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I rarely watch Real TV, but today for some reason or another it's been on in the background.
Anyhow, the did several skydiving clips and they were all positive! One clip of JC Colclasure executing a perfect swoop under the London Bridge, and then later on several clips of celeberty tandems.
What they did not show was a single clip of someone having a bad landing, a reserve ride, getting knocked out in freefall, etc... The things that I think Real TV is known for.
That is all - it was just nice to see some positive publicity from a show known almost exclusively showing the worst of our little world.

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Actually, Patrick DeGiardin did it this stunt first and was successful flying from a Porter and back into the same plane. It hasn't been duplicated yet (that I am aware of).

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As others have noted, it was done but they weren't wearing a birdman suit. Or, at least the one for the article that was posted in Parachutists magazine the jumpers didn't have birdman suits. This is the one where the Porter had a drogue attached to it.

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The late Patrick De Gayardon was, as with many other things, the pioneer who did this first using a wingsuit (which he also pretty much pioneered!) to fly back into the same Porter he jumped from. Joe Jennings and his band of merry men including Omar Alhegelan, Greg Gasson, and Steve Curtis did it without wingsuits over Skydive Arizona earlier this year flying into a different plane than the one they jumped from. Some cool pictures by Brent Finley and the article here.
Safe swoops

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No one has flown back into a porter the same way Patrick did. The stunt in Eloy had a porter with a drogue on it. Actually my buddy tried the same exact stunt Patrick did over at Elsinore about 2 weeks ago and they almost got back in. I trip out on what the visual would be....dang! could you imagine being that close tot a plane in freefall?
BITE ME.... :P

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I trip out on what the visual would be....dang! could you imagine being that close tot a plane in freefall?

A couple of years ago, I had a 4 way pass within 100ft of my airplane(while we were climbing through 8,000ft, doing 300 knots).. I asked the controller if there was skydiving in the area, and his response was.... "Uh, yea, jumpers in the air at 6o'clock and a mile......oops"
Some of you Houstonites may have heard about that one from the jumpers themselves..

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"Uh, yea, jumpers in the air at 6o'clock and a mile......oops"
Nothin like ATC asleep at the wheel. Reminds me of a midair I almost had in Korea. Two Korean F-4's coming across my range. Had two F-16's doing run in's (Squadron Commander #1 and 7th AF Commander, 3 star general #2) About 30 seconds AFTER I got everyone going in safe directions the jackasses at Airdale(there sole purpose was traffic deconfliction in this airspace) calls out "Sting one zero traffic 1 mile tracking south west." The F-4's were already gone 3 miles to the south by this time. Looks like my MK-1 eyeball kicked the shit out of all that expensive radar equipment that day.......:)"There once was a man named Enis.....B|"-Krusty the Clown

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