
I'm feeling aggressive

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OK, honey, I know you begged me not to tell anyone, but you have thrown down the gauntlet.
>Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 14:00:04 -0800 (PST)
>From: "Skreamer"
>Subject: I am so sexually confused!
>To: "Jessica"
>I know you have ignored all my e-mails thus far, but I feel
>compelled to make one final plea to you to fulfill this
>BURNING NEED I have to indulge my gender-ambiguous

Now that's good!
Kris - too much time one you hands... waaayyyy too much time.
Jess - Ok look, Chewbacca is a wookie. He lives on Endor with 2 foot tall ewoks. Now what would a 8 foot tall wookie be doing living with 2 foot tall ewoks? It doesn't make sense! Why am I talkin about Chewbacca? I don't know. Chewbacca is completely irrelevant to this case. It doesn't make sense! Why we even havin an argument? If Chewbacca make no sense, you must acquit. Now I'd like to play some jazz trumpet for you all.
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine, in a bag

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One of you hostile sumbitches come knock me in the head. I can't sleep. It's three in the #$%@#^% morning

Is that what you kids are calling it these days? "Knocking you in the head"? Just doesn't roll off the tongue like some others... I guess "harder" and "faster" could still apply though.
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine, in a bag

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ah, I see.. the analogy in that light makes much more sense. "Oh, baby, knock me in the head" just didn't seem right.
I love the way you look at me
I love the way you smack my ass
I love when you knock me in the head
Next big hit right there...
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine, in a bag

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Just curious to know if anyone has gotten to you yet, besides skreamer, and myself. I know we are on the bottom of your top ten list. Besides, I would rather bring up and old topic you wrote to get clintonradloff off the list.
Hey This thread is good for something, glad you could make yourself useful. ;-)

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Just curious to know if anyone has gotten to you yet, besides skreamer, and myself.

Nah, and don't flatter yourself -- y'all haven't "gotten to me" either.
Oh well, guess I overestimated y'all.
I'm still frustrated as hell...and I was looking forward to a nice battle of wits to take the edge off...
Alex wants to see you bleed.

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I'm still not sure why people are responding to this thing jessica. I certainly did not see a post adressing her, so I wonder what gave her the idea that she was to speak. Does she not know that she should not speak until spoken too?
Then again, it could be a moot point, since from her attitude I get the feeling it is spectre under a different name.....

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I can vouch that Jessica is not Spec.... I've talked to people that have jumped with her, so I know that if she wants to be a sky-babe she can easly be one. Besides.... Jessica writes good stories sometimes for a newspaper and does'nt do much else except complain how her and FreakSis never hooked up.....
A rainy day at the DZ is better then a Sunny day at work

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I can vouch that Jessica is not Spec.... I've talked to people that have jumped with her, so I know that if she wants to be a sky-babe she can easly be one. Besides.... Jessica writes good stories sometimes for a newspaper and does'nt do much else except complain how her and FreakSis never hooked up.....

Heh! No, I'm not Spectre...but that IS the most creative insult anyone's come up with so far.
What, out of curiosity, makes a "sky-babe"? Is it simply a matter of will? If I just shut my eyes really tight and wish really hard, is that how I become a sky-babe?
Thanks for the compliment...I'm an editor, though, not a reporter. I do some free-lance writing on the side, though.
And yes...I think everyone HERE has whined, at some point or another, about not hooking up with the Sis. :D
Alex wants to see you bleed.

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