
Post whoring howto

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Maybe I should start with a short introduction of myself:
I have lurked here for about 6 months, (so I know more about some of you than you know me)
So far I got 29 only jumps, and with the weather at the west coast of Norway being as shitty it is, it may be a while until I get the next one.
Now it is time for some black magic:
How do you guys do it?
I mean, how do you make it look like of normal posting?
With 100 posts every night, you got to have an somewhat informed opinion of EVERYTHING (or being able to fake it).
Clay? Are you willing to share some of the ancient mysteries of this black art?
Boobies might be some of the explanation, but there are not that many Boobies posts, are there (to hijack my own post, BOOBIES!!)
Maybe I should take an more active part in the everlasting ADD/RSL debates, adding valuable input like "RSL is for wimps. lt is a well known fact that most big time arsebandits use RSL, because it is just....way beyond gay"
Or, I could just go on metaposting like this.
There is something else I want to say, not for any particular reason, but I just like to say it out loud:

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You DO realize that you just condensed 46 posts into 1 All mighty mega post....... you would have almost been off Newbie status at this point...
WElcome Welcome Welcome..
Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....

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im assuming that youve already found and regularly read the other forums on here (going by you RSL joke)... if not, i cant recomend (did i spell that wrong?) them enogh. Read them as religiously as you do the talkback ones and youll learn a hell of a lot. just remember that you dont know who writes what, so take it all with a grain of salt.

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