
My web site sucks.

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Here it is.
The content's OK, but I hate the layout. Plus I need more photos.
Someone help me find a good online html tutorial. The templates just aren't cutting it anymore, but I have the web design skills of a 3-year-old.
Also the popups are killing me. I'm thinking about moving the whole thing over to www.freewbz.com.
(Work is boring as hell tonight.)

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Why don't you have a company host it?
I have mine hosted on powweb.com and they charge 7.77/month.
Plus they have a forum that has the ability to ask questions and get immediate replies just like the dz.com forum.
You get 200MB of space with 16GB download/month + e-mail and a bunch of other cool options.
- Matt
If first you don't succeed....skydiving is not for you.

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Allow me to give you just one suggestion: on the news section of it, think about putting the most recent stuff at the top so you don't have to scroll for it. Then people won't have to check down there for something new.
That is all I'm going to give. :)my website, it always seems crappy and unprofessional.
Good luck.
PS Good thinking about those pop-ups. :)JumpinDuo.com...come and sign the guestbook.

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No no... MY website sucks. At least yours is entertaining. I especially like your liberal use of 4 letter words.
Want to see a crappy site? here
It's been that crappy for about 3 years. So, in an effort to make it less crappy, I'm working on it. If you really want to see crappiness... here
You don't scare me! I got chunks of guys like you in my stool!!

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Firstly, I would just like to say that it's not the worst one I've ever seen by far. Secondly, if I were you, I would go surf crazy and find some sites I really like to get good ideas from. If you don't know how to do something you see, just take a look at the HTML code (available under View > Source in Explorer, similar in Netscape) Once you take the HTML tutorials what you're seeing should make more sense and getting a sense of what sites you like have done should help you with your own.
Isn't life the strangest thing you've ever seen?

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Then people won't have to check down there for something new.

May I refer you to the AlexTheDestroyer.com motto: "We don't care about the consumer."
WB, at least you have photos. My photos are blurry crap. If people want exposure to the F-word they can just call me up and talk to me. It's quicker.

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then you hung up on me... hooker...

I'm no hooker. I have to pay people to have sex with me. Thanks a lot for making fun of me, asshole. :(
Back on topic...what's a good program for designing web pages? Or should I just do the work and learn the bleeping html?

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MS Word will export documents into HTML but is not really suitable for a whole web page. Dreamweaver studio is enjoyable for me. Fireworks, it's companion allows you to create animated GIF's. You really don't have to know any HTML at all to use the programs so they might be for you!
Isn't life the strangest thing you've ever seen?

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I agree with Natasha, Dreamweaver creates a clean design (I know all the purist hard core web masters will scoff at using an HTML editor but they can be quick) and Fireworks is great for optimizing you images.
If you're really desperate you might consider MS FrontPage....(doh!!! did I just say that?)...but I've noticed that it tends to produce pages that have some kind of unexplained cheesy look to them. Call me wierd but if I go to someones' sight I can almost tell immediately if it was built using FrontPage.
A co-worker once told me about some free/shareware editor called "FirstPage" that does the same thing. I've never looked at the program though so I can't really say how good it is.
"This is the 4th time I've been late for work this week!!...and it's only Tuesday!" ...Cheech and Chong

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If we could get the ok, you could actually get a domain name and have the site hosted alongside your dads. There is plenty of webspace left over and you would just have to pay 10 a month to have another domain name hosted on the account.
You would have fully functional email etc with the domain name. There are some site building utilities that you can use as well, but the server is best used when you build the site and ftp it up.
Id be willing to throw in a hand or so in my spare time, but I'm sure phree could as well......
.....there is no spoon
My website

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Call me wierd but if I go to someones' sight I can almost tell immediately if it was built using FrontPage.

Aint that the truth
I dont necessarily knock using a WYSIWYG (wizeewig)-lol
I just believe they are more beneficial to anyone if they know whats going on in the first place, eg: knowing how html works etc, tags -n -all that. HTML is really pretty easy.
For me however, I can do a page faster writing it myself. I do use most of the popular graphics programs however to slice images and such tho. I also use a freeware program called source edit. It handles most of the popular programming /scripting languages and you can even automate repetitive stuff with "macros", it's a handy little booger.......
.....there is no spoon
My website

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For WYSYWYWYG (what you see is what you wish you got) SITES (as opposed to single pages) I would recommend Namo, it has templates for whole sites, it is cheap and very customizable and it does not mess up HTML.
If you have the time to practice and you are after a more graphical site and not so content oriented, you could pretty much do your whole site in Fireworks only.
Still shedding whuffo-ness
Check out the Hardcore Whuffo pages

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Couldn't agree with you more 'Cyber'.
Even if one is using a WYSIWYG they should have a working knowledge of HTML. If nothing else for troubleshooting ability as the WYSIWYG's aren't miracle workers and can write some pretty dirty tags (ie. using the Undo feature too much) sometimes.
BTW~ killer website!!
Is PHP hard to learn? I have no clue:).
"This is the 4th time I've been late for work this week!!...and it's only Tuesday!" ...Cheech and Chong

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