
Picky eaters unite!

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I have been all around the world and love a ton of different foods, but do have my limits. I have three or four dishes from each different culture that I really like, but cannot stand lots of things. For example:
I love Chinese and Japanese, but will not touch Sushi for any reason. I love Won Ton soup but HATE egg drop.
I love a big steak and with a baked potato, but you better not get any damn sour cream anywhere near that damn tater! Also, the only steak sauce I will eat is Worchestershire.
I love Italian food, but will not eat any pasta dish with red sauce that has chunky tomatos. Blenders are made for blending! Also, lie to me about not having mushrooms and it's your ass!
The only condiment I will eat is cheese...period. No Ketchup, no Mayo, no tomato, no mushrooms, no pickles, NOTHING! Wanna see me barf? Just trick me into taking a bite out of something that was supposed to be plain and be prepared to take a serious ass-whooping. My old lady, on the other hand, will sit around and eat cottage cheese out of the container; pickles too! UGH!
I don't think thats freaky at all. In my opinion its much better to make something plain and then let people add all the other crap they want.
Any other picky eaters?
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Not me.....I pretty much eat anything that isn't too quick for me....Except some of the real Korean food (Like you get in the middle of nowhere Korea) Everything tastes really fishy. Yuck!!! Also anything cooked in the Middle East. That place sucks!!! Thank God for Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut down the road from the Pyramids a couple miles. Not the same as the States but it got me through. :D
"I only have a C license, so I don't know shit..right?"-Clay

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Good post! Although I don't consider myself a "picky eater", I do have some requirements and quirks. :)No eggs unless they are in something like french toast or used in making bread.
No tomatoes unless used in things like pizza & spaghetti sauce.
No sushi.
I will not use ketchup or mayo for any reason. I put mustard on french fries, sandwichs and such.
The proper condiment for tater tots is Old Bay.
My wife and I agree that our house is a mushroom-free zone.
No crappy-ass "Reddy Whip" or "Cool Whip" on any cake or pie. That stuff is for spraying/spreading on women, or having them lick off. :)Clear? :D

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I love Italian food, but will not eat any pasta dish with red sauce that has chunky tomatos. Blenders are made for blending!

I hate chunky tomatoes in my sauce too.
"Never frown, even when you're sad. 'Cause you never know when someone is falling in love with your smile."

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Hmm... I'll eat damn near anything, the only stuff that I don't touch is raw oysters or escargot-- it's the consistency that gets to me. I like sushi, on the other hand. Maybe I'm just crazy. LALALA. Wobble. No, I don't think I'm crazy.
Don't ask, it's one of those days. :P

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I'm a picky eater to the point that I don't like sea food. Beyond that, its just about wide open. Although I don't think I could have some of the really exotic stuff, like sheep testicals, or yak livers or something. You know, the crazy shit you always hear about from strange places...
Other then that, I love American food, a huge steak, a good burger, well, just about anything that's grilled. I love Mexican food, Italian food, Chinese, Japanese, and the list can go on and on. :) How many people do you konw like that, huh?
The bottom line is that I just like to eat.
"ahhhhoo...the little guy hasn't done anything yet and you know its going to be good..."

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I have never seen a man eat cottage cheese. I am pretty much a garbage can when it comes to food and will eat almost anything but...........
I can't stand Chinese food, Thai food, or anything spicy.....I have serious heartburn issues with spicy food, except for some Mexican spices.........Those spices I can handle........

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Hell Yeah Chuck!! I've been called a "picky eater" all of my life. I've never eaten a salad eeeggghhhh. Give me steak and lobster w/ A-1 and a butter, baked potato w/ only cheese and butter. Keep your sour cream and chives to yourself.
As far as Italian those tomato chunks will be picked out and forget anything labled "vegi".
I do like one condiment very much, ketchup. I'll eat ketchup on almost anything, Cheeseburgers, shrimp, fish, eggs, Gyros, etc.... I eat hot sauce on a lot of things too, especially Tombstone pizza or ramen noodles.
An Italian beef sandwich dipped w/ no hot or sweet peppers w/ motzerella cheese. A Chicago classic (Chicago is the greatist city in the world; check out the new Maxim:D)
Nope not weird at all, just keep all veggies except for corn and I'm happy, that's not so hard. One thing I never understood is why it takes longer at fast food places to make a cheeseburger w/ nothing on it. WTF?!

I'll go to college; learn some big words; I'll talk real loud god damn right I'll be heard.

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I can't stand Chinese food, Thai food, or anything spicy.....

Spicy food is my favorite. You should see when I make a rotiserie pork tenderloin. I totally cover it in a relish of shredded jalepeno & habanero peppers, then sprinkle spicy Jamaican jerk seasoning all over it. Nobody else I know will eat it. :D

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Picky? Hmmm... The foods I won't eat -
Mustard. Cannot stand it. Mayo is okay, lightly, but no Miracle Whip. Ketchup is good.
Cottage cheese. Why would anyone eat that shit? My ex (a guy, just to trash the theory going here) would use it as a dip for potato chips. UCK!
Plain potato chips. BBQ are okay though.
Canteloupe. Just the smell of it makes me wanna hurl.
Beets. If I wanted to eat something that tastes like dirt, I'd eat dirt.
Fried or hardboiled eggs. Scrambled is okay.
Macaroni or potato salad. BARF!
I do like sushi and big chunks of tomato in my spaghetti sauce. And veggie pizza. Yum.
pull and flare,

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"Nobody else I know will eat it"
Now you know one. I spice everything. Jerk is pretty good stuff. Here in CDN ppl always ask why i don't get colds i always tell them it's bcause of all the spicy food i eat...
Chuck: It's the first time i meet someone who does'nt like any condiment; not even ketchup on a burger? as for what i dislike it's any greassy food give me nasty heartburns, eggnog gets me sick all the time, cottage cheese this is plain weird.

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Have not tried either. However, when I am cooking, things from the liquor cabinet often end up in recipes. Jim Beam goes well with either mustard or bbq sauce.
Triple Sec on lemon chicken.
Sausage cooked with dry sherry...
What can I say, I'm just a food freak. I love food, cooking and eating.

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