Dream Flight

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Just wondering what Drew everyone to Skydiving.
With me I think it started as a child with a dream of Falling.
And in this dream i was able to fly my body in a way that i could swoop the ground and run out the landing much like the High Performance canopy pilots we have today.
But this was before I knew what skydiving was. I remember those dreams and I remember trying to fall back to sleep quickly hoping to repeat the Dream.

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I first saw the movie Point Break when I was like 14 and wanted to ever since then. Of course after I went through training I realized the skydiving in that movie is crap ("1000 feet, pull!) But it made me want to try it anyway so oh well.

The HALO In Navy seals gets me Pumped.

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I remember having a dream about running down a hill and jumping into the air until I finally just flew away. I didn't get to actually do that for another 20 years, but I finally picked out a good hill, took my trusty PD190, and ran like a lunatic down the hill until my feet finally lifted off. I've gotten more sophisticated since then (a real paraglider!) but I still use the same hill, partly because there's nowhere to really go from there, you just land in a valley. I suppose I could start heading to some of the awesome San Diego paraglider sites (like Torrey Pines) but I think I would miss the feeling of running down the side of a hill into a valley and then flying there instead.
-bill von

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When I was a teenager I had a dream that recurred along the same theme several times. I'd be standing in front of our house, put my arms up in the air (like Superman) and lift off - not straight up, but up at a 45 degree angle. I'd cruise around at just above telephone pole height, scare the birds out of the trees and chase them around, cross the highway in front of our house and fly through the barn that was over there, then come back to the house and flare out, landing softly with one or two steps.
It was a few months after I started jumping at age 24 that I remembered having these dreams. I guess subconciously I've always been a skydiver :)pull & flare,
"But our reality is in fact entire illusion!"
-Gregory Benford

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WOW ....all these Dreams and Asperations to do this as a child........I feel like a loser.......I was jsut driving down I-15, looked out the window,saw a canopy and thought DAMN I didnt know they did that out here......had a birthday coming up so there was my present.....1st tandem....got hooked but couldnt afford it cause I was haveing a baby (well my wife) so I saved for about a 1 or so and then BOOOYAAAA here I am 73 jumps later and LOVING IT!!!!!

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For me, I just wanted to do it since it was the cool thing to do...Little did I know just how cool it was. Took about 2 years off since it scared me half to death, then once freefallin14 and I started living together (we are college roommates), he and his girlfriend got me into it.
Been 50 jumps later and no looking back...!

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I was walking past a co-worker's cube that was a skydiver and he had a Parachutist on his desk.
"Whuffo you do that? Is it fun? I'd like to try it" I said
"Come out to the DZ", he replied.
Two days later I did my First and only Tandem
Two weeks later I passed my level 7 AFF
Two years later I've got almost three times as many jumps as he does...
Now if I don't skydive for two weeks I get ground poisening
I can't remember what I did on the weekends before I started the sport.

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I had dreams as a child that I had a board that could make me fly. It was like those small belly surfboards. I would take off running with it and would fly over the trees to my friends house. It's funny because I remember that it did not seem unreal to me.

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It's funny because I remember that it did not seem unreal to me.

Not much is as a child until you're told that it can't be done...was Santa real? Hell yeah, until you were told otherwise...:)"ahhhhoo...the little guy hasn't done anything yet and you know its going to be good..."

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A friend of mine had organized a bachelor party, and all 12 of us were going to do tandems for the first time. Well, the wedding got called off, but nine of us still wanted to jump. I had no idea of what to expect...just thought it sounded fun. After that first jump, I was sooooo hooked!!! I was back two weeks later to do another jump and signed up for AFF.
It is, by far, the most exhilarating thing I've ever known and will be jumping for many, many years to come.
"My eyes are dry and my hands are clean
and I can't believe all the things I've seen"
-- Blind Melon

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When I was a kid i remember watching the movies that my dad had made while skydiving.(he wore a super 8 movie camera on his helmet in the early 70's) and just knowing someday that I would do it. It took a little longer than I wanted to but I eventually made it into the world of skydiving.

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My sky diving dream began when I was young. I wanted to be a fighter pilot but never really pursued it. I have have always to fly and this is the best way to do it. Also when I was younger I saw all these people on the X-games having so much fun looking realy cool jumping from planes that I was inspired even more so to jump. And now here I am.
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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