
Is it just me...or?

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Is there a good looking woman in the mug shot gallery partially clothed with her hands on her breasts? You must pardon my ignorance if I'm a little slow realizing this, I don't usually visit the pub that often. So how do we get more photos like this posted so I can add a new desktop to my pc??? :)
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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>Come take a shower next to me at Couchfreaks . . .
One of the stranger experiences I had at a boogie happened in Eloy right after John O'Hara died. I was pretty much in shock, and Jen dragged me out to dinner with her. She tried to get me talking to people, and finally I started talking to a woman from North Carolina. When we got back to the DZ she led me off to the shower room and said "You gotta wash my hair."
I don't know if it changed anything, but it got my mind off what had happened at least a little.
-bill von

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I just wanted a little bit of clarification before I got excited... I don't know about the rest of you guys here at dz.com, but it's not everyday that I just randomly get propositioned with a shower and a beautiful woman so you'll forgive me if I have to take the proverbial "double take"...
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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Couchfreaks Boogie organizers bring in two portable showers.
They have a Men/Women sign in front of the showers on a "spinning wheel". Everyone that walks by just spins the wheel. By the end of the boogie, you don't know and you don't care which is the mens and which is the womens (you just wanna take a shower, doesn't matter) .
It's an incredibly fun boogie- wild and crazy.
Fly Your Slot !

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