
Anyone been to Alaska?

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Something NOT skydiving-related:
In April my uncle will be returning to Skagway, Alaska. Skagway was a gold rush boom town during the 1890's. My uncle, Michael Baish, performs there: It's called Gold and the Vagabond of Verse and it mostly centers around the Alaskan gold rush of 1898 and the poet Robert Service. Its a one man show in which my uncle recites some of Robert Service's poems, talks about the Alaskan Gold Rush of 1898, and plays some old-time country music. I got to see him perform in Baltimore & it was great! If you're anywhere near Skagway, look him up, you won't regret it.
Speed Racer
"Fill your hand, you son-of-a-bitch!"

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Thanks! I'll tell the powers that be (I'm mainly a passenger and fishing buddy for the Alaska part of the trip) and see if we're going anywhere near there. Other than being around Anchorage to pick up his wife and ship her back home, don't really know where we're headed ...

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Well...if you get to Fairbanks make sure you go to the "Alaska Salmon Bake" at the Fairbanks Fair Grounds. It's about $20 for all you can eat grilled salmon and a nice selection of sides or you can get the 21 Oz steak!! The salmon is great though!! Or if you get near Delta Junction stop at the (Only) restaurant in town. Don't remember the name but it's across the street from the grocery store (Only one) Get the Buffalo Burger......best burger I have ever had!!
"I only have a C license, so I don't know shit..right?"-Clay

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Spent some time there last year. Did not skydive but managed to kayak to a few glaciers and icebergs and walked a lot of long quiet trails. I'm from Africa and I'm used to magnificent nature scenes. Alaska is one of the few places in the world where from time to time I was struck with the same awe as by a sunset over the savannah.
It's an incredibly beautiful place.
If you go to Homer, drop in on the Salty Dawg Saloon on the spit. You can see my photos here.
Safe swoops

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Hisgoofyness ... we'll be in the Anchorage area at least twice ... to pick up and drop off my friend's wife (we're driving up after Lost Prairie) ... did you do any fishing while there ... will be the main gist of that part of our trip?
Sangiro ... GREAT shots ... especially like the ones of the burgs/yaks ... must have been awesome to yak around those things ... thanks for the link!
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I've had the chance to go to Alaska twice. Its really beatiful up there, and the air is so much cleaner than here in Chicago. Both times I went were before I started skydiving, so I can't let you know about the DZ up there, but the fishing is unbelievable. We did some fishing for kind salamon on the Cheena river (neer Fairbanks), as well as some fly fishing for Greyling. Also, if you get a chance, go down to Homer. Its a small town on the southwext coast I believe. We took a charter boat out and fished for halibut. It was a great day, caught me a 175 pounder (which is relatively small I guess), but was still a thrill!
Have a good trip!

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