
Entering the world of Skydiving alone.

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I started jumping without any of my family or friends knowing. Just went to the DZ, payed the money and jumped, and then a few weeks later jumped agian, and then another jump and then another and another and another......... Now I consider my jumping frieds to be some of my best friends and my family just kinda accepted the fact I jump around my 100th jump.
I want to touch the sky, I want to fly so high ~ Sonique

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Cool question...........
I actually came down to the DZ with four friends. One ended up being too heavy to do AFF so that person did a Tandem and never jumped again. One other dropped out after Level 2. One dropped out after 80 skydives because her husband couldn't/wouldn't approve her spending time at the DZ. That left one of the original group of five still jumping along with me. I still see her all the time. But having someone close to me going through the AFF program was cool, cause we supported eachother while all our other friends doubted us. We carpooled all the time and even right after student status. Good times they were.
Seb B|

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Out of the group of 8 that did they're first tandem w/ me only 3 of us did more than two tandems. My friend started dating a skydiver and she got all serious and went balls out, or boobies out, in the AFP program. They broke up, she stopped skydiving:(. My other friend is a guy and was there to skydive. He slowly but surely made his way through the AFP program just graduating a couple months ago. I graduated back in March of 2001. Even though I had friends around me sometimes, most of the time I was at the dropzone by myself and now I go to the dropzone by myself so I think I was all by myself. (and nobody was looking and did I mention..I was all by myself:D)
I'll go to college; learn some big words; I'll talk real loud god damn right I'll be heard.

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"I was all by myself"
I usually drive there by myself too. Then when I get there...all my friends are there so I'm not by nyself anymore. I do hate it when some people aren't there though...I miss them....:)"Houston? That place is full of Crack heads and debutantes."- Hank Hill

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Humm.. well my dad jumped back in the days of the round, but quit long before I was born. I knew I wanted to do it for a long time - even bought a parachute before I made my first jump.... some say that was stupid, some say that shows balls, don't know. Still have that 1st parachute (a cruiselight and a vector) but have also upgraded to a mirage (you can see pics of it on my semi-nekkid girlfriend here
At any rate, I started jumping at this shoddy DZ in Yazoo, Mississippi - Cessana dropzone, S/L progression. It really sucked because they gave priority to the experienced jumpers, so the students were lucky to get 1 jump the entire day. Then the legal stuff came up - the airport was mainly agricultural (crop dusters) who didn't have radios and didn't want to fly patterns. Since the whole town was Agri - they somehow got the city councel to pass a law saying if you landed at the airport under canopy you could be arrested. So the guy started offering shuttle service from the airport to various people's land and roads where a complimentary free (getaway) ride would be provided. They later said if you walked on the airport with gear you'd be arrested.
Needless to say Yazoo City Skydiving doesn't really exist anymore, and I went to Gold Coast to finish my progression :)

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I don't really have any friends at the DZ so I usually read or talk to instructors. Its getting cooler though. I like going there by myself because I get a better chance of meeting jumpers instead of hanging out w/ only the people you came with, ya dig?
I'll go to college; learn some big words; I'll talk real loud god damn right I'll be heard.

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At the end of high school a friend and I were planning on joining the skydiving club when we got to college. WHen i finally got there he bailed on me and i went alone. He eventually came and made it through most of the static line progression before chickening out.
A few other non-skydiving friends tried it but most of them couldn't/wouldn't afford it so they all quit after at most 15 jumps. Their loss.
blue skies

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yazoo MS
wow, my best friend in the air force is from there
know a guy named George Doby ???
i havent been able to locate him in over 7 years, since he got out of the service
sorry for that hijacking but you dont here about yazoo every day
its a bird, its a plane, no wait, its one goofy s.o.b.

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