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...and talking about being lippy - well hell if someone has a opinion about something that might not go down well with others I will respect that. Don't have to agree with it.
C'mon if you go back and read how some people take the right to put others down in this forum, than I have to say that Emma is nowhere close to be offensive.
I guess some of us have not left the sandbox yet, they just need a chute to get there these days.

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I have to say that Emma is nowhere close to be offensive.

We haven't met though, have we?
Skreamer is a faggoty bum-sucking pussy-faced penis-riding fairy tosser...and a bleeping bleepety bleeper! For bleep's sake! Where is the dignity I had come to expect on this fine forum? Respect our language, you f*ckers! And don't think you scare me with your vile threats, fag-boy! Punch me indeed? Bloody patriarchal oppression! Misogynist!
ps...oh...never mind..I'll take it offline....into the world of REAL cruelty....phew

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Then PM him and express your disdaine at the use of *that* word. He was trying to be humorous and same with his reply, since you weren't very clear in your initial reply. Give him the benifit of the doubt, drop him a PM expressing your opinion. We have people here from all walks of life, from all over the globe, different words mean different things to everyone, same with the severity of the offense between the different words.

This has to be the funniest thread I've read for ages. Thank you everyone, and God bless.
Skreamer is still a fag though. And he's gonna pay! ('Lippy'??? He said I was 'lippy'???? Unbelievable!)

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How cute!........ So is this the typical Bitish courting routine??
If so I need to find me a cute little British chick that I can degrade all the time....
You know they say the ones that anger you the most are the ones you care most about ;)
I want to touch the sky, I want to fly so high ~ Sonique

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He was trying to be humorous

The only thing *funny* about this sadistic little [bleep!] is his skydiving. And his willy (so Dolly the sheep told me). And his landings. Evil incarnate, this is the One we call Skreamer....[Bleeping!][Bleep!] Profanity will not be tolerated!!!!!
Right, since it's Friday night.... am off to get c*nt-faced...ciao

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How cute!........ So is this the typical Bitish courting routine??
If so I need to find me a cute little British chick that I can degrade all the time....You know they say the ones that anger you the most are the ones you care most about

You'd think so, but actually it's my poor old mother he's after. Phukin PERVERT!!!! AND YOU CAN LEAVE MY PHUKIN CAT OUT OF IT TOO, YA SICKO!
And please, never associate this collonial fag with my beautiful country again, even obliquely. It sickens me.

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