
G O D D A M M I T ! !

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Ok, this is the second time since I have started jumping at my DZ that the DZO has taken off for Florida, and has done a piss poor job telling anyone about it. Also coincidentally, on a really nice weekend. If the DZ says it's open on the weekends then it should be open on the weekends, unless they post it clearly far ahead of time so that people will know not to bother driving 45 minutes to find everything locked up and no one around. That's just fucking irresponsible.>:(
And it's not like I can just go somewhere else, because I a right smack in the middle of my student progression. I'll say it again:
I can't wait til I get my A license.
Then I won't have to put up with this crap!
Hey has anyone else noticed that I am a little pissed off?:)"Let the rabbits wear glasses. . . "

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Yea, I would call ahead too, if they had a phone at the DZ....
Maybe I am whining, but when you spend your whole week looking forward to something and then get there to find out no one was considerate enough to tell you that no one will be there, that tends to make me at least pretty angry.
"Let the rabbits wear glasses. . . "

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Watch your mouth at least in subject lines!
There is no excuse for this kind of garbage appearing in the listing of posts. If you want to put it int the body, w/ some warning in the title, that's your business/problem. I don't want to see it! Be considerate of others.

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While I can inderstand why you would rmake that request,
This is a forum for people to write what they want with few limitations. HH gives us the freedom to express our views with out prejudice with a few exceptions. While in a perfect world, it would be wonderful if everyone respected others views and beliefs and never said a bad thing that would offend others, in the REAL world, that is an impossibility. we can only expect that others will have views and beliefs that differ from ours and they are entitled to those AS MUCH as we are entitled to ours
In short, Scott (or anyone else for that matter) is entitled to write what they want JUST as much as you are entitled to write your objections.
If you don't like the post or title, don't read it.
Lastly, I would like to welcome you to our little world. We are a very nice bunch once you get to know us better

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Watch your mouth at least in subject lines!
There is no excuse for this kind of garbage appearing in the listing of posts. If you want to put it int the body, w/ some warning in the title, that's your business/problem. I don't want to see it! Be considerate of others.

Mrs. Radloff? :)

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That was VERY well said, Gary! Freedom of speech...and if you dont like what you see...dont read it...flip the station...ignore everything... then you become ignorant to everything around you. I say...hear the other point of view...not that you have to accept it, but we all have the right to an opinion and it helps us to see all sides of the issues...cuz it aint just "black & white"
What you "think" you cannot do ...you CAN if you "think" about it ;)

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Ok, folks. Sorry bout this post, but I had just spent 1.5 hours of driving for absolutely no purpose, and it had happened before, so I was a bit upset. I guess I lost hold of that "go with the flow" kind of mentality for a bit. But I was pissed, dammit. ;)
Anyhow, interesting how it got turned into a inalienable rights issue. Clever how it got turned from the fact that I needed to vent my frustrations, and yea I was whining, but I think bitching (can I say that here?) would probably be more accurate. See, guys do it too, sometimes. :)Turned out to be a beautiful day, too bad I spent it looking at the sky instead of flying through it.
"Let the rabbits wear glasses. . . "

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could be worse... there might be TWO FEET OF F&%$ING SNOW outside, that will be here for at least THREE MORE F&%$ING MONTHS!! instead of a temporarily AWOL DZO...
grumble, grumble
...and if someone suggests i move somewhere warmer, i'm going to cyber-kick them in the nuts! :D;)
"Jumping out of planes for the thrill of it all."
-J.Geils Band

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There is no excuse for this kind of garbage appearing in the listing of posts.

WTF??? Is this some kind of Christian language police thing?
Scottbree, your absolutely right - that's a pretty poor way to run a business... but what's worse is that it sounds like you don't have too many other choices... how can they operate if there is no phone # ?

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Look. We all spent ALOT of time on the ground during Student Status. It's the nature of the beast. And as far as calling ahead, yeah....it sucks. But Manifest chick making minimum wage is supposed to tell all customers "Yeah, come on out, we are jumping...:" It's sales, it's not the little girls fault. Tell your DZO how much it sucked and how much gas and work and any other thing it cost you. If he's a true businessman, he will make it up to you. Use it to your advantage to get a discount or free jump. Business owners really do want satisfied customers. You did more damage to his DZ with your one post than 10 pissed off customers.
Fly Your Slot !

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You did more damage to his DZ with your one post than 10 pissed off customers.

Well, that is an interesting point. And was not my intentions. If anything I am unimpressed with his (the DZO) not making it clearly known that he was leaving. This happen once before earlier this winter, once again on a beautiful weekend. Turns out that most people did know about him not being there this time, but somehow no one ever thought to tell me. Considering I am one of the more zealous students there, you would think they might think that I might show up, like I do given any chance. The way I found out he wasn't there this time is I had to go and ask in the flying field office. Apparently he "left a note" with the office. Which serves no purpose until someone comes in to ask about it. As I was getting ready to leave, someone else showed up who is actually friends with the DZO and he had no idea either.
As for the phone issue, technically they have a phone listing, but it's just his house phone, so if no one answers it can mean they are all at the DZ or out of town or out to lunch. Who knows.
All that said, when people are actually there it is a great DZ with really well maintained aircrafts, and really friendly regulars, and good prices. He even just recently got a helicopter working that they will probably start doing loads from in the near future.
This part is special just for you kingbunky. I would rather snow be on the ground and I know that I can't jump than spend all week seeing a great forcast for both weekend days, and getting all excited and then drive all the way to the DZ before I find out I can't jump, because the DZ is closed and no one told me. So, in my opinion your situation is better. You at least know where you stand, so you don't get you hopes up for nothing.:P
Needless to say, I will be living vicariously throw all of you guys again this weekend. Do a jump for me. :)"Let the rabbits wear glasses. . . "

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I would go somewhere else but, I am a student and that is a huge hassle, plus, the prices are just too nice at my DZ, (when I get the chance to jump. :)[repetitious mantra] Just gotta get my A. Just gotta get my A. [/repetitious mantra] ;)
"Let the rabbits wear glasses. . . "

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