
Ok have you guys tried this with your girl??

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Dirty Sanchez

Hmmm. The version I heard is that the mustache is drawn on with one's uhhh... wiener (after sodomy, obviously). Perhaps that was the prison version.

I got a whole list of these ...

Could you post this list as an attachment -- with the appropriate warnings, of course.
"If Fonzie is so cool, why does he hang around high school nerds?" - anonymous post from jumptheshark.com

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WARNING The attached text file is crude, vulgar, disgusting, offensive, and filled with explicit sexual references. It should not be viewed by anyone.
Any damage, outrage, loss of job or loss of breakfast suffered by you as a result of reading the attached file is not my problem.
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine, in a bag

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i even put the phone inside her whislt he was on the line..........

Please...don't tell any more of it....These are nice, respectable young men on this forum...they don't need to know the rest and go getting ideas...Not those sort of ideas, anyway...

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"Please...don't tell any more of it....These are nice, respectable young men on this forum...they don't need to know the rest and go getting ideas...Not those sort of ideas, anyway..."
I thought all skydivers were sick twisted depraved minded individuals with a taste for the perverted.......... maybe thats just my DZ...............
"In a world where we are slaves to gravity I am pleased to be a freedom fighter"

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Gee, how long did it take you to think that one up AnusAngel?

Geez, Skreamer. I've gotta say, you may have been kidding with this post, but it did sound kinda harsh, and I can understand why AlienAngel might have taken it personally.
C'mon guys. Let's not start shit over nothing, MMM-KAAYY?
Speed Racer
What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork from my lunch?!
-WC Fields

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It's all a front guys (Kinda like when you were a little kid & you used to knock the little girls down on the playground that you had a crush on). I talk to Skreamer on a semi-regular basis, I think he knows this Alienangel & has made his attraction more than obvious & has informed me on more than one occasion how "if he were gay...." :o
"Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"

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