
The worst possible scenario!!!

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Okay, so here I am on the brink of another holiday season trying to figure out where all my money went this year...? I've got bills beginning to pile up, business travel to pay for over the next three weeks, and no immediate relief in sight. "So what", you say... Me too! Reach down, grab a hold, and get your shit together right?! Afterall, I've been in this situation before and pulled through all right. Fine, I'll do it... I'll start paying my bills again and get caught up in time for Christmas... If I play my cards right I'll just barely have enough to come out of this thing okay. Wait just one second there big guy, not so fast! That is until...last night! So my buddy and I are sitting here watching a show on the history of baskett weaving (or something really exciting like that) and all of a sudden I hear this huge BOOM and then my car alarm screaming at the top of it's lungs! My buddy and I jump to our feet within seconds and sprint out my front door to find my prize stang mangled on the side of the street in front of my house! Keep in mind folks, we were out there in less than 10 seconds easily! So immediately our eyes turn towards the only two ways someone can drive away from my house and we see a pair of brake lights about a 1/4 mile down the road in one direction and nothing in the other... Oh, I'm livid at this point cause I've just realized that my skydiving trip I had planned for this weekend at Elsinore was in serious jeapordy of being cancelled cause of this!!! So naturally, I'm already on the phone calling the police, and without thinking, I hollar to my buddy to grab my .45 while on the phone with the dispatcher. Big mistake... Okay, so now I've got the cops on their way, I've got my gun in my car with me and I'm going to chase these bastards down... Wrong! My car starts up just fine, but as I slam it in gear and step on the peddle I hear metal screaching and the sound of my tire being torn to shreds! So I shut my car off, and grab my buddies keys from him! This has all happened in less than 30 seconds so far. Anyway, I finally get going and am sliding around corners and running signals trying to find whoever was responsible for this. "They couldn't have gotten far!", I say to myself! The damage to their vehicle has got to be substantial judging by the mess they've made of mine... My cell rings and it's the dispatcher informing me that there is now an A.P.B out and 6 cops on the scene! To make a long story short, three and a half hours later, I walk in my place and throw myself on the couch and start piecing together the 'what the hell am I going to do's?'... You see, I only moved down here about 8 months ago and to help save some money I got rid of my super expensive auto insurance for the bare minimums just for a little while... So I took a gamble and I loss... My insurance isn't going to cover it!!! F#$@%%# sorry A#$@#$% pieces of sh*#%#!!!!!!!! If you were to sit down and play the "Let's imagine the worst possible scenario to screw Randy right now" game and come up with one, its just become reality! The damage to my vehicle is over $5000.00 according to the preliminary assessment. I make a very decent living, but since I've been so irresponsible over the course of the past 8 months, I'm in no position to cover something like this. All my liquid funds are all ready appropriated and the soonest I could get money like that rounded up would be 30 days maybe! The only thing I have that could generate anywhere near that kind of money that fast is my BRAND NEW RIG... If I have to sell this thing, it's going to absolutely break my heart!!! Just needed to vent guys, thanks for listening! Oh, by the way, anyone need a personal biatch for a while? I'm looking for some part time work... :)
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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Oh yeah......."Worst possible scenario" You could have been in the car and now be in major pain and possibly missing a body part you were quite fond of........it ain't all that bad.......:)Who's tag was this? "Life is just one crushing defeat after another until you wish Flanders was dead." -Homer Simpson
Que hermana pinocha gratis?-Clay

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The worst possible scenerio would have been if you had used that gun of yours in a rage. You would be in jail, have a smashed up car and have a brand new rig you couldn't jump. Not to mention the life you could have taken just because of a car.

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My thoughts exactly, you could have been in the car when they mangled it - at which point, you may not have been here to vent your frustation.
But I feel your pain, seeing one's 'baby' violated by some irresponsible s.o.b. is something every sports car owner would have nightmares about - and venting is a good thing, an even better form of venting is a pickup load of your buddies with baseball bats and, if and when the guy(s) is/are found, one could entertain the thought to return the favour :)

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Sell the stang, get a Kia. problem solved.
I feel for you my friend. I know the loss of a loved one. I came home from bootcamp to find I no longer had my trick '89 Trans Am. Just gone. No note...and no insurance. And I was making nowhere near the money I was making when I bought it. I bought a used Chrysler Laser turbo (actually faster than the TA), drove it for three years and sold it for more than I paid.
The upside, you didn't have to use your .45 and get on your way to a nice cool jail cell.

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Wow. That really really really sucks. Do you have uninsured motorist coverage? That might pay something....
Don't sell the rig, btw. You can live without furniture, clothes, stereo, tv, cable... but you won't want to live without a rig. Trust me on this one ;)
pull and flare,

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Just to add a little insult to injury: Before moving down here I had a sweet setup with American Family insurance where I had even my old crusty football socks insured! Then I moved down here and I had to let my policy run out cause they were only licensed in the N.W. When I got my new stuff it was so expensive that I just opted for the minimums, and those aren't enough to cover stupid ass drivers crashing into my parked car!!!
Skybitch, you know anyone that needs a complete entertainment system w/ a 36" t.v.??? What about a couple nice pairs of undeez?
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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Hey... did you have insurance coverage at all? Did the catch the guy that hit you? did he have insurance? If he not not have insurance but you did, your "uninsured motorist" coverage should do the trick.. Call an attorney.. you'd be surprised what they might tell you..
P.S. DO NOT SELL YOUR RIG!!!!... :-) Smile.. It will get better.
Peace, Love & Skydiving.. Tina

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Thanks guys for trying to show me the bright side! They haven't called me with any news on finding anyone... The cops said this kind of thing happens all the time and very rarely do the end up finding the responsible party... F#$%@!
Let this be a lesson to anyone out there who's considering pinching pennies on something as important as insurance... This should've been as simple as a $250 dollar check to my insurance company for the deductable... Instead, well...you know!
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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Well, 2 things.
1. If you own your home, check with your home owners insurance. I had my car busted into in my drive way and my auto insurance would cover it cause I had the minimums too. I contacted the home owners insurance company and they covered everything.
2. get the minimums fixed on your car just so you can drive it again, then get the rest fixed later. I would rather have a big dent in my car instead of selling a rig. You could probably hammer that out your self ;-)
anyway, sorry about your luck. everything happens for a reason and stuff like this only makes you tougher and smarter. hell, Cover the damaged area with DZ bumper stickers, people are bound to look, maybe you can get paid for advertising, or some free jumps. I know, its way out there, but its an idea.

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That's right folks... I had to do it... I could only raise 2100.00 without selling anything... So now, it's last resort time... As much as it breaks my heart, I have to do it...
The good news is, I'll be able to hook up another brand new one in late February when my bonus get's here... Until then, I'm grounded... That is, unless anyone out there wants to give me a loan against it until Feb...?
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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My sister had an Electric blue one in high school. It was the shit!!!!! :D Of course I had a 1970 Camaro with 375 HP. The exhaust system consisted of headers, california reds, and turn outs in front of the back wheels. It was loud as hell......still don't know what the top speed actually was. The speedo only went to 150......:)"Shut up Dummy!"- Fred G Sanford

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