hammer, and when its time for me to pass out (but I don't know it) just hit me over the head and carry me to bed!
The only beer that REALLY kicks my ass is Guinness Extra Stout, and I LOVE it. I have to be careful how many of them I drink. Hard liquor is another story...scotch or tequila, and you might as well lock me up in a padded room, or I will end up bouncing off the walls...last time I was at the dz I got hammered on scotch and I don't remember the mud wrestling...I heard that I had a good time, though!! Apparently I decided to moon the manager (and everyone else standing there too)...I'm glad there were no videocameras (that I know of). Everyone had a good time so that's what is important...and I didn't even lose my keys!! (Probably because it was too cold to do a naked runway walk.)
See, Stacy, I told you I'm famous for my drunken antics too! The two of us together would have been too much for XKeys to handle. Hell - you, me and Kelly....ouch! I can feel the hangover now...
Music should trigger some kind of response... - The Chemical Brothers

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where to find that's easy... just ask you're local ski instructor.... on the web: Eastern Mountain Sports, L.L. Bean, www.fitfanatics.com, reliable racing (inside edge), www.wickers.com, helly hansen, Damart or any number of other outdoor winter activity sites will work. Nike ACG stuff is actually really good, too (although a bit expensive). We were at DeLand once for a training camp, and my teammate Joe was cold -- looked everywhere for the thermals (in DeLand), he ended up buying panty hose, which worked pretty good (for him -- I didn't go near that one).

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Real Guinness is not a strong beer (alchool wise anyways).

Regular Draft Guinness, the kind you get on tap in Irish pubs & the kind in those weird cans, is just under 4.5% alcohol. Freaksis was talking about Guinness Extra Stout, which comes in bottles & is a brew made from an entirely different recipe. I think it's got 7.5% alcohol.
Personally, I prefer the flavor of the draft Guinness, especially out of the tap with a nice creamy head on it :P:)Speed Racer
The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind

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wellll... I AM here (for now anyway)

Well, when I originally wrote it, you were off playing in the Arizona sky with your buddies! :)Is Dick's Sporting Goods a website, or a local place?
The brave may not live forever, but the timid may not live at all.

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Being a Florida gal, I've never done any winter sports, and now that the high temp. is going to be all the way down to 70 (!) this weekend, I don't know the best way to keep myself warm, especially at high altitudes.

[shaking head] Geez.....you've led such a sheltered life, haven't you? ;)

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