
How to properly split roll the nose?

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Hello all,

I will be switching canopies soon to a Triathlon 7 cell from a PD Pulse. I have been reading up on this canopy and have heard many varying opinions on it. Regardless I will be making the switch and it seems the most common suggestions is either that the nose is "split rolled" and/or "pushed into the pack job."

All opinions aside on canopy selection and packing method, can anyone explain to me/point me to a video or other thread on the proper way to split roll the nose and the proper way to push the nose into the pack job.

On my Pulse I sometimes will gently roll the nose in and leave the center cell out if I got jerked on an opening, but it seems more critical in this application since many people have said this canopy needs a little more finesse when packing.

Thanks for the help!
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That's odd - I've always heard the opposite! My experiences with Triathlons is them opening nice and soft. I've never jumped a Pulse - but have heard they open hard and that you need to pack them to open soft.

So you might start with your current pack job and see how it works.. If you do need to roll the nose or push it in, I always do it right before rolling the tail at the very end of the pack job..

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Likewise, I always tried to speed up my openings when I jumped a Triathlon because it opened soft and slow. I imagine "Split roll" refers to rolling the left and right three cells toward the center cell, but that's just a guess.

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Please look at Performance Designs' YouTube channel for packing instructions. The Pulse is not know for hard openings, and no action should be necessary to "dress the nose," for softer openings. If you have experienced hard openings on your Triathlon and are concerned about those opening carrying over to the Pulse, it is more likely that bad body position is the culprit.
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Aerodyne does not recommend pushing the nose into the center of the pack job or split rolling the nose. Nor do most modern canopies need this. If you are getting hard openings I would look elsewhere in your packing or body position for the culprit--fix that first instead of looking to band-aid over the problem.
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I would question anyone who told you it was necessary to roll the nose on a Triathlon. There is absolutely no need for it.

Of course you're going to get those opinions and 99% of them will only be because that is what they do. That does NOT make it necessary.

Triathlons are well known for great openings on a straight-up pro pack...no modifications needed. Besides that, you have an adjustment for opening speed....slider quartering.
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My pulse does open very soft. I have heard conflicting opinions about the Tri. My question is basically that I need an explanation of what it means to push the nose into the pack job.

I'm betting the 'conflicting opinions' are coming from those who do not have much experience with Triathlons.

But to answer your question:

After you flake the canopy and pull up the tail to the lines, while holding the tail that's wrapped around the lines, with your other hand, reach down and grasp the entire tail, all cells, down near the nose and push it into the center of the canopy then let it go.

Picture a top view of you holding the wrapped canopy.....

You are looking down at a cone.

Push the nose into the cone ONLY as far as the very center of the cone (as viewed from above). What you are doing is putting ALL the suspension lines into the middle of the pack, as they should be.

Do NOT push it in any farther than the center of the cone as you would then be pushing lines past each other and the brake lines (potential line over there) instead of just in the center.
My reality and yours are quite different.
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Push the nose into the cone ONLY as far as the very center of the cone (as viewed from above). What you are doing is putting ALL the suspension lines into the middle of the pack, as they should be.

Do NOT push it in any farther than the center of the cone as you would then be pushing lines past each other and the brake lines (potential line over there) instead of just in the center.

Then lay the canopy down and squash the air out of it. When you're done, the lines and nose will be in the same place as if you hadn't done that extra work.


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True that pushing the nose in is not mandatory. I like it because it keeps the nose out of the way and you (particularly students) don't get the nose caught up in rolling the tail.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I have 160 jumps in the last 14 months on a TRI 160. I rolled the nose for about 40 jumps (3 cells to center cell each side) and stopped because there was no difference/need, just off-heading openings.

On my 160 jumps I had 2 hard openings, with and without the nose rolled. I never found from what it came as I never changed my pack job routine. I guess it came from a misplaced slider or a wrong opening position.

So for the last 10 months I stopped rolling the nose.
I just push it inside a little bit to protect the pack job when rolling the tail.

My canopy opens between 200-250m and my openings are in 99% very smooth...

Hope it helps.

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on the splitty part, and if I understand you correct...

When I gather the nose cells together, I roll outside cells, and place them into the middle cell, one side, then the other. Keeping the centre RIB as seperator for left roll and right roll.
Roll pretty much to where it reaches the "line" of the A lines.
Then, ship the nose to inbetween the legs, and start flaking blah blah.

Also, what pops"ickle" said, just shove it to the centre of the cone.
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You might be getting outdated advice. I think the split roll and nose stuffing methods have gone the way of the dinosaurs.

Back when Sabre 1's and Monarchs were the common canopies of the day, everybody packed them that way. Everybody had their own special way to do it, but it was all just an attempt to keep canopies of the day from totally knocking the shit out of you. That was also around the same time as the Triathlon came out. So might have people who used to jump them and pack them that way...because that is what everyone was doing.

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I recommend watching Nick Grillet's (Performance Designs) You Tube video on packing a Sabre 2. You can google it under 'packing demo videos performance designs nick grillet' or some combo of that. You will notice he doesn't do anything with the nose besides make sure it is in place etc.

This a detailed packing video by a good manufacturer. Probably the best place to start.

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All opinions aside on canopy selection and packing method, can anyone explain to me/point me to a video or other thread on the proper way to split roll the nose and the proper way to push the nose into the pack job.


I think this is on page 29.

This is also great reading if you haven't done so already:


Not a big fan, as others have already mentioned about pushing the nose in. I hear that expression sometimes, not very descriptive, I have no idea how to actually do this??? That's the problem....being vague and all means different things to different people....

Here is the packing manual that will come with yor new Tri:


personally I wish they would use a larger canopy in their pictures, the smaller sizes are so easy to pack, kind of a disservice to students and those with larger canopies IMO...

And you might also want to take a look here:

And the link to Nick speaking about the nose: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhEHdKemr1M

FF to about 8:20 in the vid....
But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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