
King Cans @ the DZ

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I just had a busy weekend 2 socials and a house party plus 2 hockey games. Go Satallites. Anyways we were @ my buddies wedding social and he had these king cans instead of glass bottles. Whoa for 3.15 you get 950 mL of beer! Is that a deal or what. Anyways next time I owe anyone a beer you will be taken care of very well courtesy of me and my king can
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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I can bring miltiple cans of beer. More beer for less money is always a good investment. As per the I owe beer if I do a first. Well I am bringing beer. What is the issue here. Big can = 3 beers or 1 bottle and we wait for you to stumble your sorry ass back to the cooler for another. Sorry I'm bringing the big cans with the king of beers.
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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There is ONE kind of beer allowed in cans at my dz...
Guinness! Of course we would rather have the bottle, because if you drink the can kind, you never have a glass, so the ball in the bottom just makes it all fizzy and spew everywhere, but its still Guiness!
Dying a natural death is for pussies!

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I am going to nickname my boyfriend Moosehead. That sounds more appropriate than Sparky! Unless you know the story behind Sparky, which is fuckin' hilarious!! Maybe I'll just leave it the same, because if I change his he'll probably change mine...
Sorry to change the subject but the word MOOSEHEAD just rang so clearly in my head right then, I HAD to post about it!!
Can you Trip like I do? Got Meth?

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I don't think these yanks know about moosehead. Can you believe they're missing out like that?

sorry but we yanks just don't go in for that level of intimacy with large hooved mammals...:o well most of us don't, anyway....;)
Speed Racer
"Fill your hand, you son-of-a-bitch!"

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When I head down to the states this year i'd like to show those yanks how to drink and they can show me how to skydive. I'll give them beer that will give the poisoning
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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Come down South, brother, and we'll show YOU how to drink. You couldn't drink us under the table if you TRIED. Even the women here could kick your ass, and I will bet you a jump ticket on that! In the summer, Texas is so hot, you piss beer.
Good luck and keep trying,
Can you Trip like I do? Got Meth?

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Over here in the land of micro brews and good imports. Beer snobery is acceptable. Though I have been known to drink a 16oz bud can occasionally. But only in private. Bring the Moosehead!
My Washinton State/Canadian Joke:
So one day in the Canadian wilderness Ned & Ted are sitting at thier remote cabin on the proch.
Ned says to Ted " Wanna play a game?"
Ted "Sure"
Ned "I'll write a word on this piece of paper and give you twenty guesses as to what it is"
So Ned goes and writes the word Moosedick on the paper and puts it into his pocket
Ted asks "Is it edible?"
Ned "I reckon it is"
Ted " Is it Moosedick?" :o;):P

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sorry but we yanks just don't go in for that level of intimacy with large hooved mammals

Oh, then I guess I've been mis-informed about Justin and Clay:)So freaksis doesn't think a Canuck can drink, eh? I'll have to be making a trip to Texas in the not too distant future...
It's not a real sport unless you can die from massive internal trauma

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