
Stupid Newbie Question

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Thanks! Now I can explain it to the wife!

And the best comeback I ever heard came from one of the "Old Hands" out at the DZ. "Show me a perfectly good aircraft and I won't jump out of it." LOL.
To err is human (Total chaos requires a ferret)

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Well, doesn't look like this newbie is going to make it to his class A licence after all. After learning what a "WHUFFO" is I went to www.ak.state.us and pulled the DMV personalized plate information. According to them, "This Plate is Available."

As soon as I can sneak the VIN off of her car I think I will register my wifes car in the morning.

If anyone asks, I figure my remains will be buried under the lettuce planter next to the green-house. Nice knowing you all.

To err is human. (total chaos requires a ferret)
To err is human (Total chaos requires a ferret)

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Whuffo = The 128 individuals that have said to you "uh! I've always wanted to do that. As soon as I get the money I will do it... I swear I will.... "

SO true!! I just started jumping in May, and I've already heard that line more times than I can count. And then there's the ones who are waiting till all their friends have days off at the same time...
If you're going to jump, jump!:P

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