
Nobody is perfect

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Being fairly new to the sport (32 jumps after this weekend), I frequently feel like the worste jumper around. Either I am working on a good exit, trying to fall at the same rate, or trying not to backslide. As time goes on, I am getting better. Every once in a while, it's not me that is responsible for the mistakes though. I've been part of groups where D licensed people botched getting to the base and had others that came crashing through the formation (sorry Anne, It was pretty funny though). It's just nice to know that everyone else is human and mistakes happen. For those people that think their shit doesn't smell and snub the less experienced, you're missing out on the fun of the sport. The jump may not go perfectly, but what a great time trying. Besides, which stories would you rather hear: the perfect 5 points on a 4-way or the looks on faces as bodies are flying past everywhere.
Just thought I'd put my .02 in on my first post to a great site.

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Welcome to DZ.com and I hope you have a good time here. It is really a great community. (Just watch out for Clay.)
And I know what you mean about no one is perfect....anyone can make mistakes, just make sure you learn from them. I only have 41 jumps and I feel exactly how you do about feeling like the suckiest person around. Cuz I sure feel that way at the DZ. Oh well......I'll just keep at it.
"oh no. Not another one"-Alienangel

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are you telling on me you little brat???
Seriously, I did a dive with Brian and he was center float and somehow managed to flip on exit. Jason crashed onto Julie on the big-way this morning/ YOu are right....it is fun to see people with way more experience screw up!
by stitches, cloth, and cord, made himself a god of the sky for those immortal moments.

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Welcome....Yeah playin with the Newbies is a blast. I did a pretty sweet hybrid dive Sunday. The jump numbers were as follows....Me 109, D license jumper, 169 jumps, 25, 27 jumps. Me and the Dlicense jumper (Tom) were the Free Fliers. It took me a little to get in and get ahold of the chest straps(Came off the camera step...that was a new one for me and I overshot!!!). That was a little harder than I thought it would be. It went OK except that Tom and I had a little trouble matching fall rates so the formation kept wobbling. Got to 5,000 and broke I went on my back for a second and then flipped onto my belly to start traking only to find Steve under me (and coming up fast as I had just come out of a sit, some call it getting corked..LOL) I managed to slow down quite a bit and just bounced lightly off his rig and then tracked. It was a really fun dive!!! :)"and I'm not easily impressed...Ooohh look...a blue car!" -Homer Simpson

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Welcome to the forum. It is an anwesome place to pick up info and share ideas.
I had my 1st spinning mal, line over mess @ #118. I did not keep my handles, (I did not know they 'went away') But, I did land with my main. And recovered my freebag. However, I did not know what it was other than stuff falling. I am on, near or past jump #300 now. I think my Protrack lists more than that, but anyway. I have been jumping for one year last August.
You learn something on EVERY jump. Keep alert and have Fun!!
Diversity is the key try a bunch of stuff and find out what you like and what area you are good in. Take me for example- I could never do accuracy. I am doing good to land without breaking stuff. BUT, I am really good on exits and freeflying. Just wish I didnt have to land. hehe
AirAnn of http://www.AirAnn.com
Multimedia Page: secret link- upper left hand corner

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Welcome, welcome! Here you will find some great jumpers, and then there's the rest of us: we funnel exits, miss slots, have fall rate problems, crash formations (now called "Power Docks" at my DZ., but that's a different story) and take formations out. :)AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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yeah, i'm shite too ;)
I did a 3 way @ tihe weekend and we dirt-dived something like 12 points, and said if that goes ok, we'll start over (i think that's how you yankie doodle dandies say it).
Then we exited the aricraft and (i think i backslid all over the sky) eventually got 2 point, before a track and my final nominated landing.
I only have 60-odd jumps, but had a great track, jumped with guys i never met before, who will jump with me again and had a great landing.
There's always something to take from a skydive. I too am guilty of expecting too much from a jump, enjoy every one...
If you have to ask, you don't understand

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One of the coolest things about this sport is the fact that no matter what you will always learn something!
I am just starting to get this head-down thing figured out (i have 250 jumps)...did a dive yesterday where at first i learned how to use my hands out in front of me without corking. then the guy i was flying with and i went head down without docking flying about a foot away from each other. fucking awesome!!!! I love this!
blue skies

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400 jumps(mostly freefly) and still learning
i have learned that you never know everything
keep jumping there is always somthing you don't know
and for you seasoned jumpers jump with the low timers
they enjoy it remember you were there once too!!!!!
have chute. will fall.

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Keith.. I still laugh every time i see the look on your face when Anne came crashing in.. I have never had an actual conversation in frree fall.. and that was halirous!! For those of you who don't know.. we were doing a three way i think..I don't even remeber what happend.. but I was base & Keith was diving out.. We pulled off the exit beautifully.. docked and waited for Anne to come in.. And she made a Grand Enterance!! Crashed right on top of us.. LMAO!!!.. Keith's goggles flew up and he looked right at me and said " who the &*^% was that.. I said " uhhh.. that would have been Anne) then I laughed the rest of the way to 4500.. that was a GREAT jump!! Thanks guys.. you'll have to try this train exit with me & Anne.. its good for a altitude of laughs also!! See you this weekend.
Peace, Love & Skydivng..

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Keith's goggles flew up and he looked right at me and said " who the &*^% was that.. I said " uhhh.. that would have been Anne) then I laughed the rest of the way to 4500..

Those are hilarious! I have a raft dive on tape, where one of the people on the outside falls into the raft a little bit, and you can hear her say "Hey there! How ya doin'?" and you can hear the girl in the boat just start laughing her ass off
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine, in a bag

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Welcome, magicmx5! --and agreed with AggieDave on the description of the gang here-- pretty varied, with a lot of good information/experiences to share-- one thing I'll add to it, is that crash formations/Power Docks are also known as "Combat RW", and are fairly popular among some groups of us, just for the fun of it-- ahhh, have you been fruit-looped yet? :)Brokeneagle.
I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says...

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I'm not sure I should ask, but what is involved in being "fruit-looped"??? I also want to offer this piece of advice to the newbies: you'll get on a lot more jumps with experienced jumpers if you just ask. I'm not trying to come off as a skygod, I only have 500 jumps, but many times it isn't until the walk to the plane that I notice a newbie is doing a solo or a two way with sombody only slightly more experienced than themselves. I'll jump with anybody who isn't going to try and hurt me, but I'm not gonna run around asking every person on the load what they're doing.
Mike D-23312
"It's such a shame to spend your time away like this...existing." JMH

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....everyone was smiling way too big on the way to altitude...
I got fruit looped as a student.
Ya get the feeling something is going to happen weird.
The worst part was the anticipation of upcoming weird stuff.
... on Set -I knew that grabbing my risers like that was different, a second after Go-, and it was ...Fun.
Sports don't build character.... they reveal it. -unknown

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yey, i got fruit looped on my graduation jump from stuent status..... the whole time my jm was telling me "sometimes jumps don't go as planed, what ever happens ya just gota go with" i though he was talking about if i din't make a good jump... wel after i docked with him he tried to fruit loop me.... i had video of this jump and you see him trying to do it but i was falling to stable... the whole time i was just thinking, "what the hell is this guy doing with his legs up around my waist"....... it was cool.... i fruit looped skreamer when we had the euro dz.com boogie.... the video from that is funny as hell.....(the video was from my perspective....him flying away was funny)

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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Mw aa hahahahaha... 73 jumps and I havne'nt mebbeen ruit looped bet... hahhaahaha... but then I'm fucking drunk and who knows what I thnk...... hee hee hee..... it's the end uof the semeester and I am done with all my fucking finals! HAHAHAHAH! A month to hopefully save money so that I can skydive more soon...
And crazy shit, tongiht siomething happened that DOESN"T FUCKIJNG HAPPEN>>> a girl aske dME out... it's the other way around dammit! Woohoo..>! hahhahahaha... yeah I have been drink heeehehehehee...

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