
Skydive Death.. ugh.. what's up with this crap?

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Ok.. so I got an email from my Skydive Orange group thanking those from orange who went to louisa to pay their respect. (I heard about all this when I got to work this morning, so unfortunately I wasn't able to go) -- however on the other thread I noticed the article was posted on one of the national news sites (I believe abcnews). So the curiousity hit me and I went to check out some of the other major ones, CNN.com forinstance. Since it was an AP article it made its way to the various major people.
So here is what gets me:
You search for skydive on ccn.com and guess what you get?
Top 5 articles:
50-foot fall kills skydiver
Plane crashes in Texas; at least 11 injured
Skydiving plane crashes in Texas Field
Skydiving plane falls 500 feet to ground
Plane crashes into great salt lake, killing 9
I know this point was brought up ages ago, that is what prompted to me to "take action" and get some good storys up on DZ.com, such as the Carl Nespoli and the Troy Hartman interviews however I think it needs to be taken a step further and we need to urge these national news people (CNN, ABC News, maybe even the AP) to do some good press on skydiving. I don't know what the past Freefall conventions have been like, if they cover it and if they do if they only focus on the # of injuries... and i'm not saying out of everything skydiving that the freefall convention (especially this year) should be covered, but if anything would draw the most public attention it seems like that is it. Anyone work for the AP or some news affilate that can help?

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do some good press on skydiving.

Jim Avila, a senior NBC journalist, did a very positive piece on adrenalin sports about 6 months ago -- and in it he covered skydiving, and even did a tandem jump.
But please keep in mind the media isn't there to paint a rosy picture of our sport -- the are there to: 1) generate income for the company... and 2) inform the viewers about the events that shape our communities. And Joe Skydiver having a fun freefly jump then a great surf on landing doens't meet either of those criteria. Joe Skydiver dieing in a plane crash, or after "falling out of the sky" turns more heads, so that's why the news always seems bad...
(p.s I'm a television news producer -- and as often as possible, my newsroom DOES put positive skydiving stuff on the air. Examples? News anchor does tandem jump, demo jump into big local fair (including great freefall video from one of the jumpers), Santa jumps in to visit group of local kids, skydivers land atop a movie theatre during the premier of Mission Impossible 2 - and the theater wins award for "best movie priemere in North America" of the year... there was even a 1 minute long "video postcard" I produced that ran during commercial breaks -- showing canopies high above, then sweet landings...
There are over a million viewers in our extended market area, so hopefully people here see that skydiving is more than simply risking your life jumping out a perfectly good plane, and parachutes "not opening"...)
You can always call up the local tv station and invite them to do a feature on skydiving if thay have a reporter who will go for a tandem jump ... the positive coverage will be worth wayyy more than the the cost of giving someone a free tandem!
"There's nothing new under the sun"

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while the negative press is ever present, we have to know as sky divers, it's up to each, and every one of us individually to be as safe as we possibly can, and look out for each other, so we do not create more fodder for them. (the press) as for all the press being negative, i dissagree, joan lunden did a story on the golden knights, she even did a tandem, then went back up, and did a rw tandem, it was great! the part i hate is when movies like "dropzone" are put out there with seemingly endless minutes of freefall, hooking up tandems in midair, etc.........very missleading
"The Only Thing We Have To Fear, Is Fear Itself"

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You can always call up the local tv station and invite them to do a feature on skydiving if thay have a reporter who will go for a tandem jump

Last place I jumped, they did a feature on one of their anchors doing a tandem. Shot video and miked her up for it. They had to edit out the audio, cause she just kept saying, "OH shit, oh shit, oh shit, aaaaaaa!!" But it was a good piece.

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Why just yeterday one of my tandem students forgot thier $10 hook up fee in the plane so I just threw them out. I liked him though so I jumped out after him but it took like 5 minutes to catch him but once I got to him hooked him I deployed the parachute. Had like a 15 minute canopy ride but the reason it was so short is cause I dumped so low. This guy is a bazillionaire CEO of a prominant software company but he cut away from his real life after having soooo much fun and donated all his cash to the DZ. He lives in a tent right now behing the hanger............;)

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"OH shit, oh shit, oh shit, aaaaaaa!!"

I think that's what Big John said when he fell off the plane (C-182 wheel wasn't quite locked, we think) as we were setting up for a 4-way on Saturday!
"There's nothing new under the sun"

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In Florida there is a lot of good press, most of it generated by the NSL and Kurt's attempts at promoting the sport. After the Shamrock Showdown there were 3 stations that covered DeLand Majik's win and there was a piece on CNN about it. The FOx morning show also interviewed Doug Park before the event and he got to explain 4 way skydiving and show video and explain all his equipment. He was on air for quite a while (anyone who knows Doug can attest that he can talk himself into almost anywhere).

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In all fairness to the sport the incedent with the plane in SLC was not directly skydive related...yes it was a jump plane and yes there were jumpers on board but the plane was just coming in for landing in some bad weather.....it had nothign to do with skydiving itself!!! Just a terrible loss of skidivers!

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