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I went up to skydive spaceland in houston today and i've been there a couple of times and i've been interested in skydiving for the longest time now and I met a couple of guys up there that told me to come on here take a look around. i've never done it before but im really inerested in getting into it hardcore and as soon as I can get up the money to pay for it all at once im ganna get in the classes at skydive spaceland. Im 19 so I figure im getting into it at a good age so if anyone has any tips or advice they would like to share with me it would be greatly appreciated

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Welcome to the forums!
There's lots of good skydiving info on this site; take a look at the links at the top of the page for info on gear, safety, etc.
Hope you can get the $$ together and get in the air soon; you're gonna love it! :)pull and flare,

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Hey, MM, I got into it "rather late" (says the old, decrepit, woman....hahahaha), and I am having a glorious ball. So don't knock age nor wisdom, duderoonie ;). The sky is there for everyone, not just the young cuties.....
As to BigCountry, one of the best things I did was to buy a copy of "The Skydiver's Handbook", and read it cover to cover between my first and 2nd jumps. I wish I had bought and read it before I jumped, but jumping was a spur of the moment thing for me.....
It's written by Dan Poynter and Mike Turoff, and is very clear, concise, and easy to understand. I bought mine at the dropzone's gear shop, but I have heard you can get them from Amazon.
Also, prepared to be addicted and challenged, and find absolute joy in the sky. I had a bit of a rough time early on, but have loved every minute of it nonetheless (with the exception of about 2 minutes there...).
Come here, chat, post gear and safety questions, ask them all. Then, when you get into the sky, come back and tell us all about it.
Ciel Bleu-
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Hey, MM, I got into it "rather late" (says the old, decrepit, woman....hahahaha), and I am having a glorious ball. So don't knock age nor wisdom, duderoonie . The sky is there for everyone, not just the young cuties.....

Dont start up with me again. I was just saying that I am glad that I started when I did. Jeez.
click me for a good time

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Dont start up with me again. I was just saying that I am glad that I
started when I did. Jeez.

If you took my comment in any way other than teasing you, you took it the wrong way. Sorry about that - not meant in any way other than in fun.
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Michele has the right idea. I bought my copy of The Skydiver's Handbook right off the shelf of my local Barnes and Noble.
Also, hang out at the dropzone. It is amazing how much I have learned just watching and listening!
Good luck, and I hope to read about your first jump soon!

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19's a fine age to take up skydiving; lots of young jumpers out there-- besides, the total range of age of the sport jumpers is one of the attractions in the sport. Heck, my first static-line jumpmaster was in his late 50s when I went thru the course... 'course, that was 8 years ago.
I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says...

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You will absolutely love skydiving...and yes.. you will get addicted! At our dropzone, we can pay as we go...maybe that's more expensive in the long run, but i suspect that since you're 19, you probably don't have much in the way of finances. So, my advice in that regard is...as long as you're eager NOW to get started..do so NOW and not wait til you have all the money to pay the whole thing. Life circumtances change and you may regret not having started at this very moment.
Check into your dropzone to see if they will do a pay as you go or some kind of payment plan. When they see that you are serious, i'm sure they will help you out.
Good luck, and have fun!!

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thanks for the advice guys, they do have a pay as you go type of deal and I think im ganna go ahead and do that but as far as my financial situation, I have a pretty good job making pretty good money for my age but I just got my car out of the shop so im kinda strapped for cash right now but when I get my next paycheck I will get that book and depending on how much I get on my next paycheck I might get my first lesson

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The best thing to do is start as soon as possible and keep going.. Its probably the best experience youll ever have and every jump gets better.. As far as the money goes.. hey your still young After that first jump the jumps get alot cheaper if you go static line.. im not sure how much every jump aff is .. but anyway have a blast and go jump

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