
Women, marriage, and skydiving

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WOW, that is the most beautiful and accurate description of every skydive I've ever made. It is very poetic, and I have to give it to you; you have a talent for writing.
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he doesn't exist!"

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I can tell you one thing, chicks that skydive shouldn't be your target goup. Lived together with one, nasty break up, on speaking terms again...
Even did an RW2 with her this weekend.
The girl you're looking for can be a whuffo as well, if only she accepts the fact that having a relationship with you implies being alone all weekend (or waiting at the DZ all day for that single minute between landing and packing/briefing/going up again) , and if she accepts the FACT that you'll never have the money nor you will ever feel like spending your money lying around on a tropical beach for 2 weeks roasting like a thanksgiving turkey with all that blue sky over your head.
To go even further: maybe a whuffo-chick would be even better, that way one of you has money for unexpected things (like relines and stuff...)
My girlfriend doesn't have to be at the DZ every saturday/sunday, if she's there by the time I go to my caravan it's allrighty with me!!!
Will jump for beer, bs AiRpollUtiOn

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Opps.. you got it slightly wrong there Jess...
Actual situation:
Jessica: "I'm going to spend all my money on skydiving."
Your Boyfriend: "I've already spent all my money jumping... I need to get a loan to jump more"
Jessica: "I want to go to the next Tunnel Camp"
Your boyfriend: "Ok... you hit the tunnel, I'll hit the DZ's in FL"
Jessica: "I want to take off work 5 days for WFFC"
Your boyfriend: I want to take off work 10 days for WFFC"
See.... the truth hurts sometimes ;)
If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will....

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Jessica: "I want to take off work 5 days for WFFC"
Your boyfriend: I want to take off work 10 days for WFFC"

;) That's why I'm flying in somewhere close to Rantoul...so you can get your happy ass back there quick after I have to go home.
I think what we have here is proof that skydivers dating skydivers rocks the casbah. :)

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it sounds like you and i should meet. in the last 2 years (since i've been skydiving), i've drained my savings, have watched a successful law practice turn to shit and have about $500 to my name. so what do i do? i ordered a new voodoo today...

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Well you've already read my view on what W.I.F.E. seems to stand for for so many men! (For those who're uninitiated, have a read of my posts). I think its the same as women who go to university.
Its very easy for people who're married, or who have been seeing each other for a long time, to get compacent and comfortable, and so they stop growing.
When their wife starts doing something that changes the dynamics of their relationship, many can't handle it because they don't want to change.
That said, unless a whuffo has a serious weekend obsession it just doesn't work. It may take a few weeks, it may take a few years, but it will happen!

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Me: "I'm going to spend all my money on skydiving."
Me: "Okay."

Why are you so mean with yourself?
Me: "I'm going to spend all my money on skydiving."
Me: "Are you sure you have enough money? you can always sell the necklace or anything else."
Me: "Why thank you." :)"Life is full of danger, so why be afraid?"

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no we definitely do not need another boobies post I was posting to fallrate when he said this is turning into a womans thread:)I think that b/c of skydiving I want to LIVE my life. most people would call that being selfish unless they are as passionate about something as I am about my LIVING!
playing guitar never got IN THE WAY of a relationship,neither did being althetic or any other interests I've had.
but skydiving is my LIFE's breath. I dont think it changed my life but it sure did enhanced my view of it! I have always been looking for the next big thing. never wanting to stop and get old etc. in my eyes that is what a whuffo mentality is.(they're dead already)
I agree with you(as do most of us)
I dont think that dating a "whuffo" is a waste of time but it will more then likely end before a relationship with another skydiver/life-liver.(speaking of liver's mine is almost ready to be changed)
in the definite outcome dating a skydiver would be more interesting then dating someone who like to sit on the couch!
[peter griffin voice]boobies[peter griffin voice]
Have fun, Live free, SKYDIVE!!

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I was talking about my need for a liver transplant, NOT my sex life, thanks!!!!
One would assume that would instead apply to you, Joe....being the man of the world that you are.......girls are suckers for a man in uniform.....
(I am joking....about it applying to you!)

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This has deteriorated into a chick thread.

Hmm, it's hard to tell from up on this skychick pedestal, but that looks an awful lot like a scowl.
All right, here's my theory: in relationships where both start as whuffos, but one becomes a skydiver, friction is inevitable.
However. Men are less likely to want to deal with orneriness and unpredictability in their womenfolk. It causes fighting and strife. Which leads to divorce.
But if a man starts disappearing on the weekend, well, that's not so unusual. How many men the world over spend their weekends and their money on the golf course, or shooting animals, or whatever.
I think the gender disparity comes from the fact that women don't tend to HAVE all-encompassing hobbies. And it can kill a man's ego and sense of stability not to have a majority of his woman's attention.
That's what I think.
Here's to ornery, unpredictable women! :)

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I was talking about my need for a liver transplant, NOT my sex life, thanks!!!!

I was talking about your traveling the world...there you go with your Fruedian slips again...(your "slip" is showing:)you dont have a guity conscience, do you?:)I wish this uniform did something for me in the female department. but all the women see are wearing the same uniform(most of them arent too attractive)
Have fun, Live free, SKYDIVE!!

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For those who're uninitiated with my freudian slips: I accidently sent a message asking a friend if he had been busted for cheating ( and asking for advice) to my bf, who I was then going to visit to confess I had done exactly that with someone else....oooooooops!!! He still won't believe its someone else...the funniest bit is that the real guy (whuffo) is now dating a mate of mine (so we had to tell her too.....I then sent a msg about it by mistake to a different gf....you getting the idea?!) No, cheating is not something I've done b4.
No guilty conscience about travelling or BF's: I'm not that kind of girl. I'm just naturally affectionate and friendly.
As for uniforms; get off the base a little more Joe!

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I was skydiving before I met my husband, a whuffo, but he races motorcycles, so he understands the adrenaline thing.
Like Snowbird, we do a ton of outdoor stuff together, hiking, camping, biking, etc. He really has no problem with me spending time and money skydiving, (he does the same with his racing) as long as we take a weekend a month and spend it together.
I think the difference is that I was skydiving before I met him, and he knew that skydiving and I came as a package deal. You want me, you have to take the life-consuming hobby that comes with me.
Plus, I finally got him to do a tandem!

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Since i started jumping 2 years ago, i haven't dated a whuffo since. and really, i didn't plan it that way, just happened. there was someone i went to college with and we dated for a bit but i MADE him do at least a tandem. it was just tough because every weekend and in my spare time, i'm at the dz, and whuffo's just didn't understand that.
it was hard to find time to hang out on the weekends with them, etc unless we enjoy the same things... which is jumping.
heh, but regarding marraige, i'm too young!!!! but i want skydiving to be something my husband and i enjoy together one of these days :) i think it would cause tension if he didn't understand why the heck i was at the dropzone almost every weekend... too crazy. C YA!
Blue Skies,
Brittany S!

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